Ch. 5 Identity: Key Issue 1

What is Identity, And How Are Identities Constructed?

De Blij, pp. 146-154


1a. Define ethnicity:

1b. Define race:

1c. Define identity:

1d. Define racism:

Created by Manuel Mendoza

Ethnic group / % of US pop.

2. According to the Graph on pg. 149, and

the table at left, identify America’s four major ethnic groups. Give their percentage of the total US population and shade areas in which they are clustered on the map.

Created by Manuel Mendoza

Created by Manuel Mendoza

2a. What major group do you feel is missing based on this information?

2b. Describe the complexity behind how Hispanic is defined?

2c. Provide a comparison as to how Hispanic has been categorized by the U.S. Census Bureau.

2000 Census (Hispanic) / 2010 Census (Hispanic)

3. According to the chart/graph on pg. 150, explain how “White, non-Hispanic” will no longer be the majority population in the United States. Also, which will be the largest minority in the USA?


4. Define residential segregation:

5. According to the textbook, what are the 5 statistical measure of segregation

5a. Which city is the most residentially segregated for African-Americans?

5b. Which city is the most residentially segregated for American-Indians & Alaska Natives? Which is the least?

5c. Which cities rank as the most residentially segregated for Asians/Pacific Islanders?

5d. Which cities rank as the most residentially segregated for Hispanics?

5e. Which city is the most residentially integrated for Asians & Hispanics?


6. Define succession:

7. In the chart below describe where the following Hispanic groups have settled in New York.

Puerto Ricans in NYC / Domincans in NYC / Mexicans in NYC

Created by Manuel Mendoza

Ch. 5 Identity: Key Issue 2

How Do Places Affect Identity, & How Can We See Identities in Places?

De Blij, pp. 155-158


1. Define ethnicity:

2. In the chart below describe the challenges of the concept of ethnicity & how scale and place affect it in the areas where people live, most notably…

Swiss-Americans / Pakistani & Indians in Washington D.C. / Chinese of Mexicali, Mexico

Ch. 5 Identity: Key Issue

How Does Geography Reflect & Shape Power Relationships Among Groups of People?

De Blij, pp. 159-170



1. In terms of how women are viewed in the area of labor. List 5 disadvantages or challenges that women face or have faced– provide specific detail or statistical data (if available) to support your answer.






2. Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) - Use the map on page 162-163 in your textbook to prepare a sketch map which shows the areas of strongest to weakest GEM around the world.

In terms of the concept of race…

a. what is the “problem” with the way the US Census Bureau defines “Asian”?

b. what is the difference between “African-American” and “black”?

c. how does the US Census Bureau consider Hispanic/Latino?


Women in Sub-Saharan Africa


1. According to Domosh & Seager, what has been the result of men leaving rural areas to go work in heavy industry & mines in the cities?

2. What are the primary responsibilities of women in Sub-Saharan Africa?

3. Even though women in Sub-Saharan Africa are responsible for much that goes on in the region, what challenges or disadvantages do they still face, despite their important role?

4. What disadvantages or challenges are faced by young girls in comparison to their young male counterparts?

5. Use the chart below to understand the changes in the roles of women in the following countries.

Uganda / South Africa / Rwanda
Reforms In Country (if any)
Effects Towards Women


Dowry Deaths in India


1. What is known as a Dowry Death?

2. According to the data how many women have died in India based on dowry deaths from 1985-2009?

3. Briefly describe the story of Nisha Sharma? How did she combat a possible dowry death?

4. How do experts believe that the rise of economic strength and materialism may contribute to dowry deaths in India?

5. How do we know that there is still a preference for males in comparison to females in Indian society?


1. Describe the chain of events that led to the growth of Hispanics in the SE Los Angeles area.

2. Define barrioization

3. Summarize what occurred in Los Angeles on April 29-30, 1992.

4. According to geographer James Johnson, what was the contributing factor to the L.A. Riots?

Created by Manuel Mendoza