Leader #1 (everyone together – 1 scenario):

Tomorrow night (Friday night), one of your friends, Chelsea, is throwing what could potentially be the biggest part of the year. You are so excited to go until you realize your chapter is having a 6 fold program that the S’ganit has been planning since the beginning of the term. You have two options:

(If you go to the party, take 3red beads and walk over to Leader #2.

(If you chose to go to the 6 fold program instead, take 3 orange beads and walk over to Leader #5.

Leader #2:

You’re so excited for the party tonight. The cute boy from school you have been crushing on is going to be there and you want to look super hot! You put on an outfit that puts your confidence through the roof. But as soon as your mom sees what you are wearing, she deems it “inappropriate for a young lady like yourself”. She asks you to go change.

(Reluctantly, you listen to your mom and scavenge through your closet until you find something that is more appropriate. Your new outfit isn’t quite as smokin’ as your last one, but your mom approves and its worth avoiding the fight. Take 1orange bead.

(You don’t care what your mom says. Jack is going to be there and you need to look your absolute best, which means wearing that cute outfit! So instead of changing your clothes you put on a big sweater and duck out the door before your mom has the chance to notice that you didn’t change. Take 1yellow bead.

You arrive at the party and find a group of your friends. You quickly realize that they are drinking alcohol in those infamous red plastic cups. They offer you a drink, knowing that you don’t usually drink and that you are driving yourself home.

(You take the drink. You say to yourself, “What the hell?” It’s only one drink and you’ve had a really tough week. Everyone deserves to have fun. Take 3green beads and head over to Leader #3.

(You tell your friends no and go find a different group of friends who aren’t drinking. Who says you can’t have fun without alcohol? You can have as much fun as you want to and this way you’ll be safe when driving home. Plus, there are plenty of cute, sober boys at the party you can go and flirt with! Take 3blue beads and head over to Leader #4.

Leader #3 (group 1 – one scenario):

The party was the most fun you’ve had in a really long time. You ended up having a few more drinks than expected, but drive home anyways. You get pulled over and you’re really scared until the cop just tells you that your taillight was out. That was a close one. But as soon as you get home, your parents are waiting for you. Your mom wasn’t very happy that you drove home after having even just a little bit to drink. Your parents acknowledge the fact that you’re in high school and can make mistakes. They limit your punishment but are sure to have a talk with you about making the right decisions in life and being safe. Take 1 blue bead and 1 purple bead.

Leader #4 (group 1 – one scenario):

You ended up hanging out with one of Jack’s cute friends and realize that you like him so much better than Jack. Plus you and this new boy, Jason, really hit it off. He invites you out on a date with him next Friday and you exchange numbers. You leave the party so excited and had a great time. You’re a little upset that you didn’t get to see all of your wonderful BBYO friends, but there’s always next weekend. Take 2 purple beads.

Leader #5 (group 2 –1 scenario):

You get to the program and see all of your BBYO friends. You are so excited to be with them after a long week of friends who don’t understand, or even want to understand what BBG is and how much it means to you. The s’ganit announces that the program is about something you totally don’t care about, and some of the other girls in your chapter decide to go upstairs and invite you to join them.

(You know how hard the s’ganit worked, and decide to stay. You never know, it could get much better! Take a yellow bead. Head over to leader #6.

(You’ve been almost 100% active this entire year, so what’s the big deal if you skip out on one program? Plus, a few of the AZAs are heading upstairs too! Take a green bead. Head over to leader #7.

Leader #6:

The program ends up being really fun. The sisterhood/brotherhood part was fantastic and you really got to bond with all the AZAs. After the project, everyone wants to go out and get some ice cream, but you know your mom wouldn’t be too happy if you drove around all night.

(You chose to just go home because it avoids a fight with your parents and this way you keep their trust! Take a blue bead. You go home and find out that only 3 or 4 people ended up getting ice cream and you didn’t miss much at all. Plus, now your parents totally trust you and they are okay with you going out a few more times the rest of the weekend.

(Your parents don’t even need to know you are going out for ice cream. The ice cream parlor is really close and it’s not a big deal. Plus, everyone else is going. Take a purple bead. You end up running out of gas and a car rear ends you when you stop in the middle of the road. You have to call your parents and tell them what happened. They are mad because you were irresponsible and didn’t do as they asked, but are glad you are okay. Punishment is limited and you’re only grounded for the rest of the weekend, no big deal.

Leader #7:

You go upstairs to the movie room. It’s your BFFs so you’re totally comfortable there. You all start messing around and have a fun little dance party, when someone throws a ball and the T.V. cracks.

(Almost everyone thinks you should ditch and go back to the program before anyone realizes that you were upstairs in the movie room. They don’t want to get blamed for the T.V. breaking and don’t plan on telling anyone. It’s best to just leave the T.V. alone and not deal with it. You agree and you all go back downstairs. Take a red bead.

Your friend’s parents find out and they get a little bit upset, but nobody confesses to breaking the T.V. and it ends up being blamed on the AZA chapter, but your friends parents are kind enough to not make anyone pay.

(You know your BFFs parents are totally cool. So you go downstairs to find them and explain that the T.V. broke. They are a little bit upset, but are appreciative of your honesty. You offer to pay for the T.V. and end up splitting it with everyone else who was with you and it’s not such a big deal. Take an orange bead.

Everyone is really proud of you for making a responsible decision and your chapter now has much more respect for you. Your friend’s parents now trust you so much more and you are still always welcome at their house. Plus, your friend is really appreciative of you confessing and she doesn’t mind that you broke the T.V.

As teenagers and as BBGs, we don’t have to pick and choose. We can do both, and it’s okay to do both. It’s totally okay to pick something over BBYO or BBYO over something else. We need to be conscious of the decisions we are making and how we portray ourselves, but there isn’t always a right or wrong.

1) How did you like the game?

2) Have you ever had to make decisions like these before?

3) Do ever feel pressured into doing things you are not comfortable in doing?

4) Do you feel judged more by guys or by girls? Why?

5) Why is it important to watch how you act and what choices you make in High School?

Open discussion about decision making.