Western MA Area Science & Sustainability Expo
May 5, 2012
9:00am – 1:00pm Greenfield Community College Dining Commons
Information on registration process:
1) Pre-register with this form & email to or
Preferred by March 15
2) Receive registration materials via email around March 20 -31
With available # tables/booths to you, # KidWind teams, guidelines, etc.
3) Confirm registration and email to or
Priority - by April 15 but may accept as space allows afterward
Educator or Parent Name:______
School/Organization & Level taught if applicable:______
Preferred Mailing Address:______
Town, State & Zip:______
Preferred Phone:______
1) Please indicate which aspect(s) of the event you plan to participate in, and
a brief description on the back if you would like. Estimate # exhibit tables & # teams you would like to have.
a. The Educators & Youth Showcase (Gr 4-12 Educators/Youth)
b. The Green Dollhouse Challenge (all ages) Go to
We can register you, but you can join the GDC forum and choose excellence award categories to strive for.
c. The KidWind Challenge (Gr 4 -12)Go to to register
& get materials.
Brief Guidelines to consider when planning-more details to come:
· All materials are “carry in carry out”
· Tables are 3ft x 3ft – you could put 2 together
· Number of exhibits spaces and teams that can compete in the turbine challenge could be limited per school/organization or individual
· Showcase is to exhibit & share science & sustainability educational projects
from educators working with youth – not to sell products or services
· No fire, flame, toxic chemicals, live animals, or any other
potentially unsafe or unethical exhibits.
· Its free to participate. Donations to GGEC, EnergyTeachers and KidWind are welcome but not required.