Thank you for volunteering your time to help Melbourne Avian Rescue Sanctuary’s birds!

Contact Information




State Zip Code

Phone Fax

Cell Phone E-mail

Emergency Contact A.M. Phone P.M. Phone

Volunteer Interests & Expertise

Are you 18 years of age or older? o Yes o No (if under 18, parent and or guardian must sign application and release form)

When are you able to volunteer? ______

How often would you be available to volunteer? o Once per week o Twice per week o Every other week o Other

Would you be available on-call for emergencies? o Yes o No

Would you be available to transport birds and/or cages? o Yes o No

Do you own a: o Pick-up Truck o Van o SUV?

Are you interested in volunteering in other areas besides Direct Bird Care? o Yes o No

If yes, what areas interest you? (Please check all that apply)

o Education/Outreach o Placement/Applicant Screening o Fundraising/Special Events o Media/PR

o Foster Care o Membership o Administration/Data/Statistics

How did you learn about Melbourne Avian Rescue Sanctuary?

Why do you wish to become a Volunteer?

What do you hope to gain from your volunteer experience?

What skills do you possess that might be an asset to Melbourne Avian Rescue Sanctuary?

Do you have birds in your home or have you in the past? o Yes o No

If yes, what species, how many, and when did you acquire them?

What experience do you have working with animals and/or birds?______





Are you or have you ever been a breeder of birds or other animals? o Yes o No If yes, please explain:

All Volunteers are required to attend a Basic Bird Care Class (offered monthly by the Director) and to be exceptionally reliable, responsible, and committed. Will you be able to meet these requirements? o Yes o No Please explain:

I hereby certify that the information I have provided above is truthful and complete and that I have never been convicted of any criminal misdemeanor or felony in the State of Florida or any other U.S. State or the U.S. Military or under the jurisdiction of any Foreign Nation, State, Province, Municipality, or Military.

Applicant’s Signature Print Applicant’s Name Date

Melbourne Avian Rescue Sanctuary Volunteer Application

418 Ocean Ave. Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 6/20/2008

Phone: 321-725-8800 Page 2 of 2