Minutes for committee meeting 08/04/2017 at Cannington

Meeting opened at 6.34pm

No apologises

All incoming and outgoing correspondence gone through

No treasurers report as no treasurer

Matters arising:

  • Letter for Richard Burt: to be sent to secretary to spell check, fix, and put on letterhead. Send to restof committee for agreement.
  • $1500 cheque from RWWA for constitution and the Northam walkway/fencing still to be paid, Tim to follow up.
  • Promotional packages information from Dennis O’Brien sent with additional information given, free on Wednesday, need to have Budget Stockfeeds as first in for promotion.
  • Letters to RWWA about lack of communication regrading rules and regs, plus GAP and rules associated with, would like in black and white, the lack of promotion of GAP, please a list of boarding kennels for rehoming, to be written in the next month (after Tim home).
  • Squid lure to have longer legs trial, longer arm used instead, trial period of 2 months. Wanting to know time for trials to have squid for fight back arm. Tim to follow up.

New Business

Motion to elect Mel Rowe as WAGBOTA treasurer

Moved by TimMullany (President)

Seconded by BillChoules (Committee)

Unanimous vote

Action: Give all treasurer related items to Mel Rowe to get books up to date.

Motion to put Mel Rowe, TimMullany and EricCampana as signatories for the signing of cheques and the bank account

Moved by Susan Peterson (Secretary)

Seconded by Mo Marshall (Committee)

Unanimous vote

Action: to be given to the bank the signatories as voted on by committee to enable account to be accessed for this year.

Slippery hazardous floors at Cannington, motion to get committees opinions, advice for a proposal to be written to be presented at WAGRA meeting by Tim.

Moved by Susan

Seconded by Mick

Unanimous vote

Action: Bill to follow up to committee re: rubber flooring. Tim to follow up with WAGRA and with committee RE: flooring options and moving forward with WAGRA. Feedback to be provided at next meeting unless it’s done prior by WAGRA.

Motion to help Michelle Beamish with counselling or food for dogs should she need it given, also by Toni at GAWA to help with dogs. WAGBOTA offer to pay a counsellor direct should the need arise.

Moved by Tim

Seconded by Bill

Unanimous vote

Action: Tim to ring Michelle to follow up

Motion for barking muzzle proposal to be sent to committee to approve before going to stewards.If the stewards reject will give proposal to consultative committee.

Look into the NSW non ban of muzzles, see if that is any help, Tim to collect other information.

Moved by Tim

Seconded by Mick

Unanimous vote

Action: gather as much information as possible, Tim to write letter for proposal, then put proposal together after consult with committee and Tim to present to stewards, then to Consultative committee.

Graham Ellis re: grading. Grade 6 dogs should run in own grade not FFA/grade 4+, trainers should be allowed to nominate for the grade they want for each dog not to be put in other (eg race in g5 not FFA).

Action: letters to be sent to Sue to put together as a paper for Eric to put forward at grading panel.

Motion for WAGBOTA to put up to $500 towards eggs and advertising at Northam for Easter Monday.

Moved by Billy

Seconded by Tim

Unanimous vote

Motion for GAP to bring dogs on course and promote more. Letters to be sent to Sue to put together to send to Barry Hamilton

Moved by Tim

Seconded by Billy


Action: committee and industry to send letters or issues to ut forward and Sue to put together a letter to send to Barry Hamilton.

Charles Mammone letter.

Action: Eric to write response, send to Sue to put on letter head and send to Mr Mammone.

Racing Minister meeting on Tuesday 11th April 2017, 10.15am in Perth. Just a meet and greet to show industry want to work towards a positive and prosperous future.

Max Julien sent a letter about vote of no confidence in Mike Daily. Billy asked if letter got sent, Mo has seen the reply, not positive or good for WAGBOTA/industry. Max still has response.

Motion: Eric to work with GWA to fix the fence at the 715/275m boxes at Cannington. Too far across dogs are getting hurt and will continue to in the future.

Moved by Sue

Seconded by Mo

Action: Eric to write letter to send to Noel Reilly

Kennel Notes: next one to include outcome of meetings that have been happening.

Meeting closed 8.15pm