Sunday,August 28, 2016
Confidence in Christ
Speaker: David Robinson
Scripture: 1 John 5:13-21
Sermon Notes:
- John was someone who knew and experienced the things he wrote about in this letter. He himself abided in Christ.
- John reveals the heart of Christ and gives us a unique picture of who Jesus is.
- The Holy Spirit sanctifies us, making us holy, giving us a new heart, and causing us to walk in obedience.
- We have confidence in prayer if we are God’s children and if we pray according to His will.
- We ought to be a people who pray as David, who prayed confidently in his distress (Psalm 34; Psalm 16:1-2).
- Christ is our advocate; the Son of God is interceding on our behalf so we may eagerly look for God’s response.
- A condition of right prayer is that we pray according to God’s will as revealed in His Word.
- We need to come to God in prayer with an attitude of repentance.
- When you see a brother committing, sin pray for Him. We exercise our love for one another by praying for each otherthat God may give us life.
- Sin that does not lead to death is sin that is confessed and covered by Christ. Abiding in unrepentance leads to death.
- The one who turns his back on Christ does not receive forgiveness.
- We know that we are from God and that we do not abide in sin not because we are sinless, but because we continue to confess our sins.
- The reason we know and believe God is because the Spirit of God has revealed Him to us (1 Cor. 2:12 cf. Jn. 1:18).
- Jesus’ purpose as the Good Shepherd is to secure eternal life for His sheep by laying down His own life (Jn. 10:11, 15, 28).
- The security, certainty, and confidence we have as believers is the very strength of the unity between the Father and the Son (Jn. 10:30).
- Peter says that our inheritance is secure because we’re being guarded by God (1 Pet. 1:3-5).
- Keep your eyes fixed on Christ and abide in Christ by repenting and feeding on Christ, as we do weekly in the communion meal.
Application Questions:
1.What is the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life?
2.What is the basis of our confidence in prayer?
3.Do we pray with eager expectation, looking for and expecting God’s response?
4.How is living in obedience connected with praying according to God’s will?
5.What is the sin that leads to death?
6.What is the basis of the believer’s eternal security?