AP English Language and Composition Speech

Component / Unsatisfactory / Limited / Satisfactory / High / Very High / Weight / Points
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
CONTENT & Research / Does not present sufficient information - little evidence of research of topic / Struggles with the speech – knows little / under-stands little information. Exhibits some evidence of preparation / Demonstrates understanding of topic and displays some research of the topic. Exhibits sufficient evidence of preparation for speech / Demonstrates solid research and understanding of the topic and conveys this information well / Has a natural flair for public speaking, especially with regards to structure and flow; demonstrates outstanding research and understanding. Uses compelling research, quotations, and anecdotes very successfully / 6
Organization & Level of Interest / There is little logical sequence of ideas in the speech - No attempt to make speech interesting to audience / Logical progression of ideas is evident at times – Little attempt to make speech interesting / Sequence of ideas is logical and is followed easily – Speech is moderately interesting to audience / Sequence of ideas is logical and is followed easily, complemented by a clearly discernible structure – Interesting speech / Structure of speech is very clear, conveying a strong sense of purpose and articulate design – Speech is exceedingly interesting / 2
Language & Style / No rhetorical devices are evident. Different sources of information are not used. / Uses a bare minimum of rhetorical devices and one or two sources of information / Selects a number of rhetorical devices. Begins to experiment with new language and concepts taught in class. Attempts to use a range of different sources of information / Selects a range of devices which suit the topic and tone of the speech. Exhibits varied vocabulary Experiments well with language and concepts taught in class. Uses a range of different sources of information / Uses a range of rhetorical devices in a creative and original way. Demonstrates a definite experimentation with new language and concepts taught in class. Different sources of information are used fluently in the speech / 4
Presentation / Speech is not clear and speaker maintains a monotone.
Maintains little eye contact with the target audience
Unprofessional attire and / demeanor / Speaks with clarity sporadically with a monotone
Maintains very little eye contact / Speaks with clarity to the target audience. Tone of voice demonstrates some inflection. Maintains eye contact regularly. Student is aware of importance of body language although s/he struggles with it;
Professional Attire and demeanor / Speaks with clarity and confidence to the audience; Confident tone with inflection is evident throughout. Maintains eye contact for the most part. A positive use of body language is demonstrated. Professional Attire and demeanor / Speaks clearly, with confidence and has 'presence'. Maintains eye contact consistently and uses body language effectively to create interest and inform.
Professional Attire and demeanor / 6
Visual Aid / Visual Aid is unsatisfactory (unrelated, poorly designed or constructed, errors) / Visual aid is limited or speaker utilizes it improperly (Speaker reads it to audience) / Visual Aid is good but speaker fails to incorporate and integrate the visual aid within the speech / Visual Aid is quite good and speaker uses the aid to advanced his subject / Visual Aid is outstanding and student uses the aid masterfully to convey his topic / 2
Time Limit / Deduct 20 points from the total points for each 30 seconds the speaker goes over or under the time requirements. (5-7 minutes)

Student Name ______Speech Topic ______