Africa Reformation Theological Seminary

Office of Admissions

; 256 (country code) (0) 75 506 1919


PO Box 36916, Kampala, Uganda

Church Reference Form

Name of applicant ______



To the Student Applicant

Please fill out the above lines by typing or printing. Then email or give this form to your pastor, a pastoral colleague or to a church elder, deacon or other officer. You must submittwo church references. Request your references to sign and scan this form and to email it to the Seminary Admissions Office (email address above) or to give it to you to bring to the Office in a sealed envelope. Unsealed envelopes will not be accepted. Due to time and security, it is preferable not to mail this form to the post office box.

To the Person Writing the Reference

The applicant above is applying for admission to Africa Reformation Theological Seminary, a professional graduate school that strives to equip men for ordained pastoral ministry and men and women for various forms of Christian service and ministry in the church and in society. We would appreciate your open and candid estimate of the applicant’s character in light of his/her desire to pursue a course of master’s level theological study. Please sign and scan thisform and email it to the Seminary Admissions Office (email address above) or give it to the student to bring to the Seminary Office in a sealed envelope. Unsealed envelopes will not be accepted. Due to time and security, it is preferable not to mail this form to the post office box. Thank you for your willingness to write a reference on the applicant.

  1. How long and how well have you known the applicant? In what capacity?
  1. Please circle one appropriate description of the applicant in each category:

Reliability: Absolutely reliable and conscientious… Erratic…Unreliable… Not observed

Work ethic and perseverance: Always completes tasks/seldom distracted… Sometimes completes tasks but needs prodding…Completes few tasks… Not observed

Financial Responsibility: Meets obligations promptly… Meets obligations if reminded…Neglectful of responsibilities andirresponsible… Not observed

Humility: Almost always acknowledges weaknesses/readily confesses wrongs/is teachable and open to correction… Sometimes acknowledges weaknesses/confesses wrongs/is teachable and open to correction… Never acknowledges weaknesses, confesses wrongs/is teachable and open to correction… Not observed

Service and Compassion: Almost alwayscompassionate/patient/sensitive to others/understands others’ viewpoints/seeks to meet others’ needs before own needs… Sometimes compassionate/patient/sensitive to others/understands others’ viewpoints and seeks to meet others needs before own needs… Usuallyuncompassionate, insensitive, unaware of others’ needs and perspectives/self-preoccupied, self-centered… Not observed

Initiative: Almost always takes initiative/self-disciplined/a self-starter/self-motivated/self-evaluating, needs little supervision…, Sometimes takes initiative/self-disciplined/a self-starter/self-motivated/self-evaluating, needs supervision…never takes initiative/self-disciplined/a self-starterself-motivated/self-evaluating, needs detailed guidance and supervision

  1. Briefly evaluate the applicant’s Christian testimony and reputation. A seminary student should be committed to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, have a love for God’s Word and people, have an exemplary life and should also have a genuine and sincereinternal conviction of call from God and a strong personal desire and motivation to serve others through gospel ministry.
  1. Briefly evaluate the applicant’s character, including spiritual maturity, spiritual leadership, moral standards and integrity, gifts for Christian service, industry, work ethic, perseverance, intelligence, and other pertinent information you may wish to provide.
  1. Do you recommend the applicant for graduate level theological studies and ministry training?
  1. If you have reservations regarding this applicant’s suitability for graduate level ministry training and seminary studies, please explain:
  1. Signature______

Name (please print or type)______


Your office or title in your church (e.g. pastor, elder, deacon)




December 2016