TASK: Answer theLeadership Momentquestions from Chapter 3 (300-400 words) byreplyingto this post. Then read the posts submitted by your colleagues, select one (1) and respond to itin 100-150 words stating whether and why you agree or disagree with the post. Do not submit your work as a file attachment.

Ques 1

What challenges would you anticipate in creating a shared vision for this changed organization ?

Ques 2

What internal and external environmental factors should you consider in carving out a multicultural leadership path that will support the success of your organization?

Ques 3

How might you need to work differently to cultivate the organization support within the different business units that is necessary to ensure the success of your multicultural leadership effort ?

Response to ANNA u r agree or disagree

Q1 The organisation leader may come against resistance to change from less diverse units to increased diversity. Getting past this requires the leader to ‘increase your recognition of your own organisation’s specific cultural influences and biases’ (Shriberg and Shriberg 2011, p.50) as a starting point. Understanding what diversity exists will explain and determine the company’s goals and expectations as each nation will have their own cultural dimensions such as individualism or collectivism (Shriberg and Shriberg 2011, p.41). The leader will need to examine their own understanding of being a multicultural leader and where they sit on being open to multiculturalism. The organisations vision and core values will be different and a requirement maybe to create the underlying values that is common to all.

Q2Understanding the variation that occurs in employee’s diversity is measured on four levels with two being internal and external dimensions of diversity (Shriberg and Shriberg 2011, p.37). These aspects consider everything from a person’s ethnicity (internal) to income or appearance (external). A company’s aims and goals should reflect the dimensions of diversity and shape the organisations culture. External environments such as the financial and political scene will influence the organisations choices and activities within the business market. In addition, the diversity within physical location and employees of the company could be a method of resistance to external influences as a form of competitive advantage (Connerly and Pedersen 2005, p72).

Q3The leader will need to be open to new and different ideas as not everything will be the same in each country, one activity that produces productivity in one country may not translate to another. Therefore, the leader will need to be open in growing their own leadership style and learn parts of the culture.Lisak and Erez (2015) found that the best emergent global leaders of a multicultural organisation demonstrated three global characteristics of cultural intelligence, global identity and openness to cultural diversity. The leader would need to develop in these areas and to also build up other leaders of different business units that will share and support the multicultural dynamics. The leader will need to develop very strong interpersonal relationships between different cultures with the aim of strengthening the social capital of the organisation (Shriberg and Shriberg, 2011 p.48).

Connerley, M.L & Pedersen, P.B 2005,Leadership in a diverse and multicultural environment: Developing awareness, knowledge, and skills, Sage publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.

Lisak, A & Erez, M 2015, ‘Leadership emergence in multicultural teams: The power of global characteristics’,Journal of World Business, vol. 50, pp.3-14.

Shriberg, D & Shriberg, A 2011,Practicing leadership: principles and applications, 4thed, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ.