Long Essay Practice

“The long essay will test your ability to analyze continuity and change-over-time, or to compare a society, event, theme or process. You will be given a choice: pick one of two essays on this part of the exam.” ~ Five Steps to a Five


  • Continuity


  • Change


Provide an example:

  • A continuity in South Asia


  • A change in South Asia


  • A continuity in East Asia


  • A change in East Asia


A word about regions:

  • Identify the countries of East Asia. ______
  • Identify the countries of South Asia. ______
  • Identify the countries of Southeast Asia. ______
  • Identify the countries of Central Asia. ______
  • Identify the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. ______
  • Identify the countries of the Mediterranean region. ______
  • Identify the countries of Western Europe. ______
  • Identify the countries of Eastern Europe. ______
  • Identify the countries of Latin America. ______
  • Identify the countries of the Atlantic world. ______
  • Identify the countries of the Indian Ocean region. ______

“The comparative essay question requires you to write an essay that compares and contrasts societies or issues. This question may cover one or more of the Advanced Placement World History time periods. Suggested writing time for the comparative essay is 35 minutes, including a 5-minute prewriting period. In most cases, you will be given several regions and will be asked to compare issues between two of the regions. Some examples of issues that you may be asked to compare are gender roles, political structures, trade, and migrations.

Begin by writing a thesis statement that takes a stand on one aspect of the issues to be compared. Do not simply restate the essay prompt. A statement such as the following, for example, is not an adequate thesis statement: “There are many similarities and differences between the slave trade in the Indian and the Atlantic Ocean basins in the period between 1450 and 1750.” An adequate thesis statement might read: “While the Indian Ocean slave trade carried slaves from eastern Africa to European-owned plantations in the Indian Ocean between 1450 and 1750, a more vigorous slave trade across the Atlantic between western Africa and the Americas effected profound and enduring changes upon the societies of the Western Hemisphere.”

In order to respond adequately, it is necessary to make one or two direct comparisons between the societies or issues addressed. Analyze the direct comparison by showing the causes and effects of similarities and/or differences. An example of a direct comparison is “Egypt’s natural barriers provided a degree of isolation, allowing the Egyptian culture to develop somewhat independently. Unlike Egypt, Sumer was surrounded by few natural barriers making it vulnerable to frequent invasions and influences from other civilizations and societies.”

A good comparative essay will make more than one direct comparison and will include both similarities and differences. Analysis of the regions or issues within the global context will also strengthen the essay.

Most common errors on the comparative essay:

-Failure to answer the right question as a result of not reading the essay prompt carefully

-Failure to make at least one direct comparison between the societies or issues addressed in the essay prompt

Some rules:

-The essay does not need an elaborate introductory paragraph

-The best approach for the introduction is to state your thesis

-Body paragraphs present the defense of your thesis with historical details and analyses

-You may compare regions as a whole OR you may compare one country from each region

-You may even treat one region as a whole and deal with the second region through the example of one country

-You must address all parts of the question BUT you may write an essay that is stronger in one area than the other

~ Five Steps to a Five


How has the reading provided insight in how best to answer the long essay – particularly, a comparative essay prompt?


Practice: 2005 Comparative Essay from the World History AP

Compare and contrast the political and economic effects of Mongol rule on TWO of the following regions:


Middle East


Create a chart that helps organize your answer for this comparative essay in the space below.

Write a valid thesis statement for this essay:


Write a strong analytical body paragraph in the space below:

Rate Thesis Statement A:

“The Mongols had significant political and economic impact on both Russia and China during their rule, but China was affected more, being ruled directly by the Mongols, whereas Russia was largely left to its own devices under independent princedoms and felt Mongol influence largely via taxes.”

My Grade for this Thesis Statement: ______

Rate Thesis Statement B:

“The Mongols had a large impact on many countries in the western world. The Mongols had a long reign of power but were eventually brought down by technologically advanced weapons but not before their impressions upon China and Russia. The Mongols had an everlasting impact on China’s and Russia’s political and economic systems and are still seen in present times of each country.”

My Grade for this Thesis Statement: ______

1. A result of the Mongol invasion, Moscow
(A) Was swallowed up in the growth of Novgorod, the only city to avoid conquest.
(B) Was moved 200 miles to the west.
(C) Allied itself with the Mongols and resolutely crushed Russian resistance movements to the Golden Horde.
(D) Only recovered from its sack and burning in the seventeenth century.
(E) Used its position as collector of tribute for the Mongols and the seat of Russian Orthodoxy to emerge as the political leader of Russia.
2. The Mongol conquests of much of Eurasia in the thirteenth century tended to encourage trade along the Silk Roads primarily by
(A) opening large new markets for both European and East Asian goods in Central Asia
(B) increasing the demand for military supplies needed by the Mongol armies that occupied various regions
(C) decreasing the risk of bandit attacks and reducing the number of local rulers collecting tribute from trade caravans
(D) discouraging seaborne trade along the Indian Ocean routes that competed with the Silk Roads / 3. The rise of the Mongol Empire contributed to all of the following EXCEPT
(A) The spread of Christianity
(B) An empire that extended across parts of Europe and Asia
(C) An unsuccessful attempt to conquer Japan
(D) The spread of the plague
(E) The growth of trade across Central Asia
4. Which of the following territories did the Mongols NOT conquer?
(A) Russia (C) Bulgaria
(B) Ukraine (D) France
5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) The Mongols destroyed the city of Kiev for resisting Mongol rule but elevated the city of Moscow when the princes of Moscow became willing collectors of tribute for the Mongols.
(B) The Mongols never conquered Japan due to kamikaze winds.
(C) The Mongols used the Chinese civil service examination and promoted Confucian scholars to high positions in government.
(D) A Mongol ruler converted to Islam in Persia.