Women Of Faith Wordshop Bible Study Guide

Ps 111:2 The works of the LORD are great, Studied by all who have pleasure in them.

The Book of Philippians February 20, 2008 Week Three

Read all of Philippians Chapter Three before beginning

1.  Paul began the third chapter with the command to “rejoice in the Lord.” This becomes an important concept in light of what Paul discussed in this chapter. Take a few minutes to consider some of the implications of this command. Use the questions below as a guide.

a.  What do you think it means to “rejoice in the Lord”?

b.  How is “rejoicing in the Lord” a safeguard for you?

2.  How would you explain the phrase “put no confidence in the flesh”? See also Titus 3:5-7.

3.  In Philippians 3:4-8, Paul explained that if confidence in the flesh were possible, then he would have ample reason to boast.

a.  From verse 5, who was Paul?

b.  From verse 6, how had he lived out his religious zeal?

4.  When Paul met Christ on the Damascus Road (Acts 9:1-19), he counted “those things” (all his personal and acquired merits) as loss. In Philippians 3:8 he wrote, “More than that, I count all things to be loss…” After Paul was changed by Jesus Christ, what one thing mattered, or was counted as gain to him?

5.  What do we “gain” when we know Christ Jesus according to the following verses?

a.  John 17:3

b.  II Peter 1:2-3

c.  II Peter 2:20a

6.  From Philippians 3:10, what were the things that Paul desired to know?

7.  Read Philippians 3:12 carefully. Paul made three strong statements in this verse. Re-state his thoughts in your own words - using as few words as possible.

8.  The Christian life is a measurable, observable walk before others. Paul told us that what we believe and what we do must agree.

a.  What did Paul say in Philippians 3:17?

b.  (Personal) Does the consistency of your life allow you to say, “join in following my example”…not that you do everything perfectly, but that you are, in every way, “pressing toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”?

9.  In verses 18-19, Paul described those who were not walking to glorify Christ. Contrast the life Paul modeled for us with the one he described in these verses.

a.  “they are enemies of the cross of Christ…” with Galatians 6:14

b.  “whose end is destruction…” with Philippians 3:11

c.  “whose god is their appetite…” with Philippians 3:10a

d.  “whose glory is their shame…” or as in The Living Bible “they are proud of what they should be ashamed of…” with Philippians 3:3.

e.  “who set their minds on earthly things…” with Colossians 3:2.



© Lois Lindley 11818 La Mirada Blvd, La Mirada CA 90638