
Sports Representatives, formally known as sports vice presidents are a committee of students set up to represent sports within the university and simultaneously enhance the experience of all the various aspects of sports for students.There are four individual roles as outlined below,with their own specific remit.All roles will bear the same level of responsibility,each dependent on the time of year in relation to the role.

All four representatives will work heavily to contribute to the running of sport within the University and the Students’ Union, through but not limited to; the running of campaigns, improving student development opportunities, marketing Team Leicester events, publicisingsuccesses, increasing participation, general administrative tasks and specific tasks relevant to your position.

As part of the Exec team, I would need you to act as my representative in case I am absent but more importantly, be at the table when important conversations are being held. This will help give Team Leicester Clubs and sports groups a greater voice and hopefully improve the level of communication between all the parties involved in sport in university. You would also be involved in meetings where Club of the Month and Sports Awards winners are decided.

From the contributions you make and your commitment to the position, the skills that you are likely to gain from the experience include but are not limited to; inter and intra communication, marketing, adaptability, teamwork, research & analysis, problem solving and decision making, organization and digital skills.You will be expected to work within a committee headed by the Sports Executive Officer. Meetings will be held every 1-2 weeks. You will also be required to attend the bi-termly club captain meetings. This role will bear the same amount of responsibility as a committee position in a Team Leicester Club.

Only one role may be applied for per application. In no particular order the four vice representative positions are as follows:

  • Social Media Representative

To utilise Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and whatever else to help promote fixtures, results, charity events, varsity, training and overall promotion of Team Leicester and sports. We have many great things happening at the university but it is not promoted as well as it could be. You’d have access to the available Social Medias and work alongside the media groups to ensure greater coverage. Whatever you post would most likely be moderated or approved by the University to ensure we are within guidelines but all of that will be specified at a later date.

  • Research & Data Representative

One of the key things I will be doing is creating a research paper that will be sent to the University panel. For example, the vice chancellor and his peers. This research paper will be crafted in a bid to get more funding, improve facilities and generally achieve the goals that will require a lot of approval and funding. These will be long term objectives and the best way to get the university on side is to provide them with irrefutable evidence and proof that what we are asking for will massively improve student life. Your role will have you collect this information through surveys, questionnaires, focus groups and other means to build a strong case.

  • Liberation Group Representative

One of my aims is to work closely with liberation groups that may have some under representation in university sport. BAME, Disabled and LGBT+ students, alongside women as a whole could be better integrated into all levels of sport, but that all begins with building links with those groups. As an exec officer, you would attended meetings alongside me and these groups, hear their concerns, help run campaigns like Pride Week for example and help me in creating strategies that can make sure we are doing all we can to represent them within sport at Leicester.

  • Events Co-ordinator

Sporting campaigns, mental health awareness, Pride week, Varsity, Club Captain meetings, important BUCs league and cup games will require your attendance (dependant on your availability), to help coordinate, plan and show support. You duties can range from: collecting payments, coming up with ideas, speaking to third parties, relaying key information, attending said events in a professional capacity etc. As part of the exec team, you will be heavily involved when planning and attending these events throughout the year.

RepresentativesApplication Form

The deadline for submitting your application is Friday18th August 5pm. All applications sent after this date and time will not be accepted.




  1. Please highlight which one role you would like to apply for (one choice per applicant).

Social Media Research & Data Liberation Groups Events Co-ordinator

  1. Please outline below any extra or co-curricularexperience and/or qualifications you possess from the last four years to today(with dates).
  1. Brieflyexplain why you have decided to apply for this position.
  1. Briefly explain how you would plan to improve Sports and Team Leicester in your chosen role in the allocated space below.
  1. Please provide a brief summary of yourself, interests and overall university experience so far in the allocated space below.

Thank you for completing this application. Please submit this to before 5pm Friday 18th August.

Once submitted we will review your application and respond within ten days of the deadline as to whether or not you have been successful for an interview. Interviews will take place in August in person or over Skype or similar means if you are unavailable to be present on campus.