Curriculum for Excellence ClassPrimary 3/4
What are we learning? Date: August- November
Language & Literacy / Numeracy & Mathematics / Health & WellbeingWe will be focusing on phonemes and common words this block. With P4 making links between sounds, allowing for a problem solving approach to phonics. Primary 3 will be revising the sounds covered previously and then focusing on new phoneme sounds and common words. Both P3 and P4 will develop their reading skills through reading books and class booksand willdevelop a deeper understanding of them by exploring events and characters within them. Primary 3/4 will be developing their grammar and punctuaation, showing these through their writing skills which will vary, covering imaginative, personal, persuasive and instructional contexts. / This block, the children will be developing their undertsanding of the number system. Including identifying and working with place value to round, estimate and add/subtract 2 or 3 digit numbers. We will work on finding mental strategies to answer addition, subtraction, multiplication and divison questions, and find ways to explain strategies used to answer these. As well as this, we will be focusing on money throughout finance fortnight where we will focus on recognising amounts and giving change. P3 will focus on 2D and 3D shapes, identifying lines of symmetry and the properties of these. / As a whole school we will be looking at all eight areas of SHINAARI. P3/4 will be focussing on ‘Responsible’ and as a class we will create posters and discuss how we can be responsible both within and outwith school.
We will also be focusing on feelings and friendship and what it means to be a good friend to one another. As well as this, we will learn about healthy eating and how this and being active is beneficial to us.
Other Curricular Areas
This term we will be focusing on the skills necessary to play Handball and Gymnastics in our P.E sessions. Our focus during handball will be throwing and catching skills and during gymnastics, our focus will be on cooridination, rolling and jumping.
Our Social Studies focus will be on the ‘Handstory of Transport’ through which, we will discuss how transport has changes people’s way of life and compare it to our own in todays modern world. During this, we will look at local contexts of transport, including the Kilmnarnock-Troon railway.
Additionally,with Mrs Dunsmuir, we will be learning about lines and shapes in drawing in Art and we will be creating illustrations using these shapes.
This term, in Science, we will be focusing on the Planet Earth, including Biodiversity and Interdependence where we will learn about living and non living things, food chains and will learn about what plants need to grow and develop. Finally in Techology we will using laptops to research Transport and use a variety of computer programmes including powerpoint and word to record our research.
Ethos and life of the school
We are settling in well to P3/4 and are continuing to work hard. Every pupil in Primary 3/4 will be a member of a school committee or group.
Our PE days are Thursday and Friday, and the class will be taking part in the Daily Mile initiative every day so please bring appropriate footwear to run outdoors. During this block, we will participate in CRIC time with P6/7 where pupils will have the opportunity to read to each other. During this block, we will participate in an ‘Outdoor Learning Day’ where we will partake in a range of activities in an outdoor setting.