Version 2 020911

Role of a SOSBus Volunteer

What are the primary roles of the SOS Bus?

The SOS Bus has a primary role to provide a safe haven for any vulnerable person, irrespective of their age, race, sexual orientation or religion between 9.00pm and 4am on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday night in Colchester. It is the first point of contact for any person who is at risk due to:

  • Inability to get home safely on their own
  • Illness/incapacity
  • Injury
  • Emotional or psychological distress
  • Mental distress
  • Alcohol misuse
  • Drug or solvent misuse
  • Lost or homeless
  • Victim of theft
  • Victim of harassment and or intimidation
  • Any form of violence

The SOS Bus will also deliver a day time service engaging with communities throughout Colchester delivering a wide variety of information, support and help which we hope volunteers will also want to take part in. Some of the day time events will be linked to:

  • Crime Reduction
  • Community Safety
  • Youth engagement
  • Domestic Violence
  • Volunteer recruitment
  • Neighbourhood Watch
  • Anti-social behaviour
  • Community Days of Action
  • Neighbourhood Action Panels
  • Fire and safety
  • Alcohol misuse
  • Drug misuse
  • Homelessness
  • Housing
  • Benefits advice
  • Road Safety
  • Preventing falls in older people
  • Sexual health awareness
  • Teenage pregnancy
  • Smoking reduction

What is the SOS Bus?

It is a converted 11.5 metre single decker bus and funded by a host of partner agencies, community groups, pubs, clubs and statutory organisations. It has the latest medical, counselling, chill out/waiting area, customer service and other community facilities on board including TV’s and links for computers, gaming etc. The SOS Bus will start work on Saturday 25th October 2008 at 9.00pm.

What kind of commitment do volunteers need to give?

We need volunteers to cover a Thursday, Friday or Saturday night between 9:00pm and 3:30am.We have a rota system so you can tell us how much time you can commit and only ask that you kindly do a minimum of ONE NIGHT A MONTH MINIMUM.

If you would like to volunteer during the day the hours are most likely to be from 9.00am to 4.30pm.

Can I spend a few hours on the Bus to find out more before I commit?

We would welcome any prospective volunteer coming along to the SOS Bus to talk to our volunteers and experience what the Bus has to offer.

Who will work on the SOS Bus?

It will be staffed by 2 St John Ambulance personnel, 3 or 5 volunteers (one of which will be appointed as the Team Leader), a driver and other support agency staff who will help any personwhen and where they need help - right in the middle of Colchester town centre.

What will volunteers do and what age do I need to be?

We need volunteers aged 18 and over from all backgrounds who can listen, help, support, communicate, smile, respect confidentiality, be a calming influence, direct to or contact other services and most importantly of all - want to help others. St John Ambulance staff will be responsible for providing all first aid assistance and it is hoped that volunteers will want to undertake basic first aid training to offer additional support to St John Ambulance staff.

Can I be a volunteer driver?

We are also looking for volunteer drivers who would like to learn to drive the SOS Bus and have a current C1/D1 licencEand are over the age of 25. A Public Service Vehicle (PSV) licence isn’t necessary as the Bus is no longer a public service vehicle

What support and training will volunteers receive?

There will be free training courses for volunteers in:

  1. Drug awareness - Essential
  2. Alcohol awareness - Essential
  3. Health & Safety – Essential
  4. Listening skills - Essential
  5. Child protection - Essential
  6. Conflict Management - Essential
  7. First aid 1 – 4 day courses - Optional
  8. Driving the SOS Bus - Optional
  9. Using Fire Extinguishers - Optional

What Do Volunteers Get Out Of It?

If you like helping people then you will get great satisfaction out of volunteeringfor the SOS Bus. The people we help went out for a good time and something went wrong, which is where you can help them to be safe and resolve their problems.You will be helping your local community by providing an extremely valuable service and helping to make Colchester safer for all.It is also an opportunity to increase your own skills in volunteering, working with people of all ages or backgrounds and first aid.

What would a Team Leader be responsible for?

Holding the Town Link radio and mobile phone for emergencies and general communications.

Support the aims and ethos of SOS Bus and be willing to accept the responsibilities of the position.

Encourage team members to recruit more volunteers.

Brief and debrief the team on the night linked to events taking place in the town centre that may impact upon the SOS Bus, police operations, social events like football, music events etc.

Allocate people to support vehicle, female to work with male first aider (if only male first aiders are on shift and a chaperone is required), front of table (outside SOS Bus) people, tea and coffee makers/servers, chill out area helpers and escorts for people using the nearby night club toilet facilities.

Ensure people move around between jobs so they get the most out of experience on the SOS Bus. The Team Leader will be mindful that volunteers need to feel comfortable in their roles.

Welcome, introduce and induct new volunteers.

Ensure all paperwork for the shift is completed.

Ensure litter around the SOS Bus site is lifted, bagged and left on board.

Ensure all volunteers have a safe way home and none are left behind.
