Westwell Parish Council
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council
Held on Monday, 1st September 2014 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall
1. Open Forum
No members of the public were present.
2. Present and Apologies
Cllr Mrs Drury (Chairman), Cllr Miss Davidson (Vice-chairman), Cllr Mrs Wyatt, Cllrs Bainbridge, Baldwin, Butcher, Faulkner, Hooper and Lawrence, and Mrs S Wood (clerk). Cllr Robey (ward member) was present, arriving during agenda item 7.2.
3. Declaration of Interests
Cllr Mrs Drury (item 7.2) reimbursement of costs incurred (DPI)
Cllr Mrs Wyatt (item 8.1) planning application 14/00277/AS (OSI).
4. Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1 Minutes
That the Minutes of the meetings of Westwell Parish Council held on 7th July and 7th August be approved and confirmed as true records.
4.2 Matters arising from the meeting of 7th July
4.2.1 Open Forum: It has been learned that government funding does not include funding for the 2 lorry parks. [ latest news: KCC will be publishing proposals on Sept 10]
4.2.2 Item 4.2.4: The ruts on Downs View green have not yet been filled in, the Clerk to contact Mrs Horne to find out if her offer still stands.
4.2.3 Item 4.2.3: Flooding in Kingsland Lane; Cllr Butcher now has a contact for this at KCC Highways.
4.2.4 Item 9.4: The Green Team was thanked for cutting back the overhanging vegetation on the cemetery approach. It was noted that the Green Team has a good reputation and there are numerous requests for its help, but a shortage of members restricts its activities. Cllr Mrs Wyatt asked if a doctor’s referral is required to be a member, Cllr Butcher replied that it is. Membership also includes those with learning difficulties.
4.2.5 Item 12.2: Citizenship Award. Criteria from similar awards, eg KALC, will be reviewed. The Vice-chairman and Cllr Mrs Wyatt noted that they are discussing ways of engaging residents: examples of criteria to be forwarded.
4.3 Matters arising from the meeting of 7th August
See item 8.
5. Borough Councillor’s report
Deferred until Cllr Robey’s arrival.
6. Clerk’s report and correspondence received
6.1 Correspondence received. The list of correspondence received had been circulated.
6.1.1 Kent Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2013-30: Submission Document Consultation. Passed to the Chairman.
6.1.2 Playing field safety inspection report. Passed to Cllr Butcher.
6.1.3 Repairs to Pilgrims Way. Mr Horne has reported that the works began on 1st September and the surface is being metalled. The Chairman stated that this appears to be a repeat of the previous inappropriate surfacing of an ancient byway in an AONB. The Clerk will liaise with Mr Horne.
6.1.4 Police and Crime Commissioner - How would you deal with offenders? Have your say. Consultation closed on 31st August; PCSO Manning had commented that the practices described in the paper are already in place, and are for low level crime.
6.1.5 The Accessible Britain Challenge - Letter from the Minister of State for Disabled People. Passed to Mrs Iris Freemantle for comment. Access to The Wheel Inn was discussed, it was noted that access is very difficult for the disabled.
6.1.6 KALC Chairmanship/Leadership workshop 22nd September. The Chairman or Vice-chairman to attend, if possible.
6.1.7 Kent Downs AONB - Invitation to the Kent Downs AONB Countryside Day on 3rd October 2014. To be circulated.
6.1.8 DCLG - Publication of Government Response to the Consultation on a Transparency Code for Parish Councils. This states that the Code will apply to Parish Councils with a turnover exceeding £25,000, and not Precept, as suggested by the Parish Council. This may mean that the audit requirements will vary year on year. The Chairman noted that grant applications will have to be carefully managed, to avoid exceeding the limit and triggering a higher level audit.
6.2 Clerk’s training report
The Clerk reported that the next SLCC meeting is in October, and she has requested a training session on the requirements of the Pensions Act 2008, now being extended to Parish Councils. Westwell Parish Council has not yet been required to enrol; Cllr Baldwin advised that the criteria for enrolment are number of employees, age and salary. Cllr Baldwin will send a hyperlink to the relevant information to the Clerk. The requirements will also be taken to the Staffing Committee.
7. Financial report
7.1 Progress against Budget. Expenditure for the financial year was circulated. Office expenses were slightly higher than expected, this was due to costs of the Annual Parish Meeting refreshments. Village signs: a quote will be sought from Medash for signs of the style similar to that for Chartham, plus installation; it was noted that the location of the 3 signs will have to be agreed with KCC Highways, and planning permission may be needed. Current plan is to do one additional a year for 3 years : it may be be more cost effective to do 3 together vis a vis KKC highways/planning costs.
7.2 Payments in accordance with the Budget.
The Chairman having declared a DPI, Cllr Miss Davidson took the Chair for item 7.2.
That the following payments be agreed in accordance with the Budget.
/ £Countrywide Grounds Maintenance / 399.50
S Wood (salary July) / 469.67
S Wood (salary August) / 469.67
S Wood (expenses) [home allowance 11.31]
[computer allowance 24.57 ]
[stationery 14.78]
[refuse sacks 2.09] / 52.75
C Drury (Iden Signs- for Cemetery) / 20.00
PKF Littlejohn (external audit – fee) / 120.00
Playsafety Ltd (playing field inspection fee) / 92.40
Parish Hall Management Committee (contribution to insurance) / 450.00
Receipts / £
Lloyds Bank interest / 1.92
VAT refund / 182.58
Hiscox Underwriting Ltd / 820.00
Balance including reserves: (cheque and deposit accounts): £ 25602.86
Balance (No 2 account): £ 2472.19
Cllr Mrs Drury returned to the Chair.
7.3 Report on works to which the Parish Council is committed
Village signs: see item 7.1.
Additional copies of the Definitive Map of Footpaths in the parish: one set will be purchased from KCC at a cost of £60, the Chairman will obtain a cost for laminating the maps, which will then be displayed in the parish hall.
Cemetery fencing: the Clerk to liaise with Mr Horne and Mr Batch re a start date for the works.
7.4 Grass cutting on the verge by Broadstone Cottage
Countrywide Grounds Maintenance has indicated that the area can be added to the schedule at no extra charge. This was welcomed.
7.5 Removal of the white poplar on the Downs View green
The Clerk presented Keith Tait’s quote: £695 for removal of the tree and £195 for removal of the stump, plus VAT, inclusive of traffic control and removal of arisings. The Clerk is to obtain 2 further quotes bring them to the next meeting.
5. Borough Councillor’s report
Cllr Robey was asked by the Chairman for an update on the timing of the Local Plan review. He replied that the draft Plan will go out for consultation, but the whole process is unlikely to be completed until 2016. He noted that the assessment of housing needs (SHMA) has been completed, and assessment of land availability (SHELAA) is ongoing. The Chairman noted that properties close to the sites put forward remain blighted; Cllr Robey will advise as to when the shortlist is to be issued.
Cllr Robey was asked to comment on the process regarding making decisions on planning applications, in the light of a number of decisions being at variance with the Parish Council’s comments, in particular a recent application at Tutt Hill House – the PC had objected but the application was permitted. Cllr Robey stated that 1500-2000 planning applications are submitted each year, of which 95% are delegated decisions - these are made by 2 Planning Officers, having regard to planning policy. Applications for residential or commercial premises above a certain size have to be decided at Committee level, as are any that are judged to be contentious.
Cllr Butcher stated that the Planning Officer who dealt with the Tutt Hill House application had commented on the loss of light, and concerns had been raised re a bat roost, but these had not been taken into account. Cllr Bainbridge noted that he disagreed with the Officer’s assessment that the loss of light was insignificant; he further stated that when a decision is made by the Planning Committee it is seen to be democratic, this is not perceived to be the case with a delegated decision - particularly where it differs from that of the elected PC. The Vice-chairman stated that she had chaired the meeting at which the PC discussed the application, and asked if it should have gone to the Planning Committee; Cllr Robey replied that not all applications were thus referred. He further noted that the PC is a Consultee and the Officer would take account of its comments, but not necessarily agree. The Vice-chairman said that Planning is one of a number of issues on which PC views are ignored, citing the lack of enforcement when a mobile home was moved on to the Watery Lane site and the premature withdrawal of recycling credits (the latter going against an agreement made with the Finance Working Group). Cllr Robey noted that the latter was a commitment made by the late Cllr Peter Wood and should be honoured, the Leader is investigating.
The Chairman stated that Localism raised expectations of greater influence for PCs, but reforms to the planning system have gone the other way. Cllr Robey agreed with the Chairman’s comment that it is perceived that Planning Officers are acting against the spirit of Localism.
The Chairman noted that the PC tries to be supportive of planning applications, and will give substantive reasons if objecting to future applications.
The Chairman, Cllr Mrs Wyatt, Cllr Butcher and Cllr Bainbridge all expressed surprise that the application had been approved in the light of the PC’s comments. Cllr Mrs Wyatt noted that previously for a number of applications to which the PC had objected, the PC had asked that they be referred to the Planning Committee if the Officer were minded to permit.
8. Planning matters
8.1 Planning application
14/01052/AS Bears Corner, Westwell Lane, Westwell
It was noted that the application should be retrospective, given that a report had been received that work had already started.
That the application be supported, with the comment that that it should be described as retrospective.
14/00277/AS Mercury Windows, Maidstone Road (amended)
It was noted that the site has always been mixed use industrial. The original application had attracted a number of objections and the amended proposal deals with a number of highways issues: provision of a turning circle, realigned parking spaces and delineation of the footway. The Chairman suggested that a site visit be undertaken; the Clerk noted that the application had been received on 22nd August asking for comments by 29th August, thus giving only 4 working days for consultation. This had been taken up with the planning officer and an extension will be sought. The Vice-chairman stated that the chain link fence recently installed was adversely affecting the Yellow Fisherman’s trade. Cllr Butcher noted that there is no reference to the Yellow Fisherman in the application, and the description of the footpath as ‘notional’ is misleading. It was thought that there is insufficient parking for the proposed activity, and the size of the building is disproportionate. A site visit will be arranged, and a request will be made that if the officer is minded to permit, the application be determined by the Planning Committee.
14/01068/AS Segarron, 63 Sandyhurst Lane
It was noted that the proposed extension is substantial, but it is similar in scale to other extensions in the area. It is not close to the boundary and would not be intrusive to neighbours.
That the Parish Council has no objection to the application; the Parish Council would add the comments that it is not out of keeping with other extensions in the area and there is no immediate severe intrusion on neighbouring properties.
12/00923/AS Land north east of Sunnybridge Farm
The Planning Enforcement Officer has advised that the occupation of the site adjacent to the Collins’ site is being investigated, but no details can be given for legal reasons.
An investigation has been opened in respect of the additional mobile home on the Watery Lane site (CO/14/00212), in an apparent breach of the conditions attached to the allowed appeal. [ Post meeting note : case closed as there is not a additional caravan on the appeal site : the Chairman to contact the resident who reported the sighting]
9. Reports from Parish Council representatives
9.1 KALC Minutes of the meeting of 16th July had been circulated. Further to the possibility of a village defibrillator being made available at a discounted price, there was discussion as to a suitable site. It was agreed that the exterior wall of The Wheel Inn would be the preferred location, and this would be another topic for discussion with Harry and Shepherd Neame alongside disabled access.
9.2 ACRK Cllr Butcher’s report had been circulated. Cllr Butcher noted that there will be a Finance Committee meeting on 9th September.
9.3 Highways Cllr Butcher report had been circulated.