What if… We Really Knew Jesus? (Philippians 3:1-9)
Main Point: Knowing Jesus is the most important thing there is.
Key Verse: I consider everything to be nothing compared to knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. To know Him is the best thing of all. - Philippians 3:8a
Materials: See orange below.
Hands on Application
Great Human Accomplishments. For each of the following scenerios, call a child to the front and give him/her their prop while you tell them their accomplishment. Keep the kids up front during discussion.
What if I told you…
…You earned straight A’s on your report card! (Paper with a big “A+” written in red)
…You won the World Series! (Baseball Hat)
…You won a million dollars in the lottery! (Dollar Bills)
…Congratulations on your Olympic gold medal! (Plastic “gold” medal)
…You get to be in a huge Hollywood movie! (Big sunglasses)
…You sold the most magazines for your school, so you won an iPad! (Color picture of iPad)
…You get to be a rock star for a day! (Blowup guitar or could use real microphone)
• Ask all students: Which of these things would be the best in your opinion?
• These would be some pretty big accomplishments. But let’s read Philippians 3:8 to see what Paul
says about all of things people can accomplish.
• Paul says everything else is –what– compared to knowing Jesus? (nothing, garbage)
• These things aren’t bad, but knowing Jesus is IMMEASURABLY BETTER than any of them!
• Why is knowing Jesus better? (None of these things takes away your sins! None of these things can:
give you perfect advice, or give you lasting peace and joy, or last forever. But Jesus does!)
• Can you guess how many people have won the World Series? (There have only been about 4,400
people in history: 110 series since 1903, with 40 men on a team roster)
• How many people have achieved an Olympic gold medal? (Less than 7,000 people in history)
• What are your chances of winning a million dollars in the lottery? (less than 1 in 18-million players)
• Now, how many people can know Jesus? All of us can! Isn’t that great news?!
Volunteers may be seated.
Discussion & Personal Connection
· Who is someone that you know about, but you don’t really know?
· What’s the difference between knowing about someone and really knowing them?
· How do you get to know someone?
· What are some of the things you do with the people you really know?
· How can you live like this with Jesus? (Read His Word, Pray and listen, Do the things He loves to do)
Conversation with God (Prayer)
Fill in the prayer journal and close in prayer. Thank Jesus for wanting to know us. Ask Him to show us how to spend time with Him and care about what He cares about.
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Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, (NIrV®)
Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. All rights reserved worldwide.