Questions and Answers
Wet Wall Repair Keesler AFB – FA3010-15-R-0013
20 Jul 2015
- Section 04500 Masonry Restoration 1.03 B Repointing – It is unclear based off of the drawings to quantitate the amount of repointing needed for this project, will the government specify a square footage of repointing needed for bidding purposes?
A: Approximately 4,000 square foot of area to be prepped and repointed.
- Section 04500 Masonry Restoration 1.07 A Sequencing/Scheduling – “Chemically clean brick, and stucco”. The drawings indicate one section, but as it was discussed at the Site-Walk, there are multiple areas which need cleaning. Will the government specify a square footage of bricks that are to be chemically cleaned?
A: Approximately 35,000 square feet of brick and stucco to be cleaned.
- The drawings indicate the installation of new metal stud wall with 5/8” gypsum board. It is unclear based off of the drawings as to where these new walls are to be installed. Will the government please indicate where these walls are to be installed?
A: Omit “Existing CMU Wall”, “Existing Mtl Stud Wall with 5/8” Gypsum Board”, “New MTL Stud Wall with 5/8” Gypsum Board”, and “Items to be removed on demo sheets” notes and corresponding symbols on sheet T1.1 under Architectural Drawings Symbol Legend.
- General Notes T1.1 Drawings #17 – It does not seem that there will be a need for firestopping in this project. Please advise if this requirement is needed.
A: Omit note T1.1 Drawing #17. No fire or smoke dampers to be required.
- General Notes T1.1 Drawings #18 – Will fire/smoke dampers be required?
A: Omit note T1.1 Drawing #18. No fire or smoke dampers to be required.
- General Notes T1.1 Drawings #22 – There are no details in the drawings for phone, cable, and computer outlets. Please advise if these are requirements for this project.
A: Omit note T1.1 referencing phone, cable, and computers.
- General Notes T1.1 Drawings – There are numerous mentions of mechanical work for this project throughout the general notes. Please advise if mechanical work is needed.
A: Omit note T1.1 and any notes that reference mechanical work. There is no mechanical work in this project.
- Section 055500 Stair Tread and Nosing – The drawings indicate to install new retro fit metal stair nosings. Will the government please advise on which nosings are to be replaced, or will all be replaced?
A: All stair threads shall be replaced.
- Section 07110 Dampproofing – The specs call out to apply fibrated emulsion dampproofing to outside face of all concrete masonry units in exterior cavities, and apply clear liquid dampproofing to exterior facing brick, split face brick, high density CMU, plant pre-cast architectural concrete, and architectural concrete columns. Please advise if dampproofing will be applied on ALL brick and stucco throughout all three buildings, or just in specified areas.
A: Clear dampproofing will be applied to all brick surfaces. Paint to match new EIFS will be required on all stucco surfaces on all buildings.
- Will we be reusing bricks or restoring the masonry?
A: The contractor shall remove existing brick as required, clean brick, and reuse. If brick cannot be reused, then the contractor shall use new brick to closely match the existing brick as possible.
- Will we need to survey for asbestos?
A: There is no known ACM in these Facilities. However, should any suspicious material bediscovered, the contractor shall stop and notify the Contracting Officer.
- Which “Stair-nosing” needs to be addressed?
A: All stair nosings shall be replaced.
- Does the scope of work cover the entire area for all three buildings or will the work be done where needed?
A: The scope of work includes the buildings in the construction documents for this project.
Pointing as needed.
Steel rusting and Spalding, as needed.
Patching or repair of stucco, as needed.