Invitation to the Medical Congress of Natural Medicine

Medical Society of Natural Medicine

Acupuncture Society of MSNM

Society for Interdisciplinary Studies of MSNM

Association of Private Physicians of
Slovak Republic

Acupuncture Section of Association of
Private Physicians of Slovak Republic

cordially invite you to


Medical Congress of Natural Medicine withinterdisciplinary participation

October 16– 18, 2015

inhotel Agroinštitút, Nitra, Slovak Republic

Dear Colleagues.

Year after year, and this year again we are preparing next, already XIX.Medical Congress of Natural Medicine with an interdisciplinary attendance. This time it will take place in Nitra (Slovak Republic) between October16 and 18, 2015. These yearly congresses are a customary culminating point of the season and a show of the latest results coming from a clinical practice, Slovak Acupuncture research and the entire Natural Medicine.Equally customary and today also inherent part of these congresses is a wide and interdisciplinary attendance of prominent scientists and experts at disciplines related to Acupuncture and Natural Medicine.

Today there is no possible progress in Acupuncture or other disciplines of Natural Medicine, nor anywhere in the science without a wide interdisciplinary cooperation. Its aim– as every year– is to broaden our knowledge of Acupuncture, other disciplines of Natural Medicine as well as other scientific disciplines related to this topic. There will be space for professional discussions, informal debates and friendly meetings, too.

We will be pleased to welcome all physicians, naturalists and other experts as well as university students who are interested in this topic.

We are looking forward to our personal meeting at the Congress.

Teodor Mochnáč, M.D., PhD.
General Secretary of the Congress / Gustáv Solár, M. D., PhD.
President of the Congress

Thematic areas

1.  Acupuncture

2.  Natural Medicine

3.  Geology, geophysics and natural medicine

4.  Molecular biology and natural medicine

5.  Informatics and natural medicine

6.  Apidology

7.  Clinical practice and natural medicine

8.  Varia

President of the Congress

Gustáv Solár, M.D., PhD.

General Secretary of the Congress

Teodor Mochnáč, M.D., PhD.

Organising committee

Teodor Mochnáč, M.D., PhD.
Ing. Mária Mochnáčová
Magdaléna Miklósová, M.D.
Juraj Gajdoš, M.D.
Soňa Sázelová, M.D.
Ing. Miloš Rákoši
Dagmar Krausová, M.D. /

Scientific and Programme Committee

Gustáv Solár, M.D., PhD.
Zlatica Solárová, M.P., PhD.
Prof. Dr. František Baliak, PhD.
Associate Prof. Ing. Ján Brindza, CSc.
Associate Prof., Dipl.Ing. Branislav Hučko, PhD.
Associate Prof. Marek Čambal, M.D., PhD.
Associate Prof. RNDr. Vojtech Gajdoš, CSc.
Teodor Mochnáč, M.D., PhD.
Associate Prof. Jana Slobodníková, M.D., CSc., h.Prof.
Ing. Eva Kutejová, CSc.
Radik Fajazovič Galiachmetov, M.D., PhD. (Russian Federation)
Alexander BorisovičSaveliev, M.D., PhD. (Russian Federation)
Associate Prof. Vladimír Bella, M.D., PhD.


Hotel Agroinštitút, 94901 Nitra– Chrenová (Slovak Republic), Akademická952/4, blue lounge, phone.:037/6531162,


Accommodation can be booked at the hotel
̶  Single room LUX 36€/person/night
̶  Double room LUX 41€/person/ night (incase of one person occupancy)
̶  Double room LUX 52€/person/night (incase of 2 people occupancy)
Breakfast, WIFI and local tax are included inthe price. /

Registration fees

Registration till October10, 2015
Members of MSNM 80€
Others 100€
Students and pensioners 40€
At Congress place (without lunch)
Members of MSNM 100€
Others 120€
Students and pensioners 40€
Following articles are included in the Congress fee: congress materials, coffee break, lunches (with exception of those registering at the Congress place) and gala dinner.
Lecturers attend the Congress without Congress fee.

Please pay the Congress fee to account No. of MSNM

Variable symbol: 102015
Note to recipient: Congress– name and surname (please do not write company name) /

Please send your applications till September28, 2015 by post:

Juraj Gajdoš, M.D.
91721 Trnava, Slovak Republic

Or fill in the e‑form at: tab “events”

Informations by e­mail:

Congress Registration Form

Name and Surname:
Contact address:


Friday, October 16th 2015

8.00a.m.– 10.00a.m. Presentation

9.00a.m.– 9.40a.m. Opening the congress, greet guests

9.40a.m.– 10.00a.m. Break

10.00a.m.– 1.00p.m. SectionI

Working chair: M.Schmieke, D.Tarbajovská, J.Gajdoš

10.00a.m.– 10.40a.m. The Lights ant Shadows in Natural Medicine.
Gustáv Solár, M.D., PhD., The First Clinic of Acupuncture and Natural Medicine of G.Solar,ltd.,Bratislava

10.40a.m.– 11.00a.m. Discussion

11.00a.m.– 12.00a.m. Scientific Background of Time-Waver.
Marcus Schmieke, physicist and philosopher, Germany

0.00p.m.– 0.20p.m. Time-Waver– the First Experiences.
Daniela Tarbajovská, M.D., Adult Doctor, TARMED s.r.o. Prešov

0.20p.m.– 1.00p.m. Discussion

1.00p.m.– 2.30p.m. Lunch

2.30p.m.– 4.45p.m. SectionII

Working chair: J.Solár, T.Rosinský, R.F. Galiachmetov

2.30p.m.– 3.00p.m. Interdisciplinary Cooperation– What We Know about the Space and Solar System Evolution.
Ing. Juraj Solár, The First Clinic of Acupuncture and Natural Medicine of G.Solar, ltd., Bratislava

3.00p.m.– 3.30p.m. Nature and Naturality in Natural Medicine.
TeodorRosinský,M.D., CSc., Nitra

3.30p.m.– 3.45p.m. Some Interesting Interdisciplinary Similarities and Natural Medicine.
Zlatica Solárová, M.P., PhD., The First Clinic of Acupuncture and Natural Medicine of G.Solar,ltd.,Bratislava

3.45p.m.– 4.15p.m. Interdisciplinary Cooperation– What We Know about the EvolutionofLife.
Ing. Juraj Solár, The First Clinic of Acupuncture and Natural Medicine of G.Solar, ltd., Bratislava

4.15p.m.– 4.45p.m. Discussion

4.45p.m.– 5.00p.m. Break

5.00p.m.– 6.00p.m. SectionIII

Working chair: E.Kutejová, Z.Solárová, Z.Šimová

5.00p.m.– 5.20p.m. Stress Response of the Cell.
Ing. Eva Kutejová, CSc., Dep. Biochemistry and Structural Biology, Institute of Molecular Biology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava

5.20p.m.– 5.40p.m. Genetics vs. Epigenetics.
Mgr. Zuzana Šimová, PhD., Dep. of Membrane Biochemistry, Institute of Animal Biochemistry and Genetics, Slovak Academy of Sciences

5.40p.m.– 6.00p.m. Discussion

6.00p.m.– 6.30p.m. Biodermal Threads and Their Use in the Treatment of the Pain.
ACARE s.r.o.

Saturday, October17th 2015

9.00a.m.– 10.15a.m. SectionIV

Working chair: B.Hučko, S.Sázelová, M.Miklošová

9.00a.m.– 9.25a.m. The Modelling in the Acupuncture.
Teodor Mochnáč, M.D., PhD., AKUPUNKTUM, Centre of Acupuncture and Diabetic Foot, Nitra

9.25a.m.– 9.50a.m. Thermal Effect of Electro-Acupuncture.
Associate Prof., Dipl. Ing. Branislav Hučko, PhD., Dean of FME STU, Bratislava, Ing.MichalČekan,PhD., Ing. Lukáš Šoltés, Ing. František Horvát, Ing. Tomáš Kováč, FMESTU,Bratislava

9.50a.m.– 10.15a.m. Discussion

10.15a.m.– 10.30a.m. Break

10.30a.m.– 1.00p.m. SectionV

Working chair: U.K. Musin, T.Mochnáč, J.Hruška

10.30a.m.– 11.30a.m. The Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of Farmacopuncture by Biomaterial ALLOPLANT.
Prof. Ernst Rifgatovič Muldašev, M.D., DrSc., Prof. Rafik Fajazovič Galiachmetov, M.D., DrSc., Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center, Ufa, RussianFederation

11.30a.m.– 12.30a.m. ANew Way of a Therapy for Myoskeletal System Degenerative Diseases with Alloplant Technology.
Prof. Ulfat Kamilovič Musin, M.D., Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center, Ufa,RussianFederation

0.30p.m.– 1.00p.m. Discussion

1.00p.m.– 2.30p.m. Lunch

2.30p.m.– 4.00p.m. SectionVI

Working chair: V.Bella, D.Hurajová, J.Slobodníková

2.30p.m.– 2.50p.m. The Natural Medicine in Oncology.
Associate Prof. Vladimír Bella, M.D., PhD., Chairman of SEKCAMA (Senology Society), Chief of Clinic of Mamology department, St.Elisabeth Oncology institute, Bratislava

2.50p.m.– 3.10p.m. Possible Intersection between Mammological and AcupuncturalDiagnostic Process.
Associate Prof. Jana Slobodníková, M.D., CSc. h.Prof., Faculty of Health, KLVM, AlexanderDubcekUniversity of Trenčín

3.10p.m.– 3.30p.m. Endometriosis: Loss of the Feminity?
Ján Hruška, M.D., PhD., ZDRAVSTAR s.r.o., Gynaecological Clinic in Ružomberok

3.30p.m.– 3.50p.m. Discussion

3.50p.m.– 4.10p.m. The Middle Ear Inflammation and Homeopathy.
Daniela Hurajová, M.D., ORL Clinic HUDAMED s.r.o. Košice

4.10p.m.– 4.30p.m. The Levels of Intraocular Tension and the Acupuncture.
Magdaléna Miklošová, M.D., Eye Private Clinic, Galanta

4.30p.m.– 4.45p.m. Discussion

4.45p.m.– 5.00p.m. Break

5:00p.m.– 6.00p.m. SectionVII

Working chair: V.Gajdoš, F.Baliak, J.Brindza

5.00p.m.– 5.20p.m. Effect of Spatial, Temporal and Anthropogenic Factors on the MedicalEffect of Electromagnetic Fields.
Associate Prof. RNDr. Vojtech Gajdoš, CSc., RNDr. Kamil Rozimant, CSc., CommeniusUniversityBratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Geochemistry

5.20p.m.– 5.40p.m. Slope Deformations as an Important Geological Factor of the Environment and their Influence on Human.
Prof. RNDr. František Baliak, PhD., Mgr. Martin Brček, PhD., STU Bratislava, Civil Engineering, Department of Geotechnics

5.40p.m.– 6.00p.m. Plants for (Not)Improve Nutrition, Health and Quality of Life.
Associate Prof. Ing. Ján Brindza, CSc., Slovak University of Agriculture, InstituteofBiodiversityConservation and Biosecurity

6.00p.m.– 6.30p.m. Discussion

8.00p.m. Social evening event with dinner, music production, wine tasting and dancing

Sunday, October18th 2015

9.00a.m.– 10.25a.m. SectionVIII

Working chair: M.Čambal, P.Takáč, K.Bíliková

9.00a.m.– 9.20a.m. The Place of Larval Therapy in the Treatment of ChronicNon­HealingWounds.
Associate Prof. Marek Čambal, M.D., PhD., Mária Zemanová. M.D., 1st Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital, Commenius University, Bratislava, RNDr. PeterTakáč,CSc., Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Scientica, s.r.o., Bratislava, RNDr. Milan Kozánek, CSc., Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava

9.20a.m.– 9.40a.m. New Forms of Larval Therapy Application at the Treatment of ChronicNon-Healing Wounds.
Veronika Cígerová, M.D., Faculty of Medicine, Commenius University, Bratislava, Mgr.MáriaHabrmanová, Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, RNDr.PeterTakáč, CSc., Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Scientica,s.r.o., Bratislava

9.40a.m.– 10.00a.m. The Comparing of Efficiency of Slovak Medicinal and SlovakNatural„Bio“-Honey at Human Microbial Patogens.
Mária Zemanová, M.D., AssociateProf.MarekČambal, M.D., PhD., 1st Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital, Commenius University, Bratislava, RNDr.LíviaSlobodníková, CSc., Institute of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, CommeniusUniversity, Bratislava, M. Hodoško

10.00a.m.– 10.20a.m. How Honey Bees Do Transfer Nutritional Protiens to Antibiotics?
RNDr. Katarína Bíliková, PhD., Kiukuji Yamaguchi PhD., Associate Prof. Ing. Jozef Šimúth, DrSc., Dep. of Molecular Apidologie, a Branch of the Institute of Forest Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava

10.20a.m.– 10.35a.m. Break

10.35a.m.– 1.00p.m. SectionIX

Working chair: G.Solár, D.Krausová, M.Zemanová

10.35a.m.– 11.00a.m. Vertical Axis of the Pyramidal Model– Selected Relations and PossibleConnections.
Gustáv Solár, M.D., PhD., Ing. Juraj Solár, Zlatica Solárová, M.P., PhD., The First Clinic of Acupuncture and Natural Medicine of G.Solar, ltd., Bratislava

11.00a.m.– 11.20a.m. Principles, History and the First Experience of Bioresonance in the Acupunctural Praxis.
Daniela Krausová, M.D., Ambulance of Acupuncture Pollexs.r.o., Modra

11.20a.m.– 11.40a.m. The Connection of Orthodox and Heterodox Medicine in the GeneralPractioner Ambulance.
Soňa Sázelová, M.D., Martina Lehocká, M.D., BONNE SANTÉ s.r.o., Trenčín

11.40a.m.– 12.10a.m. Discussion

0.10p.m.– 0.45p.m. Panel discussion: Possibilities of Interdisciplinary Cooperation in NaturalMedicine.
moderator: Gustáv Solár, M.D., PhD.

0.45p.m.– 1.00p.m. Closing ceremony of Congress

the second information