SCLS • 4610 South Biltmore Lane, Suite 101 • Madison, WI 53718-2153 • 608-246-5612 • FAX 608-246-7958
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What are library systems, and why are they important?
You’re probably well acquainted with your public library and all that it offers, but what do you know about library systems?
The <LIBRARY NAME> is a member of the South Central Library System (SCLS), which is one of 17 such systems in Wisconsin. The South Central Library System serves 53 public libraries and more than 813,000 residents in Adams, Columbia, Dane, Green, Portage, Sauk and Wood Counties, providing services like:
- Delivery (the red trucks that bring you materials from other libraries),
- LINKcat (the online tool through which you reserve library materials from your own library, or other libraries within SCLS),
- technology support,
- continuing education for library staff,
- youth services and outreach support,
- graphics/marketing/printing,
- library administration/management/law support,
- web design services and support, and
- cooperative purchasing.
Wisconsin’s library systems are the mechanism through which state funding benefits public libraries in local communities. They provide a variety of services and resources that are either too expensive for individual libraries to purchase alone, or are those that make the most sense to provide on a larger geographic basis (like Delivery and LINKcat).
The Wisconsin Legislature allocated $15 million for Public Library System Aid in the 2013-15 biennial budget just signed by Gov. Scott Walker. Of that, the South Central Library System received $2 million through a formula that factors in population and service area.
For more than 30 years, the South Central Library System (SCLS) and its 53 member public libraries have worked together to create a great library community. Known for exceptional commitment to public library service, this relationship is a statewide model of effectiveness and efficiency.
In 2012 more than 11.8 million books (and other library materials) were checked out by area residents from our 43 LINKcat libraries. Other SCLS member libraries (including Marshfield and Portage County) circulated nearly 1.2 million items, bringing the 2012 total to more than 13 million. At a conservative estimate of $20 per book, (averaging the price of everything from paperbacks to reference books) this direct traffic represents $260 million in value to patrons for this service alone because they can borrow books instead of purchasing them.
Technology services like email, text and telephone messages that notify customers when their library materials are available saved member librarieshundreds of thousands of dollars in postage and printing costs last year. Nearly 3 million messages were sent, all of which used to be mailed. SCLS also funds and maintains central Internet access and e-mail for member libraries; portable wireless computer labs for classes and training; online continuing education programs that save time and mileage; conducts experiments in new technologies leading to innovations; and provides computer support services.
Also in 2012, our red truck delivery service carried 12.8 million items among SCLS member libraries making nearly 34,000 stops over a distance of 373,000 miles. At a total cost of $875,000 in 2012, the cost to send an item from one library to another within SCLS is only $0.14.
Finally in 2012, more than 1,077 members from all types of libraries attended 52 continuing education programs SCLS produced last year. All webinars are recorded for later viewing, and the 105 recordings have been viewed 10,112 times since Feb. 2009.
Working together through system membership, the impact of library resources and services are enhanced and magnified to help serve all residents of the seven-county area. Systems and their member libraries have always been on the cutting edge with cooperative agreements and resource sharing which greatly reduce duplication of services.
The relationship between <LIBRARY NAME> and the South Central Library System helps ensure that we are able to provide quality programs and services to our residents, which is the mission of our system. It is a dynamic relationship that has grown over the past 30 years, and one that will serve us well as we continue to meet the needs and wants of our customers.
South Central Library System