Wetlands are Wild

Primary School Puppet Show


1.  Enlarge the drawings to the appropriate size. You may use the backdrop as is (paper) or trace the drawing on to the white cotton cloth with fabric paint.

2.  Colour the pictures. Use other materials to give the drawing a 3-D effect. For example, paste on cotton balls for puffy clouds.


1.  Cut out the patterns.

2.  Trace the human form on to the cardboard and cut out.

3.  Lay clothing pattern on to folded felt so that pieces are cut out two at a time. Secure with pins if desired. Cut out clothing so that it is bigger than the human form.

4.  Dress puppets by using fabric glue or a hot glue gun to secure clothing to front and back of puppets.

5.  Apply eyes and hair as appropriate (these can be bought from a craft store) and other accessories. For example: glasses, cape, scarf, necktie, buttons. Additional facial features are drawn on with a permanent marker.

6.  Attach dowels to each puppet to manipulate.


1.  Cut the animal shape from styrofoam.

2.  For the birds paint feathers (gathered from cages or bought from a craft store) to create certain species. Glue feathers to bird form. Make beaks from pieces of posterboard and cut legs using small dowels painted the appropriate colours. Make bird feet from poster board. Apply eyes or draw on with a permanent maker,

3.  For the other animals ( fish, turtle etc.) cut body form from styrofoam. Use spray paint to make the animal the appropriate colours. Apply eyes and other features as necessary.


Make binoculars by rolling two pieces of black construction paper together. Attach string.

Make magic pneumatophores by starting with styrofoam square. Use a pencil or any pointed tool to punch random holes in the board. Roll brown or black construction paper tightly and insert into holes in styrofoam square. Apply glue to the surface of the block. Sprinkle on sand and glitter if desired. Glue on leaf litter.

Make small signs out of poster board with “Save the Wetlands” messages. Use Velcro to attach the puppets.

Purchase a small lightweight toy bulldozer. Can also be attached with a dowel to manipulate.


STEP 1: Acquire the following material.

No. Item

6 lengths of 20 x 1” PVC piping (cut into: 4 five foot pieces; 15 four foot pieces; 6 three-foot pieces; and 8 six inch pieces.)

6 1 inch PVC elbows

4 1 inch straight PVC Couplings

14 1 inch PVC T junctions

1 roll of masking tape



cloth for outside theatre cover

large piece of blue cloth for scenery background

satin or ( material and color of your choice) for curtains

PVC tubing is the preferred material because of its light weight and durability. It is available form almost any plumbing or hardware store.

NOTE: Use 1 “ PVC pipe

STEP 2: Construct the puppet theatre

a) First contact your local technical college to see if they can help in constructing the theatre. Format 2 is a blueprint for it. If you assemble the theatre yourself, follow the guidelines listed below. After cutting PVC pipes to desired lengths:

b) Using strong masking tape, attach the pieces together. Do not use glue because you will need to be able to easily disassemble the theatre after each use.

c) Once the frame has been constructed cover it with the cloth. Use velcro to attach the cloth to the frame. Use velcro to hang the gold curtains.

d) Stretch the rope across the rear of the structure and hang the

piece of blue cloth across it so that it forms the background onto which the scenery can be pinned.

e) The awnings curtains and siding can be attached to the frame by velcro or string ties. Ideas for designing the front are presented in figure 3. Note that the tree is attached to the front of the stage by inserting it into a hole drilled into the pvc pipe frame.

HINT: Label each joint opening with a letter (A, B, C, ….) and each piece that fits in to the joint a corresponding letter (A, B, C….) so that the A goes with the A, etc. This system will make it much easier to assemble the theatre. Also use a canvas bag to carry the theatre from school to school.