What do they stand for? CLEANING UP the cities and MORE ACCOUNTABILITY!
Local CITY REFORM: Samuel "Golden Rule" Jones, "gas and water socialism" city parks (Metroparks!), Tom Jones (CLE) cuts streetcar fare to 3 cents. MORE PEOPLE HAVE ACCESS TO THINGS
STATE REFORM: Governor of WI: Bob LaFollette (Wisconsin IDEA: direct primary, initiative, referendum, recall)
- NATIONAL: T. Roosevelt, WH Taft, W. Wilson.
- TR: Newlands Act, "Trustbuster," breakup of Northern Securities RR (JP Morgan), Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food and Drug Act, Hepburn Act, mediation of Coal Strike 1902, Bureau of Corporations
- Taft: Ballinger-Pinchot Affair! BREAKS UP REPUBLICAN PARTY! (over sale ofpublic land), end child labor (Children's Bureau)
- Wilson: Creation of Federal Reserve! (first national bank since Jackson!), Clayton Anti-trust Act, FTC, women's suffrage
- 16 (federal graduated income tax), 17 (direct election of senators), 18 (Prohibition), 19 (women's suffrage)
- Criticism of Progressives? Do NOT acton racism: NAACP founded to do that (1909)
- "Bohemian thinkers:" those who challenged Victorian ideals
- DBQs on this TOPIC? 1978, 2003
Populists! (Angry farmers)
Foundation in GRANGE laws, Kansas Alliance
- FREE SILVER (gold standard only helps BUSINESS!, gov't regulation of RR, graduated income tax, direct election of senators!
- RR are taking advantage of them!
- Wm. J. Bryan "Cross of Gold," James Weaver (1892), Mary Ellen Lease ("raise less corn and more hell")
- Wizard of Oz!
- Election of 1896 (Pops and Dems nominate Bryan, Republicans nominate McKinley--Marcus Hanna, R strategist, "Front Porch Campaign")
- anti-immigrant AND racist
- DBQs on this topic: 2007, 1983
Antebellum Years 1848-1861
Mexican-American war ends (Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo), US gains LOTS of land
Comp. of 1850 (Henry Clay): CA is free state, slave trade but NOT slavery is banned in DC, stricter Fugitive Slave Law, federal $ for a RR from TX/CA.
Backlash? Frederick Douglass "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?", Northerners politicized by this! Uncle Tom's Cabin published (Harriet Beecher Stowe) 1852
Bloody Kansas: KS/NB Act! popular sovereignty leads extremists on both sides to go there (John Brown) Stephen Douglas (IL), ended Miss Comp (36/30)
2 different constitutions! (Lecompton Constitution--proslavery)
Caning of Charles Sumner (1856)
Dred Scott v. Sanford, 1857: blacks are not citizens, and Miss Comp. was UNCONSTITUTIONAL: Northerners had to recognize slavery.
Lincoln/Douglas Debates: 1858 Douglas wins! IL Senate seat. Lincoln gets attention for Rep. party, series of public debates, Lincoln: Slavery should not SPREAD into territories, Douglas: reaffirmed popular sovereignty, "Freeport doctrine" causes Douglas to lose support in South!
John Brown's Raid, 1859: TAKE OVER Harper's Ferry VA (now WV), wants to incite slaves! He is captured and hanged. Becomes a martyr for many in North!
Election of 1860: R: Lincoln, Southern Democrat: Breckenridge, N. Democrat: Stephen Douglas: Constitutional Union: Bell
Lincoln wins with 40% of popular vote: South Carolina first to announce secession! Buchanan takes no action to stop it.
Fort Sumter: Official first shots of Civil War
Roger Williams (RI)
Anne Hutchinson
"City Upon A Hill"
From England, settling in Mass (PLymouth) "Purify the church" Pilgrims, William Bradford, Mayflower Compact, STRICT: family roles, structure, no dancing, swearing, etc. high emphasis on EDUCATION: Founding of Harvard (1636), concept of covenant/"Halfway Covenant"
Mistreatment of Native Americans (King Philip's War), high standard of living (compared to Chesapeake), mostly subsistence farming, fast-flowing water (better health, lower infant mortality rate)
PAST DBQS: 2009, 1993
GILDED AGE! 1877-1900
JP Morgan, John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie (Steel, RR, Banking)
GOLD standard! "Covered in gold"
Big gap between rich and poor! Cities growing dramatically. Immigrants coming to US from Southern/Eastern Europe, Tenements, Jacob Riis and "How the Other Half Lives," Boss Tweed/party bosses/"Tammany Hall" RICHARD CONNELLY OKAY FINE.
Sherman Antitrust Act 1890: supposed to regulate big businesses, breakup monopolies, but didn't work! (14th amendment used in cases that challenged it EC Knight Sugar vs. US)
ICC Created 1887: regulate RR. DIDN'T WORK! No one is enforcing it! (Munn vs. IL, Wabash v. IL)
Civil Rights: virtually nonexistent for African Americans and many immigrants, too (lynching, Ida Wells, Booker T Washington, WEB DuBois)
Presidents? Are they strong..?NOOOOOOOO Garfield, Blaine (not president, but tried--Mulligan letters), Arthur, Cleveland (Panic of 1893), McKinley, etc.
1920s: Roaring Twenties (Economics/Political and social stuff)
- Harding, Coolidge, Hoover (R)
- Andrew Mellon (Sect. Treasury): high protective tariff, relaxed regulation/monopoly laws, "supply-side economics" --> overproduction, underconsumption, pro-business but Coolidge vetos pro-farming bill
- Harding: "Normalcy" (rejection of internationalism under Wilson/end of Progressives!), corruption/scandal, Teapot Dome Scandal: led to Sect. of INterior Albert Fall going to prison! Whoops. "Ohio Gang"
- Coolidge: "Silent Cal" continues supply-side and isolationism
- Hoover: blamed for Depression. Events over decade led to it, HE IS IN OFFICE when the crash happens. Initial reaction? "The worst is over!" Empty promises, little federal funding/direct aid is not given. RFC (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) gives loans to business/encourages them not to fire people. Bonus Army (WWI Vets), Hoover-Stimson Doctrine (we did NOT recognize Manchuoko "puppet state" in Manchuria, 1931), Hawley-Smoot Tariff: highest protective tariff in US History! 25% unemployment! Hoovervilles
- Attempts at isolation? Kellogg-Briand Pact (banned war), 4, 5, 9 power agreements all limiting weapons!, Washington Naval Treaty 1921, shut down all immigration Immigration Act 1924, etc.
- Harlem Renaissance: black culture becoming more prominent: Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, etc.
- Marcus Garvey and "Back to Africa"
- Sports/popular culture! (Ruth, Thorpe, Wills, Dempsey)
- "Lost Generation Writers" (Paris) Hemingway, Fitzgerald
- Nightclubs like "Cotton Club", Jazz
- traditional vs. MODERN
- Flappers/Youth Culture ("flaming youth")
- speakeasies/Prohibition, gangsters (Capone)
- Fundamentalism (Billy Sunday), prohibition, Scopes Trial (Darrow/Bryan, evolution in public schools)
- Anti-immigrant feelings: Sacco and Vanzetti, rise of the KKK (Hiram Evans)
- Car/modern inventions more growth to the cities (early suburbs)
- 1930s: NEW DEAL/FDR
- 1932: FDR WINS! Bank holiday! stop the bank runs! Fireside chats: connection to the President, direct aid, "Hundred Days" social programs 15 major pieces of legislation! (Democrat support in Congress) TVA, AAA, CCC, FDIC, HOLC, SEC
- Second New Deal (1935): WPA, Social Security Act (response to Francis Townsend), REA, Wagner Act
- Kingfish Huey Long (LA) "Share the Wealth clubs," Father Charles Coughlin "Radio Priest"
- 1936? --> African Americans start allying with DEMS, FDR wins with all but 8 electoral votes!
- 1938: FDR loses a little support, Republicans start organizing/challenging "King Franklin"
- "Court Packing" plan: justices over 70, appoint one more: never passed, not popular
Jacksonian Democracy
- "common man," Indian Removal, "manifest destiny," kill the bank!, kitchen cabinet, "spoils system," veto, rise of West/South, STATES RIGHTS
- Bank: Biddle!, paper money is a problem, "bank only helps rich," Clay/Biddle move up the date of the recharter of the bank (1832)--> VETOED recharter! Jackson re-elected, bank is "killed" by Jackson pulls all federal $ out and puts into state "pet" banks, probably led to economic instability (Panic of 1837), public land sales had to be in hard coinage (specie circular)
- VETO the Maysville Road because it was ONLY in one state
- Indian Removal: Role of cotton $$$$! 1830 Indian Removal Act. Cherokee Nation v. GA and Worcester v. GA: Marshall sides WITH CHEROKEE! "Trail of Tears" involved Cherokee (other nations involved had already moved)
- Tariff of 1828: "Abominations" forced southerners to buy from NORTH. Tariff on imports. 1832: SC announces nullification of tariff! Jackson drafts FORCE ACTS (would have sent troops), Henry Clay has a compromise tariff in 1832 that avoids conflict--role of Calhoun
- SC Exposition and Protest: Calhoun writes this in response to tariff crisis!
- Peggy Eaton affair: first to really start to break VP Calhoun and Jackson apart: Jackson will pick NY Dem. Van Buren for his SECOND term. Calhoun bitter!
- RISE OF THE WHIGS: Anti-Jackson party! Differed for North and South, they were split on slavery but northerners wanted SOME restrictions on it. Clay runs and loses (again), Van Buren wins in 1840:
- DBQs on this topic: 1980, 1990, 2002
- Lincoln's 10% Plan: 10% of eligible voters have to pledge FUTURE alliance to the USA (no mention of past, no "blame") Lincoln felt they never really left since secession not possible under Constitution! Then they could elect members to Congress. Past Confederate leaders could not hold office BUT other than that, no punishments. Freedman's Bureau: rebuild South, help African-Americans transition from slave to free!
- Wade-Davis Bill: 50% of eligible voters take an oath of PAST and FUTURE loyalty! More punishment, blame, treason charges, etc. Military division of former CSA states!
- Lincoln pocket-vetoes WD Bill, and then Lincoln's assassination means his plan will NOT be established
- Military Reconstruction Act 1867: General in charge of 5 military districts, federal troops in charge! Military tribunals, etc. Freedman's bureau DOES happen, but expensive!
- Andrew Johnson! TN, BUT...he did NOT follow his state! R hate him cuz he's SOUTHERN (and a D!), Southerners think he's a traitor!
- THADDEUS STEVENS (R) argues lots with Johnson!
- pardons almost anyone who asks! (Amnesty Act), VETO HAPPY
- FIRES Edwin Stanton Sect. of War VIOLATES THE: Tenure of Office Act. HE IS IMPEACHED!
- 14th Amendment in 1868: African Americans granted citizenship and "due process of law" (Bill of Rights now applies to former slaves)
- R Grant wins in 1868: scandals! Credit Mobelier, Whiskey Ring, scalawags (Southern sympathizers with the Union/Republicans), carpetbaggers (Northerners who went south)
- Rise of the Klan, "Black codes," DURING Reconstruction, troops sent! (Force Acts)
- 1875: 15th Amendment: Right to vote for all male citizens. Grandfather clause, poll taxes, literacy tests, intimidation/violence
- Election of 1876: D--Samuel Tilden, R--Rutherford Hayes, Tilden wins pop vote, 3 unreconstructed states report different winners.
- Compromise of 1877: Hayes can get the White House IF: pulls troops out of South, Conservative southerner on Cabinet (Postmaster General), $ for a RR from CA to TX. Tilden backs out, Hayes becomes Pres: bye bye rights for African Americans until 1964!
- DBQS: 1996