What Does It Take To Serve on the PRO Board of Directors?

Are you a leader who engages in strategic thinking and understands real estate industry issues? Or maybe you have the ability to inspire others and engage them in building a strong real estate community. Perhaps you like to build consensus in groups and enjoy nurturing networks. Maybe your strength lies in financial and business expertise or understanding emerging technology with an eye on how it can help in real estate. If you do, it’s time to consider service on the PRO Board of Directors.

The PRO Board of Directors operates in a manner designed to make effective use of director creativity, productivity, and time resources. Directors are expected to focus on the big picture while creating a vibrant real estate community with solutions to the issues and challenging facing the membership. The role of directors is to develop association policy and to ensure healthy resources for now and in the future.

The Nominating Committee has the task of seeking a slate of candidates for 2016. The vacant positions are Chairman-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Directors for two-year terms.

Members who are interested in being interviewed for potential candidacy should complete the Consent to Serve Form now available on the website. Anyone interested in being selected to serve on the Board of Directors must also complete the Leadership Institute this year or in a prior year or attend the Association Business Plan session. The Business Plan class will be held on July 20th9:30 am to 12:30 pm. This interactive class is focused on how PRO sets its annual goals and objectives and how these goals and objectives are carried out by the association’s leadership and staff. Lunch will be provided.

Qualifications required by the bylaws to serve on the Board of Directors:

  • Be a member in good standing, with dues paid by April 30
  • Complete the PRO Business Plan class in previous years or this year on July 20
  • Complete and submit the Consent to Serve Form by July 7
  • Be interviewed by the Nominating Committee on July 23

The nomination and election timetable:

  • Consent to Serve Forms available on Web site June 22
  • Business Plan class July20
  • Consent to Serve forms due at PRO July7
  • Nominating Committee interviews candidates July 23
  • Nomination by Petition due at PRO August 9
  • Nominating Committee slate posted on the website August 20
  • Voting online at 2-8
  • Annual meeting and election results September 11

There are many challenges and exciting times ahead. PRO needs members committed to strengthening the real estate profession and providing business tool to help members achieve success.