Helping you help others
Workforce One Rewrite – Events and Sessions User Guide
Events and Sessions Overview
The event and session pages in Workforce One (WF1) are used to manage group events such as orientations, overviews and job clubs, as well as training or information sessions offered by employment service providers. Users with the appropriate privileges can create events for Person Sessions or Staff Training. These sessions can be for persons enrolled in programs administered by an agency, or for staff training purposes. The event pages enable you to add an event, copy an event, and create unique sessions for the event. The session pages enable you to register participants in a session, view and print the session roster, send an appointment notice and update attendance records after the session has occurred. Users with the appropriate privileges can edit and delete under certain conditions.
Event Search
Users with the appropriate privileges can find this functionality by clicking Manage Program in the top navigation menu, then the link to Events to make the search page display.
· Wildcard search is allowed against the Event Name by using asterisk (*) as a wildcard indicator before and/or after letters.
o For example, the wild card search *job* would return results including “job fair”, “creative job search workshop”, and “job-readiness skills training”.
· Event name search field is not case-sensitive.
· Users associated with only one agency will see that agency displayed in the Agency Associated field and those with multiple agency associations will have to make a selection from the drop-down menu.
· Event Status defaults to Active, with drop-down menu selection options for Pending or Inactive.
· When returning results, WF1 hides the criteria panel and displays the results panel. As with most WF1 searches, the number of results displayed can be changed using the results adjustor control that appears at the upper right corner of the search results panel. (See example in next section with search results image.) Users may also Refine Search or perform a New Search using the buttons that appear after the user runs a search.
Event Search Results
· In Search Results, the type of notice selected when the originator of the event first created it displays in parentheses after the event name.
· Users with the appropriate privileges can perform actions in the Action column:
o Add a session to a recurring event,
o Copy the event to create a new event,
o Edit details of the selected event, or
o Delete the event (e.g., if it is no longer being held).
· Click the Add Event button to go to the “Event Add/Edit” page.
Event Add/Edit
Person Event
Users can add a new event by clicking the Add Event button from the Event Search page. You must have the appropriate privileges in your security profile to add and edit events.
· Event Category displays as Person Session.
· If there is no default for Event Owner, make a selection from the dropdown for the primary agency that will be using the event.
· Click the Next button to complete additional details.
· The Event Owner (selected on the previous page) will be the default agency.
· The Change Category/Owner button is available when adding a new event and displays after you click the Next button. You can then modify either of these fields prior to the final save.
· Users can set Event Status when creating the event or leave it in pending status until ready to activate.
o Pending – Event is created but not yet available to add sessions or copy,
o Active – Event is both created and available to add sessions or copy, or
o Inactive – Event is not available but may be activated by users with the appropriate access.
· Notice Type is required when the event category is a person session. The Mandatory indicator can be helpful when tracking compliance and defaults to ‘Yes’ when any of the DHS notices are associated with the event.
· You may make programs eligible to use this event (or remove them) by checking and unchecking the boxes under “Programs to Use Event”. Checking or unchecking the Select All Programs box will add/remove the check mark to/from all listed programs.
· You may add agencies eligible to use this event by clicking the Add Agency button. The list of agencies displayed will depend upon your profile. You can remove agencies (except for the Event Owner) from the list by clicking the Delete link in the Action column of the Event Search screen.
· Clicking the Save button will ensure WF1 saves the event before returning you to the event summary page. You will be able to edit the event later if you wish, using the Event Search Results procedure above. Clicking the Cancel button will take you back to the Event Summary page without saving any entries.
· If you don’t see the event in the following Event Summary page after saving, double-check that the search parameter matches the event status of the event you just created.
Event Management
In addition to adding events from the Event Search page, the Action column allows an event to be edited, deleted, or copied. Adding sessions is covered in its own section below.
Edit an Event
Users with the appropriate privileges can inactivate an event and update details of an event if it has no sessions attached to it.
Delete an Event
Users with the appropriate privileges can click the Delete link to remove an event. The system will not display the delete link for an event which has sessions associated with it.
Copy an Event
Clicking the Copy link copies the details of the corresponding event and resets the status of the copied event to Pending. Since each event must have a unique name, you must rename the event after copying it. You may also change the event owner and those agencies which are allowed to use the copied event, as well as the notice type and mandatory indicator.
Session Search
Users with the appropriate privileges can click Manage Program in the top navigation menu, then the link to Sessions, to make the Session Search page display.
· Wildcard search is also allowed against the Session Name in the same manner as the Event Name by using asterisk (*) as a wildcard indicator(s).
· Session name search field is not case-sensitive. The session name is the same as the “parent” event name.
· The Session Status search parameter defaults to Open. Check or uncheck the boxes to search for sessions in other statuses.
· Dates default from the current date to 60 days in the future but fields are editable to return fewer results or to search further into the future.
· Person sessions are agency-specific. Users associated with multiple agencies and programs may have to modify selections to narrow results.
· When returning results, WF1 hides the criteria panel and displays the results panel.
· Search results are limited to 500.
· As with most searches in WF1, the user can change the number of results displayed using the results adjustor control at the top right of the search results panel. Users may also use the Refine Search or New Search buttons after performing a search.
Session Search Results
· The language that the session is offered in, selected during event set-up, displays behind the session name. Users with appropriate privileges may change this via “Edit” in the Action column.
· “Held At” shows the agency location or another location, as defined during set-up.
· Status displays the status of that session and shows the number of spaces available to register persons.
· Users with the appropriate privileges can perform actions in the Action column:
o Update attendance status for the associated session,
o Delete the session (only available if no participants have registered),
o Edit certain fields,
o Register a person for a session, or
o View and print a roster for an associated session.
Session Add/Edit
Users may add sessions from the Event Summary screen. Click Manage Program in the top navigation menu, then the link to Events and search for the relevant event. Click the Add Session link next to the corresponding event. The description of the Session Add/Edit page below is broken down into three sections.
· The top section of the page displays event details carried over from the event creation.
· Enter capacity between 1 and 99.
· Language defaults to English and a drop-down menu presents additional options.
· Add presenter name and phone, if desired.
· Add fee, if desired.
· Session Notes field is information to pass along to the presenter. This text will not display on the notice.
The next panel on the Session Add/Edit page allows for selection of dates and times for the session.
· When entering times, use hh:mm, where h is hour and m is minute, format.
· If you are entering hours outside of normal business hours, double-check to make the selection for AM or PM is what you intended.
· A session needs to be at least fifteen minutes long, and may not exceed nine hours.
· Click on the date or dates you want the session to be held.
· The key below the calendars describes the meaning of the color blocks for dates.
The Notice Information Panel on the Session Add/Edit page (below) is the last section of the page and contains information about the address and other details to be included in the session notice which you can print and then either mail or give to the person.
· Choose Notice Type (which defaults to the selection made during the event set-up).
· Select an Agency. Agencies display based on your profile. If you have only one agency in your profile, you won’t have to select an agency.
· Select a location for the session (which defaults to the system address for your location, but can be changed).
· Enter or edit address and related fields.
· Check the box next to any of the statements you want to appear in the notice for the session. Notice that a few fields have a text box next to them that can be used to provide additional information such as where to park.
Register a Person for a Session
Search for a session using the instructions in the Session Search section above and click the Register link in the Action column for the desired session. Clicking the Register button takes you to the Session Register page. The top section of the page displays event and session details carried over from when the event was created and the sessions were set up.
Search for persons to register:
· Click Yes for Include Recent Work to select a person whose record you have recently accessed ,
· Search by name (standard search rules apply for wildcards and special characters),
· Search by WF1 Record ID,
· Search by MAXIS Case number, or
· Search by SSN.
· You can expand the search results by clicking No to Program Participants Only. Program Participants Only includes persons who are enrolled in a program tracked in WF1.
Run the search. From your results, select the records to register and click the Register Selected button.
The Session Registration Management page displays event and session details carried over from when the event was created and the sessions set up. This page can also be accessed from the session search results via the link in the Action column.
· WF1 calculates and displays capacity, and tracks registrations for any agency or program allowed to use the session.
· Select one or more records and click the button to “unregister” and remove selected registrants’ information from the session.
· Select one or more records and click the button to print notices for up to fifty registrants for person sessions.
Register from DHS Referral Queue (DHS programs)
To register persons from the referral queue for an orientation or overview, you must filter the queue by program. Check the records to be registered, select Register for Orientation/Overview from the Select Action dropdown, and click the Complete Action button. WF1 will take you to a search results page with sessions corresponding to the selected program where you can complete registration and print notices.
Session Management
In addition to registering a person for a session, the Action column on the Person Session Search page allows attendance to be updated, a roster of registrants to be viewed or printed, and a session to be edited or deleted.
Session Attendance
Click the Attendance link to go to the Session Attendance page to update the status of the session and to update the attendance status of registrants.
· Session Status selections include:
o Completed
o Not Held
· Selecting one of these values and clicking the Apply to All button will set that attendance status for each registrant.
· Attendance Status selections include:
o Registered
o Complete
o Did Not Attend
o Excused – Incomplete
o Session Not Held
o Unexcused – Incomplete
Delete Session
Users with the appropriate privileges can click the Delete link to remove a session. The system will not display the delete link for a session which has registrants associated with it.