The By-Laws and General Rules, Regulations and Requirements may be altered, amended or repealed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Association membership present at the February meeting, in which a quorum is present, providing a copy of all proposed amendments have been emailed to each team sponsor no later than ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which action is to be taken. February being the only time of year that changes to the By-Laws or General Rules, Regulations and Requirements can be made.
Sportsmanship ethics is the quality of responsible behavior characterized by a spirit of generosity and a genuine concern for opponents, officials and teammates. Players, cheerleaders, coaches and all spectators should realize you represent the association as does a member of a team. Therefore, you have an obligation to be a true sportsman, encouraging through this behavior the practice of good sportsmanship to others.
Recognizing good sportsmanship is more important than victory. By approving and applauding good team play and individual skill are outstanding examples of good sportsmanship.
Be modest in victory and gracious in defeat. Respect the judgement and integrity of the game officials.
Each member club will assume responsibility for the conduct of its coaches, players, club officials, cheerleaders and spectators. All acts of unsportsmanlike conduct, whether penalized by game officials or not, will be reported to the executive committee for investigation and such disciplinary action as it deems appropriate under the circumstances.
The NCHSAA as published for the current season as pertains to the limits of the Association will be binding on the Association with the expectations herein:
Admission to all pre-season games, regular season games, jamborees, cheerleading events, post-season games, playoff games and championship games will be $4.00 for adults and $2.00 for each student. Hosting clubs will retain receipts for regular season home games. The Association will retain all receipts for jamborees, cheerleading events, playoff games and championship games. This will be applied to Association expenses.
Termites, Mites and Midgets
Each club will be required to pay an annual fee to participate in conference play. The dues will be paid on or before the date of eligibility verification. Late membership dues will result in a $50.00 fine.
Emergency and Security
Each hosting team will provide the emergency staff and security. These must be present before the games start.
Filming and Videotaping
Filming and videotaping of games by non-participating clubs is considered unsportsmanlike conduct and is subject to penalties unless agreed upon by the competing teams. Filming or videotaping of games by non-participating clubs without the consent of the competing teams will result in a fine. The fine for the 1st offense will be $200.00; 2nd offense will be a $500.00 fine; 3rd offense will be a $500.00 fine and forfeiture of all rights to post-season play and/or competition for team involved.
WNCYFCA will make new badges each year. Each club will receive a maximum of forty (40) each year. All additional coaches, board members, etc. must pay for entry. These badges should be given to football and cheerleading coaches/sponsors. Passes are good for all regular season games and conference events only in which the coaches/sponsors have a participating team.
A temporary one (1) day pass will be issued for entry into one (1) jamboree. Forty (40) one (1) day passes will be given to each league. These passes will be taken and kept at the gate upon entry. Passes will be distributed at the June meeting.
Rule Books
One (1) copy each of the NCHSAA football rule book and cheerleading spirit book will be purchased by the Association for each organization. These rule books should be presented to the club football presidents and the club cheer commissioners.
- The Association will carry a liability insurance policy to cover all officers, members and coaches.
- Each club will carry a liability insurance policy to cover its club members. Mascots must be covered in the correct age group.
- Proof of insurance with coverage for the entire season must be placed in club books before the first scheduled weigh-in.
Jewelry/Medic Alert/Hair Accessories
Hair Accessories, glitter and make up are at the discretion of the individual leagues. Safety should be ensured.
Jewelry for cheerleading will be the individual organizations discretion and responsibility to ensure the safety in regards to jewelry and hair accessories.
Exception to this rule is that no earrings for cheerleaders may be worn that extend below the earlobe.
Jewelry for football is not allowed other than medical alert purposes.
Summer Camps
- Summer Camps must be advertised and open to everyone. A copy of the advertisements must be submitted to the Division Football Commissioner (east/west) or the Division Cheer Commissioner (east/west). Failure to submit copies of advertisements will result in a $100.00 fine.
- Football summer camps are allowed without contact and no equipment. Football camps cannot exceed five (5) days. Each organization will be allowed to host one (1) five (5) day football camp per year.
- Cheerleading summer camps are allowed. Cheerleading camps cannot exceed five (5) days for each camp. Each organization will be allowed to host two (2) five (5) day cheerleading camps per year.
- Any additional type of club sponsored activity will be considered as an illegal practice. The penalty for an illegal practice is a $200.00 fine to the organization plus forfeiture of all rights to post-season playoffs/competitions for the individual team (football or cheer) and respective level of play (i.e., termite, mite, or midget level) that committed the offense.
Football/Cheerleading Tryouts
- Football try-outs are to be conducted with no equipment on players. No contact will be allowed.
- Tee Shirts, shoes, shorts and head gear (optional) are the required attire.
- Football try-outs are not to exceed 2 days. Division football commissioners must be notified one week prior to the beginning of try-outs.
- Violation of the try-out rules will result in a $300.00 fine.
- Cheerleading try-outs are not to exceed 5 days. The division cheerleading commissioner must be notified one week prior to beginning try-outs. Violation of the try-out will result in a $300.00 fine.
- Pre-Season practice may begin on the twentieth (20) day of July prior to the first scheduled regular season game for all teams.
- Conditioning for the first (1) three (3) days will be required. No contact is allowed. T-Shirt, shoes and shorts are required attire. Head gear will be optional only with no other pads. Violation of the three (3) day conditioning will result in a $300.00 fine.
- Contact practice with the proper equipment will begin after the third (3) day of conditioning.
- All new players are required to go through three (3) days of conditioning before contact practice is allowed.
- Precautions must be taken to prevent heat related problems in hot weather. Water should be made available in unlimited amounts throughout the practice in hot weather. Water breaks are recommended every 20 minutes.
- All practice sessions, pre-season or during the regular playing season after August 20th will be limited to no more than seven and ½ (7 ½) hours per week. Breaks are to be included in practice time.
- Eight (8) hours of practice, including breaks, will be allowed during the week preceding the following events:
- East and West Cheerleading Competitions
- Cheerleading Championship (East and West)
- Football playoffs
- Division championship
- Conference championship
- Illegal practices will result in a $200.00 fine to the organization plus forfeiture of all rights to post-season playoffs/competitions for the individual team (football or cheer) and respective level of play (i.e, termite, mite or midget level) that committed the offense.
Teams that refuse their placement and/or trophies will be fined for unsportsmanlike conduct.
- Cheerleading trophies – The Association will be responsible for furnishing trophies or medals for 1st – 9th places at each cheerleading competition (East and West). 1st – 4th will be placement awards. 5th – 9th will be participation awards.
- Awards for 1st and 4th will be presented at cheerleading championship.
- Cheer Head Coach will be given a larger trophy and Assistant Coaches listed on the official roster will be given an identical award as the cheerleaders.
- Football awards – The Association will be responsible for furnishing trophies or medals for 1st – 6th place for end of season placement. End-of-season placement awards will be presented at the beginning of the playoffs.
- 1st and 2nd place football awards will be presented for each Division Championship.
- 1st and 2nd place football awards will be presented for Association Conference Championship.
- The Head Football coach will be given a larger trophy and Assistant Coaches listed on the official roster will be given an identical award as the football players.
Challenge Trophies
- A cheerleading challenge trophy will be purchased yearly and awarded at the Cheerleading Championship to the organization having the most teams to place in the top four (4) places. Should a tie occur between teams, the total of the scores from championship only will be added and the organization with the highest total will be awarded the Challenge trophy. Should a tie occur in the total scores between two or more organizations a Challenge trophy will be presented to the leagues as soon as a duplicate trophy is received by the WNCYFCA executive committee.
- A football challenge trophy will be purchased yearly and will be given to the organization having the most combined (termite, mite, midget) points. One point will be given for each win for regular season, conference games, playoff games, division championship games and Association championship games. The trophy will be presented at the Championship game.
Conference Events Assignments
Jamborees, cheerleading competitions, playoff games and division championship games will be determined by assignments agreeable by the Association in alphabetical rotation.
Organizations not hosting an event (because of lack of events to be assigned) will be given first choice the following year (excluding football and cheer championships).
Football championship games will be assigned and alternated each year between divisions in alphabetical order. The selected site will be subject to approval by the executive committee to insure proper facilities and management adequate for championship games. If an organization declines as host for the championship games, the organization will be eligible again in the order of assignment.
Cheerleading championship will be assigned and alternated each year between the division in reverse alphabetical order. The selected site will be subject to approval by the executive committee to insure proper facilities and management adequate for cheerleading championship. If an organization declines as host for the cheerleading championship the organization will be eligible again in the order of assignment.
- The executive committee will draft a master schedule for the season to include each member team.
- Each member team will play every other team in its division.
- All games will be played at the time and place specified unless re-scheduled to a more convenient time by the consent of both league presidents and with the approval of the Association President.
- The booking agent will have the responsibility of scheduling at least three (3) certified officials namely a referee, an umpire, and a head linesman for each game.
- These three officials must be actively certified by a high school or college conference.
- No official on the field shall be a member of the immediate family of the participating players.
- At every game the officials must keep the time on the field or a certified official to operate the clock.
- If a certified official is not operating the clock, the host team will have a responsible adult over the age of 18 to run the field clock.
- No one under the age of 18 is to operate the field clock.
- Home teams must provide the stop watch for the officials.
- Both Presidents must agree to start any game without the minimum of three (3) officials and sign the game result sheet with this consent.
- Each official will be graded his/her officiating by both teams playing and this will be submitted to the booking agent or state board.
Restraining Barriers
- At all games, there shall be restraining barriers on both sides of the field. These barriers will run the entire length of the field and should be at least five (5) yards from the sidelines.
- The restraining barrier should be in the form of a fence. If this is not possible, a cable or strong rope may be used, with the exception of the playoffs and championship games.
- No one is permitted within these barriers except coaches, players, and persons officially connected with the game.
- Fighting – Teams involved in fighting before, during or after games will result in a $400.00 fine plus forfeiture of the game and probation for teams involved for one (1) year, and such other penalties as may be imposed by executive committee.
- Unsportsmanlike Conduct – Coaches, cheerleaders, players and spectators, including but not limited to anyone on the sidelines of a game, such disciplinary actions as the executive committee deems appropriate under the circumstances including, but not limited to, suspension or expulsion from the Association as a whole.
- Sportsmanship/Ejection – Players, Coaches, Cheerleaders and Spectators including, but not limited to anyone on the sidelines of a game, who are ejected from any game for any reason, will be reported to the executive committee to determine the severity of offense, could receive the following:
- Reprimand for the first (1st) offense and suspension from the next game.
- Placed on probation and suspended for the next two (2) games on the second offense.
- Suspended for one (1) year for the third (3rd) offense.
- Further penalties could apply and be appropriate. The executive committee will decide the severity of the punishment.
Coach Certification
A. All clubs must have a minimum of 5 years clean, no felonies, background check on drug charges, domestic violence and sex registry for coaches. Lifetime ban on sex offenders and child abuse/molestation against children.
B. Each head coach and at least one assistant coach from each team (Termites, Mites and Midgets) will be required to take the on-line test Concussion in Sports – What you need to know. Once the test is taken, the certificate of completion must be placed in the club books to be presented at weigh-ins.
Weight -Loss Enhancements
- Weight-Loss enhancements are absolutely forbidden.
- Absolutely no weight-loss enhancements are permitted to be worn at any time by any child.
- There will be no exceptions to the wearing of any weight-loss enhancements by anyone.
- Weight-loss enhancements are defined as rubber, vinyl, plastic or anything of like materials which are used for quick weight loss. This is to include Epsom salt baths which remove body fluid.
- Every president and coach will be required to sign, at the first weigh-in, a wavier concerning the use of weight-loss enhancements.
- Use of weight-loss enhancements for quick weight loss will result in a $1000.00 fine plus the entire Association being placed on probation for a period of one (1) year and forfeiture of all rights to post-season playoffs and bowl games and such other penalties as may be imposed by the executive committee.
Eligibility – Participation Requirements
Any youth meeting the requirements as to age, weight and scholastic achievement as set forth in the by-laws will be eligible to compete in conference play. A player or cheerleader who participated at the middle school level of play, may participate at the youth level if they sign-up before the first (1st) weigh-in/official roster check in the current year. Football player ARE NOT ALLOWED to participate at the youth level and the middle school level at the same time. Cheerleaders MAY PARTICIPATE at both the youth level and the middle school level and or equivalent levels of participation at the same time.
Uniform/ Jersey Changes
If a player changes a jersey number, it is the responsibility of the league president to notify their football commissioner (east/west) of the change so that changes may be made to the master weight roster. Failure to contact the football commissioner (east/west) of any changes will make the player ineligible and will fall into ineligible rules.
DivisionAgeWeight Limit
Mighty Mites / 5 and 6 year olds ONLY / 100 lbs.Termites / 7 and 8 year olds / 119 lbs.
Mites / 9 and 10 year olds / 134 lbs.
Midgets / 11. 12 and 13 year olds / 149 lbs.
Eligibility Requirements: