Paul B. Freeman, OD, FAAO

Sample Questions for Geriatric and Low Vision course

1) The largest visual field in near optical systems of equivalent power is provided by a

a. full diameter microscope with the object at the proper focal distance

b. stand magnifier with the object within the focal distance of the stand

c. hand magnifier with the object at the proper focal distance and the combination held at arms length

d. telemicroscope with the object at the proper focal distance

2) According to current research findings, vitamin therapy will

a. prevent macular degeneration

b. prevent cataracts

c. prevent glaucoma

d. none of the above

3) Patients seen for an initial low vision examination

a. should always be dilated unless contraindicated

b. should never be dilated

c. should be dilated based on symptoms only

d. a and c

4) A 4.00 diopter uncorrected myope who focuses for refractive error at a distant target has

a. more magnification than the labeled power with a focusable Galilean telescope

b. less magnification than the labeled power with a focusable Galilean telescope

c. no difference in magnification than the labeled power of a focusable Galilean telescope

d. would be unable to use a focusable Galilean telescope

5) A Keplerian telescope allows

a. more light through the system than a Galilean telescope of comparable power

b. less light through the system than a Galilean telescope of comparable power

c. the same amount of light as a Galilean telescope of comparable power

d. depends on the target being viewed by each system

6) When viewing a target at 3M with an afocal telescope

a. the viewing distance is not a consideration

b. vergence should be considered

c. the appropriate lens should be placed over the ocular or the objective

d. b and c

7) A typoscope

a. eliminates glare

b. enhances contrast

c. helps one to write

d. all of the above

8) When determining the objective magnification of a near system it is best to

a. use the labeled magnification from the manufacturer

b. determine the dioptric value of the system

c. take into account the type of device

d. a and c

9) The equivalent power of a +20 diopter hand magnifier held 10 cm from a +4.00 D bifocal is

a. 8 D

b. 12 D

c. 16 D

d. 20 D

10) If a patient complains that print is distorted or blurred through a magnifier

a. the magnifier may have the wrong optical surface facing the print

b. the print may actually be distorted

c. the magnifier is being held at the wrong focal distance

d. any of the above

11) Fresnel prism lenses

a. can cause a decrease in acuity

b. are ground into the lens

c. are only be used for hemianopic field loss

d. all of the above

11) Low vision therapy

a. is of no value

b. can help a patient more effectively use a low vision device

c. can help a patient more effectively use residual sight

d. b and c

12) The successful use of an appropriate low vision device is dependent on

a. age

b. intelligence

c. motivation

d. culture

13) If a patient reports that vision is different, but visual acuity measures the same as in the past

a. the patient is fabricating the information

b. contrast sensitivity may have changed

c. the patient may be confused

d. refractive findings have undoubtedly changed

14) For maximum reading capabilities print size should be

a. at the viewer’s visual threshold

b. 2x the viewer’s visual threshold

c. 3-4x the viewer’s visual threshold

d. 6x the viewer’s visual threshold

15) Low vision practitioners are successful when

a. they prescribe low vision devices

b. they empower patients to make decisions

c. they offer non-optical alternatives to patients

d. a and c

16) People who are told “nothing more can be done” for their vision should

a. accept the verdict

b. go to a store and try to find a magnifier to help

c. never be given an eye examination as nothing else can happen

d. get a comprehensive low vision rehabilitative examination

17) The top causes of death in the senior population is

a. stroke

b. cancer

c. heart disease

d. all of the above

18) The percentage of the total population of Switzerland that is 65 years and older is

a. approximately 2%

b. approximately 40%

c. no one in Switzerland is over 65

d. approximately 15%

19) Dry eyes are most common in

a. men over 55 years

b. women over 55 years

c. men under 55years

c. women under 55 years