As part of your study routine, complete the following dot point summary from the core for Methodologies:
Define public knowledge:Define personal experience:
Distinguish between public knowledge and personal experience.
Define Micro world
Define Macro world
Explain how social and cultural literacy requires synthesis of personal experience and public knowledge of both micro and macro worlds.
List the characteristics of a socially and culturally literate person.
List the steps in social and cultural research:
Identify the ethics required fir social and cultural research:
Define primary research:
Examine the nature and characteristics of primary research
Give examples:
Suggest and justify suitable research topics
Define secondary research:
Examine the nature and characteristics of secondary research
Give examples:
Suggest and justify three suitable research topics.
Qualitative and quantitative methodologies:
Define Qualitative methodologies:
List qualitative methodologies:
Define Quantitative methodologies:
List quantitative methodologies
Distinguish between Qualitative and quantitative methodologies
Examine the characteristics of the following social and cultural research methodologies and techniques of research:
Methodology: / Characteristics / Advantages and disadvantages.Survey: uses different instruments such as observation, interview or a questionnaire.
Case study: collection of data through observation, interviews and documentary evidence.
Participant observation: researcher immerses in the action that is being researched. Data is collected by observer, quantitatively and qualitatively though researcher needs to be aware of bias.
Content analysis: study and interpretation of written and visual material.
Focus group: a small group discussion of 3 to 8 participants. Interview questions asked and recorded.
Action research: an informal, qualitative, interpretive, reflective and experimental methodology.
Interview:a set of questions – closed and/or open-ended for quantitative and qualitative results.
Questionnaire: an impersonal instrument suitable for a large group of people. Set of closed and open-ended questions.
Observation:watching and recording behaviours within a defined area.
Ethnographic study:direct observation and reflection of data from immersion within a group by the researcher. Observation, interview used.
Statistical analysis:examination of data to interpret meaning, make generalizations and extrapolate trends.
Also be able to differentiate( differences) between methodologies. The examiners are keen to find out how well you know the difference between methodologies. Complete the following as part of your revision.
survey and questionnairecase study and ethnographic study
Observation and participant observation
Content analysis and statistical analysis.
Focus group and interview.
Action research and participant observation.