Weekly announcements
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
1.Indo-Global Education Summit 2013
Dear Colleague,
Greetings and good wishes!
The Government of Andhra Pradesh, the Federation of AP Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and the Indus Foundation are jointly organizing the sixth edition of the Indo-Global Education Summit on academic collaborations and student enrollment. We are pleased to invite you and your institution to the Summit 2013 to be held in the major educational cities of New Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune, and Mumbai from November 9 to 20, 2013.
ACADEMIC COLLABORATIONS: The Summit 2013 will have sessions on collaborative research programs, joint / dual degree programs, twinning & transfer programs, faculty & student exchange programs, study abroad in India programs, distance education programs, vocational education programs, and other academic partnerships.
Major fields covered would be Engineering & Applied Sciences, Information Technology, Business & Management, Clinical & Health Sciences, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Agricultural Sciences & Environment, Education & Technology, Arts & Humanities, and Social Sciences. There will be one-on-one meetings between representatives of foreign universities and those of Indian institutions for forging academic collaborations. There will be one-on-one meetings between representatives of foreign universities and those of Indian institutions for forging academic collaborations.
STUDENT RECRUITMENT: There will be sessions for recruitment of Indian students for undergraduate and graduate programs. Foreign university representatives will have one-on-one meetings with Indian students and parents.
The Summit 2013 is specifically designed for chancellors, presidents, vice-chancellors, provosts, deans, researchers, faculty, enrollment / recruitment officers, and their executive-level team members.
* Most comprehensive educational event of its kind ever held in India
* Biggest networking event for leaders in education from India & other countries
* Convergence of who is who of the huge Indian educational system
* Participation by an estimated 1,000 top Indian and foreign universities
* Major Sessions on academic collaborations with Indian institutions
* Recruitment sessions involving one-on-one meetings with Indian students
* Attendance of several thousand students interested in studying abroad
* Visits to well established and reputable Indian institutions in Bangalore
* Awards for educational excellence to Indian and foreign institutions
* Awards for eminent educationists of India and other countries
* Awards for research excellence to Indian and foreign scientists & researchers
* Awards for teaching excellence to faculty of Indian and foreign institutions
* Extensive media coverage for the Summit during and after the event
We look forward to your participation in the Summit 2013.
Thanking you and with warm regards,
Mr. C.D.Arha, IAS (Retd.)
Formerly Secretary, Government of India
Chairman, The Indus Foundation
western Regional Conference
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