The name of this sports officials group shall be the Western Washington Football Officials Association (referred to in these Bylaws as WWFOA).


The purpose of the WWFOA shall be:

a. To provide schools and other organizations with trained football officials who are approved by the WWFOA/WOA/WIAA;

b. To establish and set the standards that football officials in the WWFOA shall follow;

c. To provide for the discussion and interpretation of all rules and mechanics used by leagues and teams serviced by the WWFOA;

d. To foster close cooperation and understanding between the WWFOA, WIAA, WOA, press, and other organizations involved in the sport of football;

e. To promote good fellowship among WWFOA members;

f. To further the interest of athletics in general.


Section 1: An official shall become a member of this group upon successful completion of both the Level I and Level II apprenticeship competency requirements, by meeting all state and association requirements for membership, by approval of the Board of Directors, and by approval of a majority of those members in good standing voting on his/her acceptance.

Section 2: A transfer official can become a member by presenting written documentation establishing membership in another football officials association, the favorable recommendation for membership in the WWFOA of his/her former association, by approval of the Board of Directors, and by approval of a majority of those members in good standing voting on his/her acceptance. If such transfers meet state requirements and are in good standing they shall be initially assigned as if they were in the bottom third in the ratings at their position(s).

Section 3: A member in good standing will have paid all dues and fees as set by the WOA and/or WWFOA by the time for registration for the ensuing year. Delinquent members, transfers, and those not yet accepted into membership, shall not be eligible for assignment without Board approval.

Section 4: Apprentice Official: A member shall be deemed an Apprentice Official from the time of application and payment of dues until such time as he/she has successfully completed the Level I and II apprentice official requirements. The Apprentice Official must meet the following conditions:

a. Payment of all fees as set by the WOA and/or WWFOA;

b. Pass the on-line rules clinic(s) and test(s) on or before the date established by the WOA or WWFOA, whichever is earlier;

c. Approval of the Board of Directors members;

d. Comply with all meeting attendance requirements (As per WWFOA By-Laws and/or Board Policies);

e. Meet all performance and conduct standards as set forth in the WWFOA/WOA Constitution, By-Laws and/or Board Policies; and

f. Pass the required background checks as established by the WWFOA/WOA.

Section 5: The services of an Apprentice Official who has not met the requirements as outlined in the WWFOA Constitution, By-Laws and/or Board Policies may be terminated without cause by a majority vote of the Board. An Apprentice Official terminated by the WWFOA shall have no right of appeal.

Section 6: Member in Good Standing: An official shall be in good standing with this Association upon successful completion of the Level I and II apprentice official requirements, and must meet the following conditions:

a. Payment of all fees as set by the WOA and/or WWFOA;

b. Pass the on-line rules clinic(s) and test(s) on or before the date established by the WOA or WWFOA whichever is earlier;

c. Approval of the Board members;

d. Comply with all attendance requirements as established by the WWFOA Bylaws and/or Board Policies; and

e. Meet all performance and conduct standards as set forth in the WWFOA/WOA Constitution, Bylaws and/or Board Policies.

Section 7: A member who is not in compliance with Section 6 of this Article shall not be deemed in good standing. Beginning with the 2014 football season any member not in good standing may be ineligible for regular season assignments, and shall be ineligible for playoff assignments, until the member regains status as a member in good standing. A member not in good standing shall also be ineligible for formal observations and shall not be ranked at the member's position(s) until the member regains status as a member in good standing.


Section 1: The Board of Directors of the Western Washington Football Officials’ Association shall consist of: President, President-Elect, and three board members, all of whom are in good standing with the association.

Section 2: Qualifications for office:

a. The position of President and President-Elect must be filled by members who have previously been Board Members or been a member for at least ten (non-consecutive) years;

b. Board Members must be members in good standing with the Association for a minimum of four years;

c. President-Elect and Board Members cannot have served on the Board within the last two years;

d. Exception: a member in good standing appointed to the Board to serve-out an unexpired term shall not be subject to the two-year moratorium noted above; and

e. No Officer or Board Member shall hold two positions on the Board at the same time.

Section 3: Election of Officers and Board Members:

a. Each year the position of President-Elect and one board position will come open. The President-Elect will serve a single year in that capacity, commencing January 1st, and then will become the President in the subsequent year. The newly elected board member will serve a three-year term commencing January 1st;

b. The election shall be held at the second-to-last regular association meeting with nominations to be open one meeting before the election. Nominations shall remain open during the election meeting if necessary. Only members who have achieved member in good standing status are eligible to vote for officers and board members;

c. The candidate receiving more than 50% of the votes cast by the members in attendance at the election meeting shall be the successful candidate. There will be a runoff by the top two candidates in the event that no candidate receives more than 50% of the votes cast;

d. Vacancies shall be filled by nomination and election at two successive meetings of this officials group (See: Article 4, Section 6);and

e: Voting for WWFOA Officers and Board Members may be done by e-mail. The WWFOA Officers and Board Members shall be entrusted with the responsibility of verifying the accuracy of the vote tally and the eligibility of the voting members.

Section 4: Duties of Officers and Board Members:

a. The third-year member of the Board shall be the program chairman of the football officials group;

b. The second-year and first-year members of the Board shall assist the apprentice training coordinator in the duties of the position;

c. The President shall be the presiding officer at all meetings;

d. The President-Elect will be responsible for attendance and testing. In the absence of the President he shall assume the President’s duties; and

e. The Board of Directors may appoint such committees as needed to serve the purposes of the WWFOA.

Section 5: The Secretary of the Western Washington Football Officials’ Association is an independent contractor and shall be required to do the following:

a. Perform those duties of the Secretary-Treasurer as necessary to maintain the effective functioning of the Association or as deemed necessary by the board;

b. Collect dues and fees from each member as well as all fees from each organization requesting the services of the Western Washington Football Officials Association;

c. Make available to the members of WWFOA a yearly financial report;

d. The Secretary shall be responsible for all assignments requiring the services of the WWFOA;

e. The Secretary shall receive an annual salary established by the Board;

f. The Board of Directors may establish the position of Assistant Secretary and determine the duties and salary for this position subject to the approval of a majority of the votes cast by the members in good standing;

g. The Secretary shall use the rating system established by the Board of Directors, and approved by the members in good standing, as the method for assigning officials and shall be consistent with the established policies;

h. A candidate for the Secretary position shall present a letter of interest and a resume of their qualifications for the position to the Board of Directors. The Secretary will work as an independent contractor at the behest of the Board; and

i: The Secretary position is a two-year position. The term of office begins on March 1 and shall be voted upon every two years by a majority vote of the members in good standing.

Section 6: Removal and Vacancies of Officers and Independent Contractors:

a. Any Officer, Board Member or independent contractor not fulfilling their duties and/or responsibilities may be removed from their position by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Any Officer or Board Member not fulfilling their duties and/or responsibilities may also be removed from their position upon the filing of a petition by, and the majority vote of, the members in good standing at a special meeting called for the express purpose of removing said Officer or Board Member;

b. In the event of the death, resignation or removal of an Officer, Board Member or independent contractor the vacancy will be filled by the Board of Directors until an election can be held per Article 4, Section 3 of the WWFOA Constitution and Bylaws.


Section 1: Cannon’s Concise Guide to Rules of Order shall govern all meetings.


Section 1: Regularly scheduled meetings will be structured to include the minutes of the last meeting, the financial status of the organization, and any matters that the Board judges to need the approval of the members;

Section 2: Members of the WWFOA must attend 70% of the association meetings to remain in good standing. Regular Officials in good standing will be eligible to work High School Varsity Level Competition, which includes State Assignments;

Section 3: If a member fails to meet the minimum requirements the Board of Directors may levy sanctions as deemed necessary.

Section 4: Special meetings may be called on approval of a majority of the Board of Directors or by 25% of the members in good standing. Only such business shall be transacted at a special meeting as may be stated or indicated in the notice of such meeting.

Section 4: At all meetings members may vote either in person or by proxy executed in writing by that member. Such proxies shall be filed with the Secretary before or at the time of the meeting.

·  Section 5: Only members in good standing are eligible to vote. Each official shall be entitled to one (1) vote upon each matter submitted to the Membership.

Section 6: Any meeting of the membership may be held by teleconference, videoconference or other electronic means. For purposes of submitting proxies, those sent to the Secretary by facsimile transmission, e-mail or other electronic transmission shall be deemed to be the same as an executed original.


Section 1: Misconduct can be grounds for ineligibility to officiate, a fine and/or removal from the Association:

Section 2: Charges of misconduct, of conduct unbecoming an official, or of conduct contrary to the best interests of the WWFOA and/or WOA may be brought before the WWFOA Board of Directors by a member of the WWFOA, by a league authority, or by a school authority. The Board shall determine if there is reasonable cause to believe that an official is ineligible to officiate, under the rules and regulations of the WWFOA and/or WOA, due to the alleged misconduct. Such charges must be submitted in writing and each case will be considered individually.

Section 3: Upon a finding of reasonable cause by the Board notice shall be provided to the official either by certified mail, with return receipt requested, or by delivering said notice in person. The notice shall:

a. Specify the reason(s) for the alleged ineligibility and the violation;

b. Advise the official of his/her opportunity to request a hearing before the Board, or its designee, in order to contest the alleged violation(s) and the alleged ineligibility;

c. State that a written petition for a hearing must be postmarked or received by the Board, or its designee, on or before the expiration of the seventh calendar day after receipt of the notice;

d. Specify how the petition for a hearing can be served upon the Board, or its designee, by providing an address; and

e. Provide the official with the form(s) necessary to petition for a hearing pursuant to the procedures provided herein and as set forth in the WOA Bylaws and Handbook.

Section 4: Failure to request a hearing in the manner set forth above shall be deemed a waiver of the right to a hearing and the right to any appeal.

Section 5: An official making petition for a hearing with the Board, or its designee, may not officiate any interscholastic activity for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the petition is received. If the Board, or its designee, fails to grant a hearing to the ineligible official within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the petition, the official shall thereafter be deemed eligible to officiate until a decision to the contrary is made.