160 When you fully obey the Word of God, in--in full surrender to It, you're entitled to the Token. Yes, sir. Obedience, "Not he that saith, 'Lord, Lord,' but he that doeth the will." And when we pray, we must have the Token to present with our prayer.

Just exactly like we do when we go to--go to the bus station and say, "I want to ride."

"Where you going?"


You've got to have the token, if a token's required. You must have the token. You say, "Well, wait a minute, I'm--I'm Mr. Jones. Now, let..." That don't make a bit of difference; you've got to have the token. "Well, I tell you what; I--I'm in a hurry to my work. I ain't got time to fool with it." You'll either have the token or you won't have the token. If you don't have the token, you won't ride.

If you got a ticket and go out here to the airplane, and say, "I want to go to New York City."

"Ticket? Token?"

You say, "Well, I--I--I'll tell you, I haven't got it. I'm a pretty good sort of a guy. I'll pay you someday." No, sir, you have the token; you have to have it in your hand. It has to be displayed. It has to be. Oh.

You see what I mean? You've got to have It. You ain't got to just think so; it's got to be identified Token. Right. It entitles you, when you pay the... When you accept the price that's been paid... Yes, sir.


23 Now, this woman, when she died, I said, "Is there hopes in the resurrection?" I said, "Everything..."

I've been privileged of speaking practically to every nation under the heavens. I've seen all kinds of gods and all kinds of religions, but there's none of it true but Christianity. It's the only one. Even nature itself, it speaks for Christianity, God the Creator.

Look, there is life, death, burial, resurrection--resurrection. The whole... You can't go outside without seeing it. Watch the leaves come on in the spring. Watch them get to their youth, in their old--in their middle age, and then their old age, and the veins in the leaves packing the life. A few minutes you find out, it isn't long, before any frost falls, or anything, them leaves drop off. And what happens? The life that's in that tree, that sap goes down into the roots. If it didn't, the winter cold would kill the tree, kill the life. It can't stay up. It's got to go down and bury itself. But in the spring of year, here it comes back with a new leaf again. It's testifying there is a life, a death, a burial, a resurrection. Everything typing, we just can't get from it.

27 Everything testifies. All nature testifies. The Word testifies to it. The very Spirit Itself that's in our heart testifies to it, something within us calling out that there is a resurrection of the dead. So you see, to say...

If everything serves God's purpose, it's got a resurrection. But it can only rise if it serves God's purpose. If a flower lives and is not germitized, it will not rise again. If you plant corn and it is not germitized, it will not rise again. Anything that doesn't serve God's purpose has no resurrection. But you can't keep anything in the ground that serves God's purpose. It comes forth again to testify of a resurrection. We know that all these things are right. They're testimonies to us to encourage us. Each day, everywhere you look, you see God.


138 How many ever seen a seed--a seed of wheat start to grow? What's the first little thing? It's just exactly like the seed, but it's the husk. See the three stages? Stalk, tassel or the pollen, then the husk. And then, out of the husk comes the original seed. Not a seed, it was the Life of the seed growing through this to come to the seed. Amen, amen. Do you see it? What is it? A resurrection, coming back to a Masterpiece again, like the one that went in.

Pentecost came out of the Wesley, because Wesley was an organization. Pentecost come out as no organization and then turned to one. It had to to make the husk. The true Word of Life on it was on its way then to the original grain through these stages: through the stalk, then into the pollen; from the pollen into the husk; and from the husk it made seed. No... Stalk, tassel, husk.

140 Living, they produced in their early revival a holder of a certain portion of the seed Life; but when they organized, the Life moved out of it. That's proved by all history. Never an organization ever done a thing after it organized. It was dead. That's right. Watch, the life's traveling on now. It's moving on.

Notice. What they have done, all these have done, is proved by history just exactly the way the church has come, never to be useful to Him again. Organization is laid on the shelf. There never has been in all the history of church after it organized, but what it died. And the organization died and never did raise again. Can't you see it? Men who are blind, open your eyes. Nature and the Word coordinating together and proving it right here that this is the Truth, that it is the Truth: That Life leaves the stalk to make the tassel; from the tassel it makes the husk; and from the husk it goes into the original again. Notice, never again to be useful to Him.

143 How noticeable this life is in its travel in the corn of wheat than it is in the tree. God called His people like a tree. See? The life goes down in a tree and comes back up again, goes down and comes back up. See? It goes down and comes back up. But in the corn of wheat it goes up from the original stalk through the stalk, tassel, and husk; and the thing that it passed through dies so it can't get back through it again. What is it? It's no use any more. It goes on to its perfection. Amen. Don't you see why He never used an organization? He can't get back in it again. It's dead. But the Life passes on from one to the other. See? They put creeds and inject... "Whosoever shall add one word or take one word out..." See? He's blocked off from it. It must be the Life seed traveling on.


23-1 Those Pharisees believed in many things to be the truth; they said, "We're God's children." And they were until that Word was preached, but when that Word was preached and vindicated, then they become sinners for rejecting the thing that they knowed was right and witnessed that, "We know that thou art a teacher come from God. For no man can do the things that you do without God being with Him."

I wonder today. Where are we at? I ask you: Where is this resurrection finding us? Are you dare to step out? Are you dare to take God at His Word? If you're ordained to Life, you sure will do it. If you're an eagle, you can't help doing it. There's something in you.

23-3 Or do you want to just serve a creed somewhere and say, "I go to church. I'm just as good as you are." See, if you hold no birthrights, you'll never see it; you can't see it. But if you do hold the possession of this birthright, you can't help from seeing it, because it's part of you, and you're a part of it.

How could I deny the mother that gave me birth? How could I deny the father that his own blood is in me? How could I deny Charles Branham for being my Father? I could not do it. I'm willing to stand his reproach or anything else, because I am his son. Hallelujah. Then being a son of God (And He was the Word of God.), how can I deny that Bible being Truth that Jesus Christ isn't the same yesterday, today, and forever? And seeing the hour that we're living in, we need a Easter in the church: resurrection. We need a resurrection to power of faith: men and women to stand out for that which is God's vindicated Word.


E-18 God, which was a part of God. God seen what the end would be, from the beginning, and the Logos come to the earth, which was Christ the Word, spoken Word of God, part of God, and was made flesh and dwelled among us. And then, we come out of Christ, which makes the same life that was in God, in Christ, in you. And just as sure as God raised this up, we've got to come with the same thing, if the same Spirit's in us. Because it's the Spirit of God making us sons and daughters of God.

Oh isn't it marvelous? How do we get it? By believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, that's what. And accepting it, and then God in return, give us the Holy Spirit, crying in our hearts, "Abba Father, my God, my God." And then we are resurrected in the last days to be caught up. And He said, "That day you shall know that I am in Father, the Father in Me, I in you, and you in Me."


82-7 The true Bride, like Mary, will have a virgin womb for the Bride of the Word, which is Christ. When Christ, the Word, comes to the Bride, She'll be the same as He is: a virgin by the Word. I hope--I hope it's going over, Brother Neville. I... See, see? I hope you understand. What was He? Word, the Word of God. Upon His vesture He had a Name written, "The Word of God." "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word... made flesh, and dwelt among us." He is God, and God is the Word. And when His Bride comes, She'll be the same product that He is: virgin.

116-4 Now, watch. Remember God's law of reproduction. Now, remember, after its kind. Is that right? The Seed of Christ, the Word, must come through His body. (Ah, are you getting tired? All right, just a minute now. Let's just hold quiet and pray.) I want to get this in real good. I want this to grind down. The Seed of Christ must (m-u-s-t), must come through His Body, not through a denomination, but through a borned again Seed of the Word: must come through.

Now, remember, what is it? Christ's Seed... How does my seed come? Through the body. How does the apple tree seed come? Through the body. Seed is through the body, and the church is the body of Christ (Is that right?), the Bible church. This birth produces (That's the new birth.) Himself in body. His church is His Word, so that people can see the confirmation of Hebrews 13:8: "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." You believe it? These are not denominational hybrids now. This is those that's in the orbit waiting for the countdown (you know what I mean), fixing to take a rocket. Glory. These are not denominational hybrids; not standing in here, they're not. No, sir, it's the Seed.


23-5 Say, "Well, we having a Youth for Christ." That's all right. "Our church is having a meeting. We want so many members." Nothing against that. That's all right, but that's only the atmosphere. That might be an old hen's feathers, but if you'll get in the right atmosphere there, you'll hatch eagle if you're a eagle egg. And if you were foreordained of God to see it, you can't help from seeing it. You're coming forth in a resurrection.

That's the way the Baptist was born. That's the way the Methodist was born in a resurrection of that day, but they turned off to a hen instead of an eagle.

24-2 No, my brother, sister, you Pentecostal people, which is my own dear people, the church is losing its identification. It's coming down and depending on some dead formal creed instead of flying in the heavenlies our yonder for fresh manna.

A hawk used to hunt his own manna, but today he takes what the automobiles run over and what the vultures eat. He hops like one. He looks like one.

We so adorned ourselves in the modern world, our women cutting their hair and wearing shorts, our men with not enough backbone to stand in the pulpit and tell the truth; we've long got soft on the Word.

Oh God, send the Holy Ghost and look out them eagles somewhere that's ready to stand now, no matter what takes place; that'll soar into the unknown, not set on the telephone wires and look for some Sunday school literature to come in. Let me have the Word and in it a precious and a power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost.

We need an Easter, a resurrection that's potentials.


11-4 Now, if there is another gospel, as Paul spoke to one of the groups, "I am so surprised that you turned to another gospel (which there is no other but a make-believe gospel), to a denominational fiction, turning from that good news: 'And because I live, ye live also, and I live in you; and the works that I do (John 14:12), the works that I do will identify Myself in you.'" Oh, what a Message. No wonder we've had a dark world of theology. But in the evening time there shall come Light again. There will be a resurrection in the evening time. It shall be Light at the evening time.

11-5 Now, the very essence of the Message that was sent that, "He is risen from the dead," we, His beneficiaries, we, who share the resurrection with Him, draw benefits from this by proving to the world that He is alive. We cannot do it by word only; we cannot do it by some tradition of man; we only reflect exactly what we're pointing to.

I'm afraid today that too many of us are not getting people to Christ. We're getting them to a church, to a theory, but we must get them to Christ. He is the only One, and the only One that has Life. "He that has the Son, has Life." And if the life of a man that's dead be projected in you, you will live the same life he lived. If the blood of a man was a certain type, and you took the blood from one man and changed the blood of the one man into another, he'd absolutely be that typed blood. And if your spirit that's in you is reckoned dead, and you are anointed with the Life that was in Christ is upon you... Romans 8:11 says, "If the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, It'll also quickens your mortal bodies," that same Life, them same powers, them same beneficiaries that He had here on earth from God. He redeemed you, a seed that was foreknown by God, whose names was put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And that Gospel Light of the resurrection, the confirmation of the Word... How did we know He was the Christ? Because He proved what He talked about. How will I know the Message of the hour? God proves what He promised and He talks about it.

12-2 That is the identification, that we are beneficiaries with Him in the resurrection. He proves what He's talked about. What He promised to do in Christ, He proved it on the resurrection. What He promised to do in the days of Moses, He proved it. What He promised in the days of Enoch, He proved it. In all the days of the apostles, He proved it. And now in this day, He proves what He said, because they are a part of that seed that was represented on the Book of Life that He came to redeem back to God again. Oh, what a Message.


62-2 Now, remember, He is that Tree of Life contrary to the serpent's seed. You see? He's that Seed, the woman's Seed, the Tree of Life in the garden. And unless they put forth their hands and move this Tree, they'd eat that Tree and live forever. And He's the only Tree that can be taken that you can live forever. His Word is Life. And that be the Word then, the Word of God which Eve turned down in the garden of Eden, then here's Christ, the Word made manifest; and when He come on earth, He was the Tree of Life. Do you believe that? And Rome, what did they do? He had to be chopped down. And He was put on a tree of disgrace ("Cursed is he that hang on a tree"), become a curse for the human race. And now through that, He brings forth a Bride Tree, which will be the Tree of Life restored back to Him as Husband and Wife in the garden of Eden (Oh, glory to God.), by the same Word and the same God made manifested as Husband and Wife: the same Bride Tree back again (notice), making it known.

76-1 He, the Word... How do you know it's right? He, the Word is vindicated. See? He, the Word properly vindicated, is the Headship, the Head of the Church. He is the Word, the Headship. He's properly identifica--identified, vindicated by His own Spirit being in the Church itself (the person), showing forth Himself in vindication is the direct proof to the entire Body. You don't need creeds then. Denominations has perished, but the Headship Itself, recognized in the Body by personal identifications (See, identifying Himself) proves the Headship to the Body. Then we are united under One vindicated Headship; that is Christ, the Word of God, not under any church. Then our Headship is a Kingdom.