Westward Expansion Study Guide (SOL 1.8)

Territorial Expansion 1.8a

Define “Manifest Destiny”: the idea that expansion is the right of the country and for the good of the country/ It is America’s right and duty to spread across North America.

Name of Territory / Who we got it from / How we got it
1.United States / Great Britain / American Revolution
Treaty of Paris
2. Louisiana Territory / France / Bought/purchased
3. Florida / Spain / Treaty
4. Texas / Lone Star Republic / Annexed
5. Oregon Country / Divided with Great Britain / Treaty
6. California (Mexican Cession) / Mexico / Mexican War
Treaty (Guadalupe-Hidalgo)

Under whose presidency was the Louisiana Territory added to the United States, doubling the size of the nation? _Thomas Jefferson_

Who explored the land west of the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean? _Lewis and Clark_

Define “annex” and give an example from our unit: __Added – Texas was added/annexed to the United States after it became an independent republic__

Define “cession” and give an example from our unit: __To withdraw, surrender, or give up land – California and the southwest territories were given up by Mexico at the end of the Mexican War_

Geographic and Economic Factors that Influenced Westward Migration 1.8b

What factors influenced westward migration?

  1. _Population growth in the Eastern states_
  2. _Land_
  3. _Economic Opportunity (1. Gold, 2. Logging, 3. Farming, 4. Freedom for runaway slaves)_
  4. _Improved Water Transportation_
  5. _Knowledge of Overland Trails_
  6. _Manifest Destiny_

Use three adjectives to describe land in the western territories:
__cheap_, __fertile_, and __available_

What are the two types of waterways used for westward transportation?
__rivers and canals (Erie Canal)__

Name the two main overland trails that helped settlers move west more easily:

1)_Oregon Trail_ (northwest)

2)_Santa Fe Trail_ (southwest)

Name the two examples and trace on the maps below.

Example- _Oregon Trail_ / Example- __Santa Fe Trail___

Define “overland trails”: _dirt paths used by settlers to move to the American west_

Which of the following is not an economic opportunity in the Western Territories that influenced movement toward the Pacific Coast?

  1. Gold
  2. Stardom
  3. Logging
  4. Freedom
  5. Farming

The availability of cheap, fertile land and knowledge of overland trails were both –

  1. geographic factors that influenced westward movement
  2. reasons for the success of the suffrage movement
  3. economic factors that kept people from moving west
  4. reasons why many Southerners moved their plantations out west

Inventions that Changed Society in the U.S. 1.8c

The _cotton gin_ was invented by Eli Whitney. It increased __production of cotton_and increased _need for slave labor_.

The reaper was invented by _Cyrus McCormick_ and _Jo Anderson_ (a _slave_).
The reaper ( increased/ decreased ) the productivity (_amount you do in a given time period_ ) of the American __farmer__.

The steamboat was improved by _Robert Fulton_, an entrepreneur (_someone who organizes resources to bring a new or improved good or service to market in hopes of earning a profit_). The steamboat impacted water transportation by _providing faster river transportation_. It also connected Southern plantations and farms to_Northern industries_ and _Western territories__.

The _steam locomotive_ provided faster land transportation.