8th Grade Mathematics with Mrs. Mew

My Goal:

To engage students in mathematics through collaborative methods that develops critical thinking and promotes problem solving skills in a positive learning environment.

Curriculum: Common Core State Standards for MATHEMATICS, Grade 8


Workbook: Glencoe Math Course 3, Vol. 1

Student Expectations

Be Prepared:

1. Every day you will NEED your math notebook, MMS student planner, filler paper, pencil(s), and pens (any color), glue stick, and a scientific calculator. Other math supplies (graph paper, protractor, etc.) can be kept at home until instructed to bring to class.

Be Responsible:

2. All work must be handed in ON TIME as I continue to promote and encourage GLO #1: Self-Directed Learner. No late work will be accepted unless missing work is due to an AUTHORIZED absence from school. Students will have 3 DAYS upon your return to school unless an alternate arrangement has been made with the teacher. It is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to find out what he/she needs to make up and to come in during a break OUTSIDE of class time or log on to the Jupiter Grades website. (www.jupitergrades.com)

3. Five minutes prior to the end of each period, student will be required to take out their assignment planners and write in homework assigned for the day. If no homework is issued, students will

still be expected to write in, “NO HOMEWORK” into their planners. Parents should monitor planners as often as necessary for the success of the child.

Be Accountable:

4.  Students will need a COMPOSITION NOTEBOOK for class. The notebook will be used for class work, notes, and to organize any handouts provided by the teacher.

Achieving Proficiency:

5. In an effort to allow students multiple opportunities to

demonstrate proficiency of the benchmarks, student’s will

be allowed to RETAKE a quiz or test which fall below

proficient levels. However, the following steps must be

taken PRIOR to the retake:

Ø  ALL errors on the QUIZ or TEST are corrected with

work shown on multi-step problems.

Ø  Parent/Guardian signature on the original QUIZ or


Ø  Schedule a time OUTSIDE OF CLASS TIME to retake the quiz or test. Available times will include seminar days during advisory or after school. Students will have 7 DAYS from the time their assessment is returned to them to schedule a retake. Once that time frame passes, the original score will stand.


6.  Your GRADE will be based on your performance on formative and summative assessments, which include, but are not limited to, HOMEWORK (10%), QUIZZES and TESTS (90%).

Final Quarterly Grade:

7.  Grades will be based on the following scale:

Letter Grade / Percent
A / 90 – 100%
B / 80 – 89%
C / 70 – 79%
D / 60 – 69%
F / 59 % and below


8. If you have any questions and/or concerns please feel free to call me at 305-1346 (direct line) or

you may e-mail me at . I do NOT answer calls during instructional hours, so please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as possible. Mahalo.

Mathematical Practices:

9. Emphasis will be made on the development of the following six mathematical practices: