Inner Realm Magazine, September, 2007
BACK TO SCHOOL JITTERS byAnnette Bergstein, CHt
What does “Back to School” mean to you? It probably means that summer just flew by!What does “Back to School” mean to your child? To some, it’s exciting – new clothes, new books, new teachers and reuniting with their friends but to others, it means an overwhelming anxiety and fear of the unknown. Proper rest and good nutrition can help increase your child's coping skills. While some butterflies are normal, excessive worrying should not be dismissed. Talking to your child’s pediatrician would help determine if this is an anxiety disorder and they could possibly refer you to a specialist for further assessment.
How can you help? Always be positive and try to refocus any negative thoughts. You can also tap into your child’s subconscious and instill positive statements to boost their confidence and self-esteem. Here’s how.
How often does this happen to you? Your child is watching TV, playing with a doll, or reading a book. You call their name. They don’t answer and you immediately think they are intentionally ignoring you! In some cases they may be, but most of the time your child is in self hypnosis or what is called a natural “trance state”. In this trance state, or altered state of consciousness, they are relaxed and calm. Seize the moment! It’s your opportunity to speak to their subconscious mind. Now is when their subconscious is receptive to empowering and beneficial suggestions. Sit next to your child and in a very soft, slow speaking voice tell them wonderful positive things such as “you are such a good person,” “you are smart and creative,”“you are a kind person and you are well-liked,” “I love you very much,” etc. NEVER use negative words. Your child may seem like they are not paying attention or they may even ask why you are saying those things but you can simply respond by telling him/her how important it is to take the time to tell someone how special they are. Another great natural trance state is when they are dozing off to sleep. We all love hearing wonderful things before we go to bed!
You can also help by teaching your child how to breathe. Proper breathing helps them obtain a sense of calmness, enhances sleep, strengthens their immune system, and improves concentrationalong with a host of many other benefits. Shallow breathing greatly affects overall health and well being because it only reaches the upper part of our lungs. An optimal breathing pattern reaches into the abdomen. Deep abdominal breathing fills both the upper and the larger lower part of the lungs with air. You can play a game with your child to teach them proper breathing. Lie down with them and pretend that their abdomen is a balloon filling with air. On the inhale they blow it up big and full, hold it for 2 or 3 seconds and on the exhale they deflate it. Practice with them daily. They’ll get it!
Childhood doesn’t always mean being carefree. As adults, we sometimes forget that life can be very stressful for children too. Their experiences as children will be a part of their future. If you see lingering signs of anxiety in your child, seek professional advice and consider hypnosis as a tool to strengthen your child’s confidence and self-esteem and to release anxiety
Hypnosis can help in the treatment of many behavior disorders such as bed-wetting, nail biting, ADHD, anger, test anxiety, learning disabilities, fears and phobias. Most children are very open minded and have an outstanding ability to use their imagination making them ideal candidates for hypnosis. They are easily hypnotized as early as seven years of age.