1. The ______

carries low oxygen blood to the lungs and brings high oxygen blood back to the heart.

2. ______animals lay eggs with a shell which nourish the embryo
that grows inside until it hatches.

3. The ______is the protein and water stored in an amniotic egg.

4. Reptiles excrete their nitrogen waste as ______acid.

5. Snakes and lizards belong to the order of reptiles called ______.

6. The ______’ ______is a specialized sense organ
located in the roof of the mouth of some reptiles that used to detect odors.

7. The exit opening shared by the digestive, reproductive, and excretory systems is
called a ______.

8.Turtles and tortoises belong to the order of reptiles called ______

9. Animals that can’t make their own body heat and are dependent on their environment
to stay warm are called “cold blooded” or ______.

10. The ______gland is found in all vertebrates and controls heart
rate, organ and tissue development, and metabolism.

11. ______is a protein that is found in the scaly skin of reptiles, as
well as, human fingernails and bird feathers.

12. The ventral “tummy” shell on a turtle is called the ______.

13. A snake, like a python, which squeezes and suffocates its prey is called a

14. ______animals keep their shelled eggs inside

the mother’s body until right before hatching.

15. All reptiles except crocodilians have a PARTIAL ______which begins to
separate the ventricle into two compartments.

16. The ______is a fan-like membrane that holds the digestive
organs in place.


1. Male reptiles have a ______to transfer sperm inside the female’s body.

2. In an amniotic egg the fat rich food supply (yolk) is surrounded by a membrane
called the ______sac.

3. In reptiles the sperm and egg join inside the female’s body. This is called


4. The membrane in an amniotic egg that contains the nitrogen waste and exchanges
gases is called the ______.

5. The ______is located near the duodenum and makes trypsin,
insulin, and glucagon.

6. Reptiles are different from amphibians because they have dry, ______skin

which keeps them from drying out.

7. A snake, like a rattlesnake, that injects venom with largemovable fangs is called
a ______.

8. Most reptiles, all birds, and a few mammals lay ______eggs,
which enclose the embryo in a self-contained water environment surrounded by 4
membranes and a protective shell.

9. Turtles and tortoises are different from other reptiles because they have a

sharp beak instead of ______.

10. The domed dorsal shell of a turtle is called the ______.

11. The ______system which includes organs, like the pancreas
and thyroid gland, produces hormones that control other body systems.

12. The multi-purpose collecting space that receives urine, feces, and sperm or eggs is
called the ______.

13. Reptiles are different from amphibians because they have ______on their

14. The sex of most animals is determined by X and Y sex chromosomes, but in turtles

the sex is determined by the ______of the nest.

15. All reptiles, except crocodilians, have a ______chambered heart.

16. The heart of a turtle has 1 ventricle and ______atria.

17. The ______is the membrane that surrounds all the other
membranes in an amniotic egg.

18. The ______are small air sacs inside the lungs of reptiles which

increase surface area for greater gas exchange.

19. The ______makes, stores, and recycles red blood cells.

20. In ______animals, the embryos grow inside the mother’s
body nourished through a placenta.

21. The ______in an amniotic egg surrounds the developing embryo and the
fluid in which it floats.

22. A snake, like a cobra, that injects venom with small fixed fangs is called
an ______.

NAME ______

