NAME: Debra Moody, Treasurer

DATE: 6/27/2016

Summary of Activity (include relationship to goal, bylaw or p&p, if applicable:

Total current assets for FY16 are $250,277.50 compared to $227,621.10 for FY15.

This is an increase of $22,656.40 (net operating income).

Income received for FY16 is $70,065.60 compared to $52,329.26 for FY2015.

This is an increase of $17,736.34.

Expenses as for FY16 are $47,409.20 compared to $44,015.57 for FY2015.

This is an increase of $3,393.63.

Net operating income for FY16 is $22,656.40 compared to $8,313.69 for FY15.

This is an increase of $14,342.71.

The following financial reports have been submitted as an attachment to this report:

1.  Balance Sheet

2.  Budget vs. Actual

3.  Profit and Loss

Action Items (New business or Unfinished business):

Payments Due

There are payments due from 2015-16 in Sponsorship packages, Membership, Workshops, and Conferences. Information will be provided to executive board for review.

2015-16 Sponsorship - $0.00

2015-16 Membership Individual – $375

2015-16 Membership Institutional - $0.00

2015 Fall Conference - $240

2016 Spring Conference - $2,848

TOTAL Due – $3,463

Members have been notified of outstanding fees due to AASFAA.

Quickbooks – Ann Campbell is listed as Master Administrator with Jay Powell and myself as Company Admin. Suggest that users are revised each year with Treasurer listed as Master Admin and Treasurer-elect as Company Admin. This change will ensure both the Treasurer and Treasurer-elect have access to subscription invoices, etc.

Quickbooks – a credit card has to be on file for the annual subscription charges. Currently Stephanie Miller’s card is on file which expires 6/30/2016. Suggest using President-elects card since this is the longest serving position with a credit card thus reducing the frequency of updating information.

Travel – Currently, the treasurer is unaware of travel expenses until the travel has occurred. It would be a more efficient process if a ‘travel request form’ is submitted prior to travel with pertinent information. (copy of draft form provided to Executive Board).

Recommendation - a travel request form submitted prior to travel. The request will notify the treasurer of upcoming expenses and assist/ensure that expenses are assigned to the correct budget line item and expedite the reimbursement process.

Policy & Procedure: Changes/ Updates/Recommendations:

Policy 10.5.1 General Travel Policies

Mileage – Currently, ‘the reimbursement rate is consistent with the mileage rate established for state employees’.

Recommendation- The reimbursement rate is established by and reviewed each year by the Executive Board.

6. Meals- ‘Meal expenses are reimbursable at a per diem rate established by the Board, except in cases where meals are provided to members as a group. For fractional portions of the day, the rate of reimbursement shall be prorated as outlined on the AASFAA Travel Expense/Reimbursement Form approved each year by the Executive Board'.

Currently the ‘AASFAA Travel Expense/Reimbursement Form does not outline the rate of reimbursement.

Recommendation-outline the established travel reimbursement rates on travel reimbursement form.