If you have an overhead machine show the transparency of the olive tree in the Garden of Gethsemane.
What happened in the Garden of Gethsemane? Jesus prayed then was arrested.
Read Luke 22:39-46
Jesus and his disciples went to Mount of Olives (garden of Gethsemane). Jesus arrived to Mount of Olives. He told his disciples to stay and pray they not tempted and sin. He went away from them. Knelt and prayed “Father, if you want take away this cup (the death on cross) from me. Let your will (want) happen not mine.” An angel appeared and gave Jesus strength. Jesus was very troubled. While He prayed His sweat was the same as large drops of blood. Prayer finished Jesus went to His disciples. They were sleeping. Jesus said to them “Why do you sleep? Wake up. Pray that you are not tempted.”
Gethsemane means what? Olive press
Show picture of the olive press.
Discuss how an olive press works.
Olives placed in basin (bowl) with a large stone rolled in a circle. Crushes
olives into pulp (makes soft). Pulp put in basket. Large stone weight placed
on top. Presses pulp down. Squeezes (crushes) pulp. Oil flows from pulp.
Olive press crushes olives. Heavy weight presses down. Oil flows from olives. In Old Testament the oil was used for pouring on a persons head. Shows that God chooses that person.
Olive press helps us to understand what Jesus felt.
Jesus knew what was going to happen- friend betray Him, others leave Him, beaten, whipped, all sin of the world on Him, His Father turns away His face.
The weight (burden) of this is heavy. Crushes Him. Sweats blood. His blood is like oil from Old Testament. Jesus’ blood used for people God has chosen.
1. Have you felt problems that were really heavy?
2. Why was Jesus troubled?
3. What was the first thing Jesus did when he had pain?
Prayed to His father.
4. What was Jesus’ prayer? Take the cup from Him.
Show Jesus prayer and discuss
5. What was the cup? The crucifixion and death on the cross.
6. Did the Father take away the cup? Why not?
7. How does this show how much Jesus and the Father love us?
Hard for Jesus to do. Hard for the Father to do.
But if the Father took away the cup what would happen to us?
God loves us so much that He went through everything. Without it we would not go to heaven. We would be lost. God’s wants are best.
When we have problems, feel burden, remember Jesus understands. He had the same thing. He knows your grief, problems, pain. Go to Him with your troubles, pray. He will always help us through the problems, troubles. He loves us.
Additional Questions-
1. Jesus prayed to His “Abba”. In English means Daddy. Does it help you to understand God as our Daddy?
2. Talk about some of the pain Jesus went through. Have you had problems that were similar?
3. As a parent would it be hard to watch your children in pain?
4. Why were the disciples sleeping? Did they understand?
5. Is it harder to do something when you know it will hurt?
Will- God’s want, desire for good in our lives.
Tempted- action before sin. Desire to do something wrong.
Pulp- what is left of fruit or vegetables when it is crushed. Usually it is
soft and easy to eat.
Cup- all of the pain and sorrow Jesus must do to save us.