Unpaid Internship Scholarship Application
Please complete parts 1-5 of this form and submit it to Laura Hickerson at , by Friday, April 13, 2018. For more information on the application process,see If you have any questions, please contact Laura Hickerson, CAP Internship Coordinator at .
Date:Full Name:
Last / First / Middle
Student ID#: / JMU E-mail: / @dukes.jmu.edu
1st Major: / 2nd Major or Minor(s): / Cumulative
Class Year (Sophomore, Junior, etc.):
Student Phone Number:
Name of Company/Organization offering internship:
Length of internship:
Organization’s website:
Name of Intern Supervisor:
Email of Intern Supervisor:
Please describe the types of duties, responsibilities, etc. required by your internship (300 word limit):
How do you see this internship impacting your career goals? (300 word limit)
Part 2: Submit a current copy of your resume with the application
Students receiving the unpaid internship scholarship must register for at least one credit hour of internship credit over the summer. It can be through UNST 480 for one credit hour (administered by CAP for the summerof 2018) or through an internship course offered through your academic department for at least one credit. If your major offers a course, you are encouraged to choose that option.
Which class will you be registering for during the summer? / UNST 480 (online class) Internship class within my majorDo you receive any Financial Aid? (loans, grants, scholarships or Federal Work Study) / Yes No
Are you an international student? / Yes No
If yes, you will need employment authorization through the Center for Global Engagement (formerly OIP)
Part 3: / Please request a recommendation from a JMU faculty or staff member who knows you. Send him/her the following link to complete the online recommendation form.
*Name & Department of person you are requesting recommendation from: ______
Unpaid Internship Scholarship Application
Prospective Budget
Utilize this template to create your prospective budget and financial statement. The unpaid internship scholarships offered through Career and Academic Planning are meant to assist with cost-of-living expenses and are not to be considered wage replacement.
Allowable expenses include tuition for internship course, travel, transportation, housing, utilities and food. Scholarship amounts available are $1,000-$5,000. Your itemized budget does not need to reflect the maximum amount of the scholarship you are applying for. It should be honest, thorough and well-researched.We realize housing and food costs will vary depending on where you are living.
Please include amounts for the duration of your internship.
Name: Student ID:
Projected Expenses
Description / Amount / NotesTuition*
Travel To/From Internship Location
Daily Transportation / Commuting Costs
Food Costs
Housing Costs
Utility Costs
Other expenses (explain)
Other expenses (explain)
Total Projected Expenses:
Summer 2017 Tuition (2018 not published yet)
In state per credit hour: $374On-line: $424
Out of state per credit hour: $935On-line: $985
*You must be registered for at least one credit hour of internship credit in order for funds to be distributed
Financial Statement: Please state how you determined your expenses, ways (if any) you or someone else will contribute to your expenses and why this unpaid internship scholarship is integral to completing your internship.
To the best of my knowledge, the information provided on parts 1-5 of this form represent true and accurate information and a realistic estimate of the costs I will incur during my internship. As part of the selection process, financial aid information will be verified by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. I give my permission for this information to be shared for the purposes of being considered for this scholarship.
Student’s Signature:______
Student’s Typed Name: ______
Date: ______
CAP Unpaid Internship Scholarship
Employer Verification Form
A representative (preferably your direct supervisor) from the organization where you plan to complete your internship must sign the form below. Please print clearly or type.
Organization/Department: ______
Name of Supervisor: ______
Title: ______
Address: ______
Email: ______
Phone: ______
I hereby certify that ______has been selected to undertake work with this organization and that this is an unpaid internship.
Work will begin on ______and end on ______.
(start date) (end date)
Work will be done on ______for ______.
(days/week) (indicate hours/day)
I verify that this internship opportunity is consistent with the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and applicable state and local law.
Signature of Supervisor:
Date: ______
*Institutional funding through this program is made available with the sole intention of supporting students’ expenses (such as educational, housing, and/or travel expenses). This support enables students to participate in unpaid opportunities, while gaining valuable experience. Funding is not provided in lieu of compensation for work.
Employer: Please scan and return to Laura Hickerson, CAP Internship Coordinator, , or Fax: 540-568-6519. You can also send to student to include with other application materials.
Final Check:
Before submitting your application electronically to Laura Hickerson, CAP Internship Coordinator at , please make sure you have completed all of required pieces of the application.
- Part 1: Demographic information and essay questions
- Part 2: Resume
- Part 3: Qualtrics recommendation form from faculty or staff member (submitted via survey) Check with them to ensure it was completed.
- Part 4: Budget & Financial Statement
- Part 5: Employer Verification Form