Stress and Anxiety Management at Step 2 –
Psycho-educational Group

What is a Stress and Anxiety Management group?

The stress and anxiety management group is a psycho-educational group based about the CBT techniques for stress and anxiety management. It looks to equip patients with new skills to help them understand where their stress and anxiety are coming from and ways to reduce the impact it has on them.

The group is run by PWPs who will ensure that the group is a safe and supportive experience. No one will be expected to disclose information if they do not feel comfortable. There will be no pressure to contribute to the group, although questions will be asked and there may be some group exercises.

Outpatients Department,
Priory Health Park, Glastonbury Road,
Wells, BA5 1XL


Dates and Times:

Session 1 / Tuesday / 21/03/2017 / 2.00 – 4.00
Session 2 / Tuesday / 28/03/2017 / 2.00 – 4.00
Session 3 / Tuesday / 04/04/2017 / 2.00 – 4.00
Session 4 / Tuesday / 11/04/2017 / 2.00 – 4.00

Group Facilitators: Tarnya Poole and Tony Humphreys

Contact number: 01749 836705

Group Aims

This group is ideal for anyone struggling to manage their levels of stress and anxiety and who would benefit from a psycho-educational approach and skills acquisition to help them manage their stress and anxiety levels more effectively.

Group Details

All clients referred to the stress and anxiety group will be offered a telephone orientation session by one of the facilitators prior to the group starting. This will entail an introduction to the practitioner and a chance for the patients to clarify any issues/concerns they have about the group and ascertain suitability for the group. If deemed unsuitable at the orientation stage an alternative course of action will be discussed with clients. This may mean signposting/referral to other agencies, or offered more suitable interventions provided by Talking Therapies.

Group Content


Understanding your stress and anxiety

• What is stress? What is anxiety?

• CBT model

• How stress and anxiety affects us

• Goals

Physical symptoms of stress and anxiety

• How stress and anxiety affects our body

• Fight or flight response

• Relaxation techniques


Thoughts and worry

• How unhelpful thoughts contribute to stress and anxiety

• Unhelpful thinking styles

• The Big Five

• Thought challenging

• The worry tree

• Problem solving

• Distraction techniques

• Worry time



• How behaviours affect stress and anxiety

• Avoidance

• Breaking stress up

• Activity scheduling

• The life wheel

• 5 a day to a mental wellbeing

• Helpful behaviours


Sleep management and moving forward

• Types of sleep problem

• Sleep cycle

• Sleep hygiene

• Sleep retraining

• Working out your stress pattern

• SMART goals

• Action plan for the future

Those who may benefit

1)Anyone with symptoms of stress and anxiety.

2) Clients who are motivated to carry out tasks between sessions. Clients will be presented a number of different tools for them to try out in between sessions and feedback at the beginning of each session, if they feel comfortable to do so.

3) Clients who are able to commit to 4 weekly sessions (sickness/holidays permitting) and are physically able to attend.

4) Clients who may have benefited from the stress webinar but whose score were too high or they could not attend due to technical difficulties.

Exclusion Criteria:

1)  Anyone with medium to high risk

2)  Clients whose main presentation is anger – whilst anger may be caused by stress, this group will not cover any anger management techniques.

Performance measurements

Weekly MDS

PEQ post-treatment

A specific group evaluation form after group completion

To Refer to the Stress and Anxiety Group:

Please move clients you wish to refer to the group down the IAPTUS care pathway to Step 2 PE Course 1, 2, 3. Also please add clients onto the Stress and Anxiety Management group within the Group Section of IAPTUS (once loaded).

Please contact either Tarnya or Tony if you have any questions