IAG 2007 SP2
Whale Communications Intelligent Application Gateway 2007 Service Pack 2
Microsoft® Corporation
Published: December 2008
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Intelligent Application Gateway 2007 Service Pack 2
Supported upgrade scenarios on a hardware appliance
Preparing an IAG hardware appliance
Intelligent Application Gateway 2007 Service Pack 2
The Service Pack 2 (SP2) release of Whale Communications Intelligent Application Gateway (IAG) 2007 provides the latest updates to IAG 2007, with simplified deployment, interoperability for environments not running Windows®, enhanced application support, improved user experience, and improved performance.
Service packs are cumulative. IAG 2007 SP2 contains all the fixes that are included in IAG 2007 Service Pack1 (SP1) and updates to SP1, and it also includes any new fixes.
The following are useful sources of information about the content of IAG 2007 SP2:
For details about IAG 2007 SP1, see Intelligent Application Gateway 2007 Service Pack 1 release notes (
For details about IAG 2007 SP2, including details about the updates released for IAG 2007 post-SP1, see About Intelligent Application Gateway (IAG) 2007 Service Pack 2 ( For other important information about this release, see Intelligent Application Gateway 2007 Service Pack 2 release notes (
For complete IAG documentation, including explanations, considerations, and other related information, see Intelligent Application Gateway 2007 (
Supported upgrade scenarios on a hardware appliance
The following are the supported upgrade scenarios for performing an in-place server upgrade to IAG 2007 SP2:
You can upgrade from IAG 3.7 SP1 to IAG 3.7 SP2.
You can upgrade from IAG 3.7 to IAG 3.7 SP2.
Preparing an IAG hardware appliance
Before you install IAG 2007 SP2, you need to install ActivePerl version on the IAG server.
You may install ActivePerl anywhere on the IAG server.
If nsPerl is installed on your computer, do not uninstall it, in case you want to uninstall IAG SP2 and revert to the previously installed version.
To install ActivePerl on the IAG server
1.On the IAG server, access the following URL:2.Save the file anywhere on the computer, and then in the Download Complete dialog box, click Run.
3.Follow the instructions to complete the installation.