Westman Aphasia Inc.

100 ~ 1300 –18th St. Office 156

Brandon, MB R7A 6X7

204 571-0802

2016 Program and Workshop Information

All programs and workshops take place at


26th St. & Willowdale

Brandon, MB

Learn About Aphasia Information Sessions As requested

This is an educational event that is open to the public and is facilitated by the program clinicians. Information is provided about aphasia, what it is like to live with a chronic communication impairment, what is involved in communicating with someone who has aphasia and what is involved in supporting those coping with aphasia and their caregivers. Videotaped examples of different types and degrees of aphasia and examples of these individuals using supported conversations techniques

(SCA™) developed by the Aphasia Institute in Toronto will be used during this evening.

“Building Communication Bridges"

Conversation Group

3rd Tuesday of each month except July and August

1:00 –2:30 p.m.

Cost: $50.00 for the year (10 sessions)

Individuals with aphasia attend these sessions on their own and they will be facilitated by the program clinicians and trained volunteers. A new topic of conversation will be chosen each session. These topics will include discussion about current events, issues of personal interest and living and coping with aphasia. This is an opportunity to further develop and practice using SCA™tools and techniques, to share with others who have aphasia and to learn from each other's communication experiences. These sessions are offered in a group setting which promotes peer support amongst the members.

“Living with Aphasia”

Caregiver Support

3rd Tuesday of each month except July and August

1:00 –2:30 p.m.

Cost: $50.00 for the year (10 sessions)

Caregivers or communication partners attend these sessions on their own. These sessions will be facilitated by the program clinicians and provide an opportunity to discuss specific communication challenges and psychosocial issues that are a part of coping with aphasia. Peer support from other caregivers and assistance from the program clinicians will help participants address the challenges they experience.

Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia Workshops

Dates: June 14th, 2016

Time: 9:00 a.m. –4:00 p.m.

Cost $125 (United Way subsidies available for family members, caregivers and volunteers)

This one day workshop is designed for family members or healthcare professionals working with someone with aphasia. It provides resources, video illustrations and role-play situations. Emphasis is on the use of the Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA™) approach, developed by the Aphasia Institute in Toronto, along with pictographic resources and non-verbal methods of communication with individuals who have moderate and severe Aphasia. The topics covered include language and aphasia, what is SCA™, the goals of SCA™, the basic components of SCA™, an introduction to tools, observation of the tools being used and practice using the tools. Participants may have the opportunity to meet and practice communication with skilled communicators from Westman Aphasia programs.

Volunteer Training Workshop

The volunteers receive a full day of training during the Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia workshop. Ongoing volunteer skill development is provided during two sessions (in January and September) at no cost.

Communication for Adults with Aphasia Program

SCA™Skill Development Program - weeks 1-3

Date: Sept 27, Oct 4 & Oct 11

Communication partners attend alone for weeks 1-3 and will learn about aphasia, the SCA™approach and will practice using these communication techniques with the assistance of the program clinicians and volunteers. These 3 weeks of training are based on the Aphasia Institute’s Supported Conversation ™for Adults with Aphasia (SCA™) approach. This program teaches individuals with aphasia and their conversation partners to communicate more effectively once again with the assistance and support of Speech- Language Pathologists, program volunteers and Social Worker.

Communication for Adults with Aphasia Program

SCA™Skill Development Program –weeks 4 - 6.

Date: Nov 25, Nov 1 & Nov 8

The individuals with aphasia and their communication partners will attend together for weeks 4 - 6. The final 3 weeks of this program will focus on further developing the SCA™“toolbox”. The individuals with aphasia will be introduced to these communication techniques and tools by their communication partners under the direction of the clinicians and assistance of the programs volunteers. The opportunity to learn about and use new tools each week occurs in a supportive environment where new conversation topics will be focused on each week. The caregiver support component of this program is provided under the direction of the WAI Social Worker.