
Application for Blue Bin Recycling League Community Prize Shortlist


To be considered for the Blue Bin Recycling League community prize shortlist, please complete this form and return to us by email (preferred method) or by post to the details provided overleaf no later than Friday22ndSeptember 2017.

Please mark this box to confirm you have read and accept Section 6 of the terms and conditions of the Blue Bin Recycling League, which can be found in Appendix 2 at the back of this form and online at oxford.gov.uk/recyclingleague

1. Your organisation’s details

Name of organisation
Address of organisation
Your name and position held
Contact telephone number
Contact email address
Is your group constituted?
Please place a cross (X) in the relevant box and attach the requested documentation to this application form. / YES: please attach a copy of your constitution to this application form. / NO: please attach a copy of your aims and objectives to this application form.
In which colour area(s) will the project take place?
Please place a cross next to the area(s) that your group operates in. If unknown, please see map in Appendix 1at the back of this form or contact the Blue Bin Recycling League by email at or telephone on 01865 529191. / PINK / ORANGE / RED / PURPLE

2. About the project or activities you are planning

In no more than two sentences, please describe what it is that you would do with the £400 prize money.
Where will your project be delivered and who will benefit from your project or activity?

3. Declaration

I declare on behalf of the organisation that the information contained within this form is correct.

Signed (initial if sending electronically)

4. Application submission

Please return yourform by email (preferred method) or post, using the details below, no later than Friday 1stSeptember 2017. Please also attach your logo or an image we can use online. If you have any queries about the application form, or require any assistance completing it, please contact us:

Telephone01865 529191

Social mediasearch for ‘recycle for Oxford’ on Twitter and Facebook

Post FREEPOST Oxford City Council

Appendix 1 – Team Colour Map

Please use the map below to identify which area(s) your group operates in:

Appendix 2 –Terms and Conditions: Section 6

Please read through Section 6 of our terms and conditions before sending in this application. Full terms and conditions can be found on our website or can be requested by email or post.

6.Within each area there will be up to 5 Organisations eligible to receive votes for the community prize in the event that their area “wins”. The Organisation receiving the highest number of votes will be awarded the Organisation prize. The Organisations that are eligible in each area will be identified by the Recycling Team prior to the Scheme commencing each year.

6.1.We define an Organisation as any constituted group with an environmental and/or social aim.

6.1.1. Organisations applying must provide with their application their constitution or aims.

6.1.2. An Organisation’s project or activity must primarily benefit Oxford City residents.

6.1.3. Applications should fit the City Council’s vision and corporate priorities.

6.1.4. Organisations must comply with prize conditions (please see Clause 6.8 below).

6.2.The Organisations representing each area will be agreed prior to the Scheme commencing. New Organisations may be nominated on an annual basis; nominations should be made by contacting the Recycling Team.

6.3.Households within the winning area who have pledged to participate in the Scheme will then be able to vote for the Organisation of their choice. They can do so by using a unique link that they will receive via email. This is subject to change.

6.4.Voting will be restricted to one vote per household and will be checked and verified by the Recycling Team.

6.5.Households will have up to 7 calendar days to vote for their preferred Organisation from the date of the announcement on the Council’s website. This is subject to change.

6.6.The email and website will indicate the closing date and time for voting. Votes received after the closing date and time will not be counted.

6.7.The Organisation which receives the most votes will be awarded the £400 community prize.

6.8.The terms and conditions governing the awarding and spending of funds by the winning Organisation are set out below:

6.8.1. Each month 1 Organisation in the “winning” area will be awarded the community prize of £400 as agreed when signed up to the Scheme.

6.8.2. The prizes are offered as stated and are non-exchangeable or transferable. No additional cash funds are available.

6.8.3. Once notified by us (via email, letter or telephone), the winning Organisation must contact the Council to arrange receipt of the prize within 3 working days of the date of the email or telephone call.

6.8.4. The Council reserves the right to pick an alternative winner (the Organisation with the next highest number of votes within the winning area) if the original winner does not contact us within 3 working days of being notified they have won.

6.8.5. The Council will publish the winner’s name and location on our website for at least one month after the prize draw; we also reserve the right to publish this information in local Oxford newspapers and on our social media pages.

6.8.6. Funds must be spent on the agreed project, within 12 months of receipt. If the funds are not spent for this purpose the Council will require the Organisation to return the grant.

6.9.The Council’s decision in regard to the awarding of the community prizes is final and we will not enter into any further correspondence.