Rock FM’s Cash for Kids
St Paul’s Square
FAO All Christmas Elves,
The countdown is on to Monday16th November 2015 when we’ll launch our annual Mission Christmas Appeal!
Sadly for some children Christmas is not a happy time; they don’t all wake up to a morning filled with presents and excitement. There are thousands of children in our area who will wake up to a miserable Christmas with no presents, so we’ve made it our mission to ensure that ALL children wake up to gifts from Santa.
In 2014 Rock FM’s Cash for Kids were able to help over 8,600 children in Lancashire making sure they had something to wake up to on Christmas morning. While this is a phenomenal number of children to have helped, there are over 40,000 children living in severe poverty in Lancashire alone, some of which are the worst cases in the UK. With the help of you and your businesswe can reach even more of them to change their Christmas and their lives for the better.
Your business can help us make sure that all children in our region wake up to gifts on Christmas morning by supporting this year’s appeal. You could either ask your employees, customers or suppliers to donate a gift, or you could organise a fundraising day to raise cash which we can then use to purchase items for the appeal. It can be a great way for your business to engage in a fun Christmas activity that will help local children and show that you are a company that cares.
Please help us complete our mission and turn a sad Christmas into a happy Christmas for all children in Lancashire. Just complete the included registration form and post it to the address at the top of this letter or email the form back to
To launch Mission Christmas we will be holding some extra special events this year that we’d love to have you involved in and we will send more information once you have registered.
Thank you for reading and we hope to hear from you soon!
Best wishes,
Nikki Thompson
Rock FM’s Cash for Kids
01772 477974
Business Name …..………………………………….………………………………………………………………………
Contact Name*……………….…………………………………………………………………......
Daytime number………………………………………… Mobile number……………………………………………...
How will your company be involved with the Christmas Appeal 2015? (Please tick as many as you want)
Collecting presents for the Appeal in your office/school/nursery □
Staff time donated to help collect, sort and distribute presents (Mon – Fri) □
Can donate van and/or driver to help collect and distribute presents □
Holding a collection to raise funds for the Appeal □
Donating money to the Appeal instead of sending Christmas Cards □
Other □ (Please state) …………………………..…………………………………………………………………………
Number of staff/clients/students expected to participate…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Please tell us all about the plans for your launch event so we can add it to our website and tell our listeners what you’re up to!
Launch Event Date:
Event details:
Special guests:
Press invited:
Have you supported any Christmas / Gift Appeals before?...... ……………..
We like to keep our supporters informed as to how we have helped local children. If you have given your address and do not wish to receive these updates, please tick here □
Thank you for your interest in our Christmas Appeal, we are going to make a huge difference in 2015, so thank you for being a part of it!Please fill in this form and send to Gift Appeal Coordinator, Cash for Kids, c/o 97.4 Rock FM, St. Paul’s Square, Preston PR1 1YE, or fax back to 01772 477701 or email to
Cash for Kids registered charity 1122062 (England & NI) and SCO41421 (Scotland)