What is Cumbria Strategic Partnership?
Cumbria Strategic Partnership (CSP) is the countywide local strategic partnership for Cumbria, and brings together associations and organisations from across the Public, Private and Third Sectors who wish to collaborate with each other to improve the quality of life for people and places in Cumbria. By bringing together such a wide range of partners, the CSP serves as the “partnership of partnerships” for Cumbria.
What does Cumbria Strategic Partnership Forum do?
The CSP Forum is a place where organisations from across the Public, Private and Third Sectors can discuss their shared priorities, pressures and concerns at a strategic level. It is the only opportunity many people have to come together in this way. The CSP Forum creates the environment for partners to agree the priorities and actions to shape the future of Cumbria which are expressed in the partnership’s common vision for Cumbria– the Community Strategy.
The CSP Forum holds two business meetings each year, together with a series of Focus On events which allow in depth discussion and evaluation of issues of underperformance and strategic topics for partnership working in Cumbria.
The partnership facilitates and coordinates partners’ activity and fosters connections between partners by considering new and emerging issues for Cumbria. Through shared conversation and agreement, together with the exchange of expertise and ideas the CSP Forum improves collaborative working across the county and provides an essential framework which can be used to influence policy development and to encourage the alignment of individual organisations’ business plans and budgets.
What is Cumbria Strategic Partnership’s Vision for Cumbria?
The CSP’s shared vision for Cumbria is the Community Strategy which outlines the priorities and outcomes partner organisations are working towards over a 20 year period. Work is currently underway to develop a Single Community Strategysigned up to by all 7 local authorities in Cumbria, and supported by all partner organisations through their own planning processes. This integrated Single Community Strategy is a highly innovative step forward which Cumbria is pioneering. It is expected to be launched in the Spring of 2011, and will greatly help Cumbria speak with ‘one voice’ to the region and nationally.
What is the structure of Cumbria Strategic Partnership?
The partnership consists of a Forum which brings together all partner organisations. In addition, the elected leaders of local authorities, accountable chairs of statutory bodies (NHS Cumbria, LDNPA, Cumbria Police Authority), and the Chair of Cumbria Association of Local Councils come together in the Cumbria Leadership Board, which is supported by Cumbria Chief Executives’ Group. The Chairs of countywide Thematic Partnerships, and the district level Local Strategic Partnerships meet as the Joint Chairs Group. Delivery at a countywide level is coordinated through the 5 Thematic Partnerships – Children and Young People, Safer and Stronger Communities, Environment, Healthy Communities and Older People, and Cumbria Vision (Economic Development). The CSP itself is not an accountable body, and partner organisations retain full autonomy of action. The role of Cumbria Strategic Partnership is to influence the spending and action of partner organisations to deliver a better impact on shared priorities and improved value for money.
Who can be a member of the CSP?
Any association or organisation which is working towards delivering the outcomesidentified in the Community Strategy is welcome to register as a partner of Cumbria Strategic Partnership. Partners will receive invitations to the meetings of the CSP Forum, Focus Ons, and other special meetings, together with regular briefings and updates on partnership working in Cumbria. Any such body is invited to contact the CSP Team at 01768 812310
How can my organisation contribute to the CSP Forum?
The CSP ‘Principles of Partnership Working’ document, which is available from the CSP Team,provides guidance for partners on how their organisation can contribute to partnership working in Cumbria. Participation at meetings and events, communication with other organisations and internally with one’s colleagues, and taking action to drive forward partnership working and delivery are among the key pieces of suggested guidance.
Is the partnership part of CumbriaCounty Council?
Cumbria County Council is an important partner in the CSP and plays a key role in the support and co-ordination of the activities of the CSP. The County Council provides a small budget as host organization which covers the costs of the CSP Team of three staff based in the CSP Office at Redhills, near Penrith and are responsible for facilitating the partnership. The CSP Team can be contacted at or 01768 812310
For further information on Cumbria Strategic Partnership, please visit
or contact the CSP Team at or 01768 812310