Following are FAQs heard around church or brought forward during the listening session with answers and/or comments
What does “Vision” mean for us; strategic planning, including issues in society?
The primary purpose for this time of visioning was to enable St. Mary’s Lutheran Church to more effectively engage our members in living out the call to discipleship as spelled out in the Bible. (Matthew 28, “Go make disciples…;” John 15 “love one another as I have loved you…;” Micah 6 “Do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God…”)
Who is SMLC
Does the congregation know what makes SMLC tick?
This is an interesting question, many people are involved in numerous activities, ministries, events and committees of the church. We are a very large and diverse congregation with many interests and missions. The challenge is to communicate this to others so everyone has a better understanding of what St Mary's Lutheran Church does collectively. We can look to our mission statement to help us understand what makes SMLC “tick” – it says very simply and elegantly: We Are God’s People, Followers of Jesus Christ, Gifted by the Spirit, Go Pray, Go Love, Go Serve
Is SMLC “connected” with each other through its many ministries?
Members and participants find good connection if they are in a small group for study, prayer, service, or fellowship. Our mission statement, regular worship, and core practices are what connect us to the Body of Christ.
Is SMLC a church of prayerfulness?
Lutherans in general are better at liturgy and hymn singing prayers; During Lent of 2016, we will focus on daily prayer during the week. We need to grow in this area!
ELCA Connection
We need to be more aware of what is being done in ELCA Synod - through temple talks, sermons, etc.
We have some new leadership in the Synodical Affairs committee; expect to hear more about the larger church!
How involved is SMLC with the Milwaukee ELCA Synod?
St. Mary’s tithes to the Greater Milwaukee Synod (GMS) 10% of its annual budget and supports the programs of the GMS. SMLC is one of the 131 congregations that make up the GMS. A geographical region that stretches from Sheboygan down to the Illinois border and it extends from Lake Michigan to the western edge of Waukesha County. The GMS is divided into 10 mission clusters and SMLC is in the Kenosha/West Racine cluster. There are 14 ELCA churches in the Kenosha/West Racine cluster:
Burlington - Cross Lutheran and Peace Lutheran
Franksville -North Cape Lutheran
Kenosha - Grace Lutheran, Holy Nativity, Lord of Life, St. John's Lutheran Church, St. Mary’s Lutheran, St. Paul Lutheran, Spirit Alive!, and Trinity Lutheran
Salem - Christ Lutheran
Twin Lakes - Messiah Lutheran Church
Wind Lake - Norway Lutheran Church
Did we really reach out to the silent majority?
The Vision Team was delighted that 200+ participated during the listening session including youth from FISH and Fusion
Are there any plans to reach out to those who have not responded/participated in the listening sessions? Perhaps have a mailing or set up time before/after services to answer questions.
There is no current plans for the Vision Team to reach out further. The vision document will be presented to the congregation in the 1st Quarter of 2016. The pastors, staff and church council will move forward with the vision and are always willing to listen or connect you with the proper person.
What are we doing for un/under represented people –seems there is not equal air time for some groups such as --mental illness, alcoholics, handicapped, hungry
SMLC supports the greater mission through its tithing to the GMS. SMLC is a member congregation of Congregation United to Serve Humanity (CUSH) of Kenosha. SMLC supports financially or with volunteer support the Shalom Center and its programs, ELCA Outreach Center, Habitat for Humanity and various other organizations. SMLC has a Good Samaritan Fund which provides financial support. Numerous support groups meet at SMLC such as: AA. 12 & 12, CODA, Blind Social Club & MS support group.
What is the “chain of command in the office? Who is in charge? For example, who does the custodian report to?
The Senior Pastor is the leader of the congregation and staff. A Church administrator has been hired to supervise the office staff including custodial personnel.
Who is the decision maker at SMLC (re music format, etc.)?
The Sr Pastor with support and guidance of staff and the council make the SMLC decisions. Worship decisions are made by the Worship Music & Arts committee in consultation with the Pastors.
What is the contingency plan if one Pastor is gone and the second Pastor is unable to do the service? Who will lead service?
The GMS has a list of supply and interim pastors who are available to SMLC. There are additional resources available on staff and within the community who can provide a sermon or message.
Equip Lay Leaders to help Pastors with everything. They should delegate more.
A Church Administrator has been hired to help the pastors and existing staff with personnel tasks, stewardship of property, and creation of better financial transparencyEach week trained members are making home visits and providing Holy Communion for those who cannot worship with the congregation due to poor health.
Relating more with Pastors, more personal, than judgmental.
Please speak directly with one of the pastors with your concerns, they would love to listen!
Why are there fewer people attending worship services?
Church attendance in North America has been falling since the mid-1960's, our society is becoming less religious, especially among the 20 and 30 somethings. Sunday mornings are now filled with sports and travel activities for children. The good news at SMLC is our Monday and Wednesday nights still draw children and their parents. Perhaps SMLC might consider a weekday night (e.g. Monday or Wednesday) worship service in the future?
Why has SMLC been losing members over the past several years?
If you look at the confirmation photos in the fellowship hall, SMLC has been losing members for several decades. This is an excellent question with no good answer. Clearly US Census data and other research indicate that America is becoming a secular society. Congregations which help members feel loved and connected in some trusting relationships create some "sticky-ness" in a community. This best happens with and in small groups. Please pray for the Christian Church in our society. Although many old-established congregations are dying, we trust that Christianity has a bright future.
Are you missed when not in church for a time? Any follow up. Inactive members need to be reached.
Members are encouraged to call a pastor or the church office to indicate a need (call or home or hospital visit). Most of our members are great at speaking up and stating their needs. SMLC pastors make regular contact with inactive/uninvolved members at the time of weddings, baptisms, hospital calls, and funerals. Most persons do not want to be confronted but when they have needs, it is the practice of SMLC leadership to be present and to listen to their concerns
Are we going to have name tags again?
A commitment from the members to wear them will be needed for name tags to be successful.
Sources of Information
Church Website -
Mass emails are being sent out - Make sure the church office has your most current information
Church Builder software has been added to allow for communication between groups. Contact Office Administrator for more information.
How will people be notified if the church is closed?
Normal church office hours are posted in the Spirit. Emergency closings are often available on the local TV and radio outlets. In addition information is available on the SMLC website. Additionally check your email for mass email communications.
1, 3, 5, 10 year plan with church including physical property, outreach, worship, music and artsyes, plans for the next few years are important.
The New Vision for Mission Document will give a foundation for the Council to better plan for the future. The council president will be leading a planning team in 2016.
How will the congregation as a whole be informed as to what happens with the Music Program?
If you have questions on Music contact one of the Pastors or a member of Worship Music and Art. The Spirit and web-site will also provide updates on changes to the music ministry.
Are council meetings open?
Council meetings are open. The council agenda includes a Congregational Forum right after the opening prayer. This is time in the agenda dedicated for individuals to speak to council (make requests, etc). Individuals may stay for the remainder of the meeting. If an agenda item includes personnel discussion non-council members will be asked to leave for the discussion and can return at the conclusion of the discussion.
Minutes should be shared-email/bulletin/on website.
Council minutes are posted on the bulletin board; they are often a month behind because the minutes need to be approved in the following months meeting. Posting of the minutes on the website will be evaluated once the Church Builder software is updated to allow for secure entry and posting of information.
Monthly financial statements and contribution totals should be posted like they were in the bulletin and the SPIRIT months ago. This is valuable information for the congregation.
Monthly financial statements are posted on the bulletin board when they become available.
Are left over statements mailed out if they are not picked up at end of year?
The office mails out all who requests statements. The Church Community Builder, a new on-line resource, will allow all members to view and download your statements just as you do with your bank. What for training session this next year.
Budget should include more line item including salaries.
Council made the decision to keep salaries of all employees private, accessible to the finance committee and the church council. The current council has continued this practice.
Lack of debt retirement plan
The MMRP (aka: the budget) is presented at the annual meeting to cover the coming years anticipated financial commitments. The MMRP includes the mortgage payments.
Groups already organized do not reach out to new people to join them.
Small groups are different than an adult Sunday school class where people come and go for a portion of a program year. A small group, often meets in homes or lunch places, has a high level of trust and accountability. Once a group is formed it is difficult for new members to join, not because they are not welcome but because they are playing "catch up" with the group's history. The best groups are not led by pastors or some authority figure but by lay members who have had some training to listen, lead, and build trust with its members.
For decades, congregations have welcomed new members with their children who faithfully practice worship and service until their children are confirmed. Each year, congregations lose active members out the back door. Larry Osborne, a pastor in California has started the "sticky Church" movement, a way of "closing the back door" by creating opportunities for new members to form new groups as a way of building life-long relationships. The prevailing wisdom of Osborne and others is to start new groups for new people so that this new group with develop their own bond over time. We hope to have some training to lead/participate in 2016. Pr. Sheila has created small group book bags, some with DVDs. The Vision Team established "Connecting People" as one of our core practices so that we might become a "sticky" congregation, binding each other in love. The staff can provide training but individuals need to take the initiative in forming groups. The new Church Community Builder management software will provide good tools for small groups.
As kids get older how do we keep them connected with the church as cliques develop that keep them away?
Youth, like adults, like to be with their friends. The challenge for SMLC will be to equip each member on hospitality and how to lead or participate in a small group. Expect to see training and better leading in this next year.
Social Groups with specific purpose – focused
SMLC currently has some wonderful dinner groups; Oasis dinner; offered dancing, Sunday-Funday activities, and attended baseball games. Like all of our ministries, our volunteer coordinator needs members to help take leadership.
Can I start my own circle?
Yes, any new group can be started. New groups are starting all the time at SMLC. Talk to one of the staff and they will provide resources/support/training.
Is there a time-line for small groups?
It is difficult to dictate this kind of structure, groups members like to own their group. Each leader should be trained in hospitality and listening skills. Small groups can evolve as members grow.
We need an Adult Education “curriculum”?
Pastor Raben develops the curriculum and heads it. He also counts on other members to lead book groups and create teams and dinner groups to build good relationships and learn more about God’s love and grace. The lectionary, the series of Bible readings used in worship, leads the congregation through a survey of the Bible each year. This is called the Narrative Lectionary developed by professors at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. Pastors at St. Mary’s are committed to biblical teaching and preaching in the worship services. An active blog by Pr. David gets about 300-400 views each month. Faith formation is a huge part of our congregation.
Group needed for single parents.
Please speak to one of the pastors is you are interested in helping start this group.
Prayer Buddies- more personal touch
Good idea, small groups are one way to find a prayer partner. We can explore new ways to do this, perhaps during Lent? Please speak to one of the pastors is you are interested in having a prayer partner or helping start this group.
Would like to see more challenging adult educational opportunities.
Look for announcements in bulletin, website, mass mailings of future educational opportunities. Speak to one of the pastors if you have a specific topic you would like to learn more about. In the fall of 2015, Pr. Raben led a challenging course reading a book by Pr. Richard Rohr, a priest and teacher in the Franciscan tradition. It was well received, expect more of these offerings!
Could tradition and contemporary services alternate? Individuals who attend the 10:30 service miss the choir, singing from the hymnal and the organ.
It is now the norm for congregations to provide a diversity of musical and liturgical options. The pastors along with the Worship-Music-Arts Committee evaluate year to year worship options to assure SMLC worship is pleasing to God.
How to get a church bulletin when not in church and AV copies of the sermon?
The Pastor's Blog has a short sermon based on each week's text. Sermons will soon be available to download from the web site.
What happened to the bulletin insert that included: lessons, a prayer, and what we will do next week?
SMLC has moved to a bulletin inserts that encourages daily reading for each day of the week and strives to teach the youth and adults to use their Bibles and foster a life-long practice of Scripture reading. Still more work to go!
What is the feeling about conversations before service?
This depends on what "kind" of conversations. As members of the body of Christ we are to show hospitality and also connect with each other to show Christian love. This should be done without disrupting others who are praying and preparing for the worship.
Need of more Temple Talks on witnessing, current events, etc.
The pastors, when planning a service, are careful not to take time away from our prayer and praise with too many announcements. More updates on our mission partnerships and financial stewardship will be provided.
Should Sharing of Peace be before service?
The practice of sharing the peace during the worship service is to remind us that we are vessels of God's peace in this building, the parking lot, the grocery story, and our daily lives!
Can we simplify the services by not having to stand up and sit down so much with the liturgy?
The standard of being “able or unable” to stand applies any time during the worship service. Individuals who cannot make it to the altar can have Communion brought them by notifying an usher.