U.S. History & Geography 8

Mr. Scalo

Room 701

Materials Needed for History Class: Organization Counts!

1. White, lined notebook paper and pens in class every day. (No pencil please)

2. History textbooks will be checked out from Mr. Scalo.*

3. Notebook sections for history notes, Presidents, Important Dates, and Constitutional Protections.

(Composition books are ideal for notes.)

4. A three ring binder with paper for homework assignments.

5. Supplies such as rulers and colored pencils for mapping would come in handy.

*(Each student will have a book at home and one to use in class, so you do not need to bring your book with you to class.)

Classroom Expectations: Behavior Counts!

1. Be in your seat with History section of your notebook open before the bell rings.

2. Read agenda on board and begin to work.

3. Follow Code of Conduct (see agenda pages 8-13) and Mr. Scalo’s class rules.

4. Treat everyone with respect.

Assignments: Time Management Counts!

1. Due dates and assignment requirements are given in advance; plan your time well.

2.  No late homework is accepted unless due to an excused absence.

3. Absent? Check my website or call an informed study buddy.

4. In 8th grade, enjoy being responsible for your own work and your own learning!


1.  All students present on the day a test or quiz is given will take the test on that day, regardless of previous absence or other extenuating circumstances. If appropriate, a retest may be given at the teacher’s discretion.

Grading Policy: Homework (40%), Test & Quizzes (30%), Projects (30%)

Grading Scale: 98%-100% =A+, 90%-97%=A 89%=A-, 88%=B+, 80%-87%=B, 79%=B-, 78%=C+, 70%-77%=C, 69%=C-, 68%=D+, 60-67%=D, 59%=D-, 0%-58%=F

What will we study this year?

First Semester: Second Semester:

Unit 1: Geography of the United States Unit 5: Westward Expansion

Unit 2: Colonial Life and the American Revolution Unit 6: The Civil War and Reconstruction

Unit 3: The Constitution Unit 7: The Rise of Industrial America

Unit 4: A New Nation

Dear Students and Parents, August, 2010

I am looking forward to an enjoyable and successful year of learning in U.S. History 8. Please sign that you have read this notice of course expectations and contact me with any questions or concerns. Mr. Scalo (481-8221 x3287) or

Sign and Return:______