2009 Civic Pride® Sponsorship Form

Be a part of our ‘Twenty-Year Anniversary’ Celebration! As asponsor, your business can have high visibility in media releases, photo ops, name on invitations, materials and promotional items, and a listing on the Civic Pride website with thousands of ‘hits’ annually. All according to the sponsorship level youchoose. Thank you again for your tax-deductible contribution and participation. (Tax ID Number 94-6138800)

Business/Organization ______

Contact Person ______Title ______

Address______City______State ______Zip ______

Phone ______Fax ______E-mail ______

1. We are pleased to support Civic Pride! Please accept our tax deductible donation of $ ______

2. We are pleased to support Civic Pride through an in-kind donation of the following: ______valued at $______


___ Partners donate$3,000 to $5,000( Our Partners receive special recognition at the Scholarship & Civic Awards Gala, a reserved table for 10 with a seat on the dais, your company name prominently displayed on the Civic Pride Website Home Page with link, seating for 4 at the Youth Leadership Luncheon, table at the Empowerment Faire, name on all promotional items and in all media releases as a Partner, corporate banner displayed, a full-page ad in the 2009 Anniversary Program Book.)

___ Platinum Sponsors donate from $1,500 to $2,999(Our Platinum Sponsors receive special recognition at the Scholarship & Civic Awards Gala, reserved seating for 8, your company name on the Civic Pride Website Sponsorship page with link, seating for 2 at the Youth Leadership Luncheon, a table at the Empowerment Faire, name on all promotional items and in all media releases as a Platinum Sponsor, corporate banner displayed, a full-page ad in the 2009Anniversary Program Book.)

___ Gold Sponsors donate from $1,000 to $1,499 (Our Gold Sponsors receive special recognition at the Scholarship & Civic Awards Gala with reserved seating for 6, promotional website listing as a Gold Sponsor,name on all promotional items and media releases, seating for 2 at the Youth Leadership Luncheon, table at the Empowerment Faire, full-page ad in the 2009Anniversary Program Book.)

___ Silver Sponsors donatefrom$750 to $999 (Our Silver Sponsors receive special recognition at the Scholarship & Civic Awards Gala with reserved seating for 4, company name listed on website as a Silver Sponsor, name on promotional items and in media releasesas a Silver Sponsor,seating for 1 at the Youth Leadership Luncheon,shared table at the Empowerment Faire, half-page ad in the 2009Anniversary Program Book.)

___ Bronze Sponsors donate from $500 to $749(Our Bronze Sponsors receive special recognition at the Scholarship & Civic Awards Gala with priority seating for 3, company name listed on website as a Bronze Sponsor, name on promotional items and in media release as a Bronze Sponsor, quarter-page ad in the 2009 Anniversary Program Book)

___ Friend Sponsors donate $250 to $499 (Our Friends receive recognition at the Scholarship & Civic Awards Gala withpriority seating for 2, your company name listed on website as a Friend, name in media releases and on promotional items, business card ad in the 2009Anniversary Program Book.)



Attention: Carol Lee Tolbert, Executive Director

1300 Clay Street, Suite 600Oakland, CA94612

(Phone: 510.593.8827Fax: 510.654.2799 Email: Website: civicpride.net)