Corrales 3 v 3 Soccer
PLAYER REGISTRATION:All players must be registered on their teams' registration form before the games begins. (Note: Players may play on one other team as a dual roster situation, however the player must declare on the roster which is his primary team and in the event of the teams playing at the same time or playing each other, said player will play for the primary team.) Any team or player determined by the event director to have falsified any information may be dismissed for the 3v3 season.
ROSTERS: Every team must have a roster to present to the referee, games Director, or the field marshal, as well as any Corrales Board members
PLAYERS:Three field players at one time. There are no goalkeepers in 3-v-3 soccer. Substitutes may occur at any dead ball situation, but players must get referees attention and enter and exit at the half-field mark only.
The Referees: The referees will be approved by the referee director, the referees will be held to the same standards as in normal season play. Volunteer Referees (non-certified) may be used , however are to be trained.
EQUIPMENT:All players must wear shin guards. Any player without shin guards will not be allowed to play. All players must wear soccer cleats. All players uniform shirts must match in color, and numbering is highly encouraged (In the event both teams are wearing matching colors the home team is to either change or wear training vests aka “pinnies”) NO Jewelry is to be allowed unless it is religious, in which case it is to be taped to the body. Teams are responsible for providing game balls. Preferred Ball Size for U6-U8 = #3; U9-U12 = #4; U13 and up = #5. In the event that age divisions are combined, the teams should use the older division’s ball size. If a game ball is provided by CSC the Home team is responsible for the welfare of the ball after the game and should ensure it is delivered to the referee.
The Field:Players and team benches will stay on one side of the field classified as the technical area; this area is for players, coaches, and referees only. Parents will be on the other side of the field only and both the parents and the technical area are to be behind the imaginary line behind the middle flag 3 yards from the touch line. The parents will not be allowed behind the goals or near the technical area.
INJURIES: The coach will be beckoned on to be of aid to his/her player. If the injury is in the eyes of the referee or staff serious the coach is not to touch the player until a guardian and the Director or Board Member is Present. The player can be subbed for and may return to play if beckoned on by the referee.
GOAL BOX:The goal box, eight feet wide by ten feet long, is directly in front of the goal. No player may touch the ball within the goal box, however any player may move through the goal box. Any part of the ball or player's body on the line is considered in the goal box; the player is an extension of the box. If a defender touches the ball in the goal box, a goalis awarded to the offensive team. If an offensive player touches the ball within the goal box, a goal kick is awarded to the defensive team. If the ball comes to a complete stop in the goal box, regardless of which team touched it last, a goal kick is awarded to the defensive team. The goals are approximately 4 feet high by 8 feet wide.
GAME DURATION:The game shall consist of two 12 minute halves separated by a two minute halftime period, OR the game shall end when a team reaches an 8 goal lead. Games tied shall end in a tie. (Note: In the event of intense heat the Director may call for either shorter halves or 4- 6 minute quarters or any combo the director deems necessary)
*Cancellation/Suspension of play:
In the event that during play or before play of a game the surroundings of the field or the field itself becomes to dangerous to the players, referees or any others, to continue play (examples: Lightning in the vicinity, Air becomes hard to breathe due to smoke, rain becomes so hard that players or the field will be damaged, or any other surrounding problems in the weather, the field, the air, the participants becoming violent, or any other listed in Fifa laws or whatever reason the Referee , Field marshal, Referee Director, Director of Games, or Corrales Board member) Play will be suspended or cancelled depending on the situation, any game that has completed past half time is considered a full game and will count as such, however any game not half played yet may be replayed when safe or rescheduled (PENDING BOARD DISCUSSION ONLY).
GOAL SCORING:A goal may be scored from a touch on the offensive half on the playing field only. If a goal is scored from the players defensive half, the goal will not count and the opposing team is rewarded a goal kick
FIVE YARD RULE:In all dead ball situations, defending players must stand at least five yards away from the ball. If the defensive player's goal area is closer than five yards, the ball shall be placed five yards from the goal area in line with the place of the penalty.
KICK-INS: The ball shall be kicked into play from the sideline instead of thrown in.
INDIRECT KICKS:All dead ball kicks (kick-ins, free kicks, kick-offs) are indirect with exception to corner and penalty kicks.
GOAL KICKS:May be taken from any point on the end line, and not in the goal box area.
KICK OFF:May be taken in any direction.
PENALTY KICKS:Shall be awarded if, in the referee's opinion, a scoring opportunity was nullified by the infraction. It is a direct kick taken from the top of the center circle (15ft. line) on the offensive side of the midfield linewith all other players behind the midfield line. If a goal is not scored, the defense obtains possession with a goal kick. Penalty kicks are not live balls.
PLAYER MISCONDUCT (YELLOW/RED CARD):Referees will use the yellow and red cards as stated in FIFA Laws. After receiving a yellow card the player will leave the field to the team bench area, he/she may return after a period of no less than 4 minutes. After receiving a Red Card the player will leave the field immediately and be sent to the Field Marshal’s Table, where a 3v3 Director will decide what further action will be taken for the rest of the game day . After receiving the match report and a statement from the referee and any other 3v3 staff present the Director will rule on the possible suspension of the player.
TECHNICAL STAFF MISCONDUCT (YELLOW/RED CARD): Referees may caution the coach with a yellow card, or send off the coach with a red card if his/her conduct is seen (by the Referee as a violation of the 3v3 rules or FIFA Laws of the Game.
After Games Director, Referee Director, or a Corrales Board Member may eject player for rest of 3v3Game/ Season. Teams will still be allotted to play with 3 on the field.
FORFEITS: A forfeit shall be scored as 5-0.
SPORTSMANSHIP: Players, coaches and spectators are expected to act in the nature of good sportsmanship at all times. Abuse of the referees will not be tolerated. Any instance of such conduct will disqualify the responsible team from the event. However if it is viewed as a few direct participants causing the problem any or all may be asked to leave by the referee, Field Marshal, Games Director, Referee Director or a Corrales Board Member.
Field Marshals’ Table: The table marked for field marshals and referees is for those two groups only. The table next to it is for participants to communicate with a marshal or director and will be stocked with the registration book, rules, schedule, Training Vests and First Aid Kit. If a marshal or director is not present at the table he/she will be around the fields with a brightly colored vest.
ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST behave accordingly and must show full respect for the game of soccer, the children, the referee, and any and all other participants.
The Referee’s decisions are final and no arguments about the referee’s calls will be considered.
Coaches are expected to control all participants on his/her team including parents and spectators.