WHAP EXAM REVIEW TEST #1: Ancient Period

  1. Which of the following was NOT a common trait of early civilizations?
  2. Writing
  3. Formal state structures
  4. urban life
  5. Monument building
  6. Nomadism
  1. Where did the earliest civilizations tend to develop?
  2. Mountain plateaus
  3. Coastlines
  4. River valleys
  5. Grassland steppes
  6. Archipelagos
  1. Based on the preponderance of archaeological evidence, which region of the world saw the development of the earliest civilizations?
  2. Northern Eurasia
  3. South America
  4. Indonesia
  5. The Middle East
  6. North America
  1. Which of the following early river valley civilizations developed in the greatest state of isolation from the others?
  2. Tigris River
  3. Euphrates River
  4. Indus river
  5. Huang he River
  6. Nile River
  1. Which people are credited withdeveloping the first Phonetic alphabet?
  2. Egyptians
  3. Sumerians
  4. Phoenicians
  5. Chinese
  6. Koreans
  1. Which choice best characterizes the relationship between early civilizations and writing?
  2. Writing permitted record keeping for trade and governments
  3. Writing led to the development of civilization more than sedentary agriculture
  4. Most civilizations developed without writing
  5. No sophisticated civilization developed without a system of writing
  6. The is not important relationship between writing and civilization
  1. Which of the following was true for ALL of the early agricultural systems?
  2. Domestication of perennial plants in each region
  3. wheat and barley cultivation
  4. Economicactivity based on raising a combination of domesticatedplants and animals
  5. Reliance on pastoral forms of societal organizations
  6. Abandonment of sedentary agriculture
  1. Which statement is most accurate regarding Jewish monotheism?
  2. It traces itsorigins to Abraham
  3. It was spread by missionaries in the Ganges River valley
  4. It appealed mainly to the elites in society
  5. It incorporated the idea of a reincarnations
  6. It rejected all of the laws of Mesopotamian culture
  1. Which of the following did ancient Egyptian, Shang and Sumerian civilizations all have in common?
  2. Pyramid shaped monumental structures
  3. River valley location
  4. Acceptance of Buddhism
  5. Pastoral-based economy
  6. Intensive rice agriculture
  1. The period 8000BCE to 600 CE saw all of the following EXCEPT
  2. Birth of major world religions
  3. Origin of agriculture
  4. First use of gunpowder
  5. Urbanization
  6. Development of writing
  1. River valley civilizations, such as the Egyptians and Sumerians, developed all of the following EXCEPT
  2. Craft specialization
  3. Social stratification
  4. Constitutional monarchy
  5. Long-distance trade
  6. Complex religiousrituals
  1. Which civilization’s decline was most likely due to drastic environmental change?
  2. Indus
  3. Han
  4. Roman
  5. Egyptian
  6. Assyrian
  1. All of the following were important impact of the rise of metalwork in the ancient world EXCEPT
  2. Metal tools made farming easier
  3. Metal arms revolutionized warfare
  4. Specialized labor developed further
  5. Metallic coins facilitated trade
  6. Metal shipsrevolutionized long-distance trade
  1. What additional challenges do historians studying the Harappa civilization of the Indus River valley face that does not exists when studying the Egyptians or Sumerians?
  2. Artifacts lie under layers of earth that must be carefully excavated
  3. Religious prohibitions on interfering with Hindu burial places hinder excavation projects
  4. Historians rely entirely on legends and oral history as no archaeological record of Harappacivilizationexists
  5. Harappa writing has never been deciphered, making it impossible to read what has been left behind
  6. Political instability in the region has made archeological research near impossible
  1. What is the name of the Sumerian writing system?
  2. Hieroglyphs
  3. Ideograph
  4. Pictograph
  5. Cuneiform
  6. Phonetics
  1. The order in which these empires emerged was
  1. Sumerian
  2. Shang
  3. Roman
  4. Han
  5. I, II, III, IV
  6. I, II, IV, III
  7. II, I, IV, III
  8. II, III, I, IV
  9. IV, III, II, I
  1. Based on available knowledge, which of the following was NOT a part of Homo erectus’ world?
  2. Tool making
  3. Language
  4. Bipedalism
  5. Hunting
  6. Agriculture
  1. Compared to other revolutions in world history, which feature of the Neolithic Revolutions is most unusual?
  2. Altered gender roles and relations
  3. Its unfolding over thousands of years in diverselocales
  4. Impact on populations growth
  5. Transformation of class relations
  6. Abandonment of previously held patterns of religious worship
  1. Which set of Paleolithic practices would prove most durable as humans entered the Neolithic Age?
  2. Generally egalitarianprinciples of social organization
  3. Metallurgical expertise
  4. Domestication of animals
  5. Nomadic lifestyle
  6. Hunting of wild big-game mammals as the major source of protein
  1. Which of the following was NOT a unique advantage agricultural people enjoyed over hunter-gatherer groups as a sedentary lifestyle began to confront nomadic lifestyle after 8000BCE?
  2. Immunities built up to new diseases spawned in moredensely populated areas
  3. Regular armed forces capable of sustained offensive and defensive campaigns
  4. Greater ability to store food in preparation for times of scarcity
  5. Higher levels of social equality and group cohesion
  6. Tools and weapons made of metal
  1. Which of the following early crops was unique to the early civilizations of what would later be termed the New World?
  2. Oats
  3. Millet
  4. Barley
  5. Wheat
  6. Maize
  1. What best characterizes the evolving role of women as human society moved from preagricultural to agricultural modes of human production?
  2. Tending to large flocks of domesticated animals
  3. Foraging and fashioning stone tools
  4. Greater confinement to the home to care for more children
  5. Spending most of the time at market to trade the family’s surplus farm goods
  6. Guiding religious worship in the village or town
  7. Which of the following best describes the development of agriculture during the Neolithic era?
  8. It as a gradual process, arising independently in diverse regions and climatic conditions on the globe
  9. It spread from the Americas across a land bridge to Asia and ten to Europe
  10. It was limited to China until the first millennium BCE
  11. It was practiced only on hilly terrain
  12. It generally brought on lower populationdensities in the areas to which it spread
  1. What economic effect did food surpluses have on early agricultural societies?
  2. Hunting animals was eliminated as a source of food
  3. A social hierarchy was developed with peasants on the top
  4. The first long-distance trade networks were established
  5. People abandoned all other trades in order to farm
  6. Trade practices emerged with the capacity to feed artisans who then had time to practice craft specialization
  1. Broadly speaking, which choice places the developments associated with the Neolithic revolution in the correct chronological order?
  2. Specialization of labor, social stratification, surplus food production
  3. Surplus food production, specialization of labor, social stratification
  4. Social stratification, specialization of labor, surplus food production
  5. Specialization of labor, surplus food production, social stratification
  6. Surplus food production, social stratification, specialization of labor


  1. E
  2. C
  3. D
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. C
  12. A
  13. E
  14. D
  15. D
  16. A
  17. E
  18. B
  19. C
  20. D
  21. E
  22. C
  23. A
  24. E
  25. B