BIOL 211 Exam 3 Review
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader: / Leah C.
Course: / BIOL 211
Instructor: / Dr. Boury
Date: / 10/29/17
  1. What adaptations allowed algae to become land plants?
  1. How do plants affect the atmosphere?
  1. Compare and contrast green algae and land plants.
  1. List the three major plant groups and examples.
  1. Diagram the lifecycle of a moss.
  1. Diagram the lifecycle of a fern.
  1. Diagram the lifecycle of a gymnosperm.
  1. Diagram the lifecycle of an angiosperm.
  1. Explain homospory and heterospory.
  1. List some concepts fruit plants use to spread their seeds. List some concepts angiosperms use to pollinate flowers.
  1. Discuss how phloem and xylem differ, as well as their functions.
  1. What is the dominant form in a moss? What about in other plants? Which is more beneficial?
  1. How do bacterial cells divide?
  1. Diagram the cell cycle, including G1, S, G2, and M stages, along with the chromosome structure at that stage.
  1. Diagram the process of mitosis.
  1. How does cytokinesis differ in plant cells versus animal cells?
  1. What happens when cytosol from a cell in M phase is injected into a cell at the G2 stage?
  1. List the checkpoints present in the cell cycle, as well as their purpose.
  1. How does cancer develop, and how do doctors go about treating it? Are there any side effects of treatment, and if so, why do they occur?
  1. Draw and label a chromosome. Mark a gene on it, and draw this chromosome as well as it’s replicated form.
  1. How can you measure DNA synthesis?
  1. A parent cell begins with 100pg of DNA. When it splits, the daughter cells have more, less, or the same amount of DNA? How?
  1. A cell has 36 chromosomes. After going through mitosis, how many cells are produced? How many chromosomes are present in the daughter cells?
  1. Explain the difference between somatic cells and sex chromosomes, and list the numbers present in the human karyotype.
  1. Diagram the process of meiosis.
  1. Explain the concept of nondisjunction, as well as what can be produced by this process.
  1. A disease has popped up in a population that usually goes through the process of asexual reproduction to produce offspring. With the disease present, is asexual or sexual reproduction favored, and why?
  1. How are genes and alleles related?
  1. What’s a tetrad or bivalent? Draw a picture. What is something unique about this structure?
  1. List the two hypotheses involved with meiosis, and what each one states.
  1. What concepts did people believe in before Mendel, and what theory did they believe after his work?
  1. What did Mendel choose to study for his work with genetics, and why?
  1. What was important about Mendel’s work with genetics that wasn’t looked at with other genetics experiments?
  1. Does “pure line” mean heterozygous or homozygous?
  1. If you cross pure-line tall bean plants with pure line short bean plants, what is the ratio of genotype in the F1 generation? What about in the F2 generation then?