for Wytwórnia Sprzętu Komunikacyjnego ,,PZL-Rzeszów" S.A.
In a response to theRequest For Quotation no. RFQ_12/2014/ZO/CBR regarding
“Delivery of 2 Computers for Cal Cart NUC Kit D54250WYK with additional equipment produced by Intel at the engine testing facility for the Research and Development Center for Aircraft Propulsion Systems at WSK "PZL - Rzeszów" S.A.”, currently under construction within the project titled “The Creation of the Research and Development Center for Aircraft Propulsion Systems at WSK "PZL - Rzeszów" S.A. within the Operational Programme: Development of Eastern Poland 2007-2013, priority axis I: Modern Economy, Measure 1.3: Promoting Innovation/Stage II,task2/DELIVERY for TC.
Supplier’s Name:Supplier’s place of business:
Person authorized to represent the Supplier:
Full name:
Address :
To whom it may concern:
- Having got acquainted with thedocumentation regardingthe Request For Quotation no. RFQ_12/2014/ZO/CBR we are offeringthe execution of herein total task within:
a)Price per 1 Computer with additional equipment
Quotation net price...... EUR
(say ...... EUR)
TAX [%] ......
Quotation price including tax (gross price) ...... EUR
(say: ...... EUR)
Tax included...... EUR
(say: ...... EUR)
Detailed pricing as follows:
Pozycja / CenaComputers for Cal Cart:
NUC Kit D54250WYK
Additional equipment:
mSSD: Kingston Digital 120GB SSDNow mS200 mSATA (6Gbps) Solid State Drive (SMS200S3/120GB)
Pamięć: 4GB Module – DDR3L 1600MHz, 1.35V, (model: KVR16LS11/4)
1- Mini Display Port to VGA (MDP2VGA)
2- Mini Display Port to DVI (MDP2DVI3)
3- Mini HD to VGA (MNHD2VGAE)
b)Total price (2 Computers) with additional equipment
Quotation net price...... EUR
(say ...... EUR)
TAX [%] ......
Quotation price including tax (gross price) ...... EUR
(say: ...... EUR)
Tax included...... EUR
(say: ...... EUR)
2. The proposed lead time for the delivery ………………………………..……….………………….
3. The proposed payment terms:……………………………………………..……………………..….
- Warranty:…………………………………………………………………………………………….
- We assure The Offer validity for 90 days starting from the date of submission.
...... , on ......
(signatures of persons authorized to represent the supplier
or holding a proxy)
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