Syllabus - CIS 6101

Software Processes and Metrics – Fall 2012

Instructor: Dr. Bob Roggio,

Office Hours: Mon and Wed 1pm – 2pm. 4:00 – 6:00PM

Other times by appointment

Office: Building 15 Room 3220

Office phone: 620-2985 – But I rarely answer this phone.

Use email, please.

Class Time: MW, 7:30 pm – 8:45 pm

Class Location: Building 15 Room 2203

Prerequisites: Graduate Standing and CEN 6016

Textbook titles:

SDLC 3.0, by Mark Kennaley, Fourth Medium Press, January 2010, ISBN: 978-0-9865194-0-6

CMMI Distilled, Third Edition, by Dennis M. Ahern, Aaron Clouse, and Richard Turner, Addison-Wesley, 2008, ISBM: 978-0-321-46108-7

Additional References: Selected Topics from:

Balancing Agility and Discipline, by Barry Boehm and Richard Turner, Addison-Wesley, 2004, ISBN: 978-0-321-18612-6

Sustainable Software Development, by Kevin Tate, Addison-Wesley, 2006, ISBN: 0-321-28608-1

Refactoring Workbook, by William C. Wake, Addison-Wesley, 2004, ISBN 0-32-110929


Tentative Tests and Grading:

Exams: Three Exams - each 20% of final grade (This may change)

Paper / Presentation: 20% of final grade.

This will be a 15-20 page paper and presentation (power point).

Short term classroom presentations: 20% of final grade.

These are envisioned to be perhaps 10-15 minute presentations on selected topics as we progress through some very exciting materials. No paper will be required, but it is likely I will post your presentation on our course website for others to see and appreciate. You will be given advance notice, but not too much. These are intended to supplement my classroom lectures and assigned ad hoc.

Make-up tests will not be given unless an extreme documented emergency arises.

Presentations will be evaluated

Exams will be essay-type exams where you will be required to answer questions comprehensively.

Course Coverage

Three major areas of emphasis will be covered in this course.

1. Selected Topics of general software engineering interest, such as sustainable software development, design issues, refactoring, and more. My notes and references are the sources

2. Software Processes: Unified Process, Agile, Lean, hybrid approaches, and more. We have a required book on this topic.

3. Capability Maturity Modeling Integrated. We have a required book on this topic too.

Exact percentages of course coverage will be determined as we proceed through the materials.

Grading Guidelines:

1. Students must average at least 70% on the examinations and earn at least a 70% average in the project deliverables/presentations in order to pass the course - (Grade “C” or better). Of course, while a C will count for graduate credit, an overall GPA of 3.0 is required for continuance in the graduate program.

2. Each test will be worth 100 points. All examinations will be announced.

3. Additional guidance for the projects and presentations will be forthcoming.

Course Readings

Required readings will be published and posted on my web page for this course. You are expected to read the indicated pages and come to class fully prepared to discuss. Further, exam questions may come from the readings in addition to lectures presented in class.

Paper Work Periods:

From time to time, it may be necessary for me to be out of town. If so, this is to deliver papers and/or to make presentations at conferences. During these times, I will either have a test proctored or I will record the presentation ahead of time using the new engineering recording studio. We will discuss this in class as the dates arrive. They will be posted.

Good luck, and have fun!